11126 Repositories
Safe Unix shell-like parameter expansion/variable substitution via cross-platform CLI or Rust API
Safe Unix shell-like parameter expansion/variable substitution for those who need a more powerful alternative to envsubst but don't want to resort to
Using OpenAI Codex's "davinci-edit" Model for Gradual Type Inference
OpenTau: Using OpenAI Codex for Gradual Type Inference Current implementation is focused on TypeScript Python implementation comes next Requirements r
Rust CLI utility library. Error handling, status reporting, and exit codes.
narrate This library provides CLI application error and status reporting utilities. The coloured output formatting aims to be similar to Cargo. Error
ate - it paginates and navigates
ate is a terminal pager that parses terminal hyperlinks and lets you search, move between, and open them. It navigates in addition to paginating. Whil
WASM runtime for Deku and Michelson-to-WASM compiler
Tuna This repository has two different projects, a plugable VM for running WASM contracts on Deku and a Michelson to WASM compiler which also has some
A port of `java.util.*SummaryStatistics` as a Redis Module
RedisNumbersStats RedisNumbersStats is a Redis module that implements a Redis version of the Java Util *SummaryStatistics classes, such as DoubleSumma
Yet another sort crate, porting Golang sort package to Rust.
IndexSort IndexSort Yet another sort crate (in place), porting Golang's standard sort package to Rust. Installation [dependencies] indexsort = "0.1.0"
A toy-level BLE peripheral stack
bleps - A toy-level BLE peripheral stack This is a BLE peripheral stack in Rust. (no-std / no-alloc) To use it you need an implementation of embedded-
OpenEMC: open embedded management controller
OpenEMC OpenEMC is an open-source firmware implementing an embedded management controller (EMC) on an STM32F1 microcontroller. It consists of a bootlo
Plain Rust wrapper of Ableton Link's C 11 extension
rusty_link rusty_link is a Rust wrapper of abl_link, which is a C 11 extension for Ableton Link, provided by Ableton. This library attempts to be most
A safe, fast, lightweight embeddable scripting language written in Rust.
Bud (budlang) A safe, fast, lightweight embeddable scripting language written in Rust. WARNING: This crate is not anywhere near being ready to publish
The parser library to parse messages from crypto-crawler.
crypto-msg-parser The parser library to parse messages from crypto-crawler. Architecture crypto-msg-parser is the parser library to parse messages fro
A plugin system for the Rhai embedded scripting language.
Rhai Dylib This crate exposes a simple API to load dylib Rust crates in a Rhai engine using Rhai modules. 🚧 This is a work in progress, the API is su
Bullet Force launcher and MITM-based hax
BulletForceHaxV2 This repository holds a launcher and MITM-based cheat for Bullet Force. It allows you both a convenient way to launch the game withou
Simple rust library for NFT metadata w/ an easy server
NFT Server Simple rust lib for NFT Metadata, and a basic axum server for delivering it $ cargo build $ cargo clippy $ cargo run --bin example Usage I
CSGO demo parser for Python
CSGO demo parser for Python Demo parser for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Parser is used to collect data from replay files (".dem" files). The goa
An awesome CLI tool for effectively learning Rust and more. Project winner of the RustFi 2022 hackathon
rlrn An awesome CLI tool for effectively learning Rust and more Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequisites Installat
Remote-Archive is a utility for exploring remote archive files without downloading the entire contents of the archive.
[WIP] REMOTE-ARCHIVE Remote-Archive is a utility for exploring remote archive files without downloading the entire contents of the archive. The idea b
An experimental Dapr SDK in Rust. It is designed to run in WasmEdge applications.
Dapr SDK for WebAssembly Written in Rust, the dapr_sdk_wasi crate can be compiled into WebAssembly and runs in the WasmEdge Runtime. Introduction | Ho
An utility to help developers manage their emails, notes and tasks effectively
nitride An admin dashboard built on Vue.js, TypeScript, Rust, and PostgreSQL. See the User Interface source code here. Requirement Rust v1.63 or great
A lesson in Humility - or how a boy teaches himself a new programming language.
Learning Rust - A Lesson in Humility J. M. Barrie - Author of Peter Pan Life is a long lesson in humility... and so is learning Rust. I tried to teach
A barebones example of how to integrate OpenXR with wgpu (Vulkan-only)
wgpu-openxr-example a barebones example of how to integrate OpenXR with wgpu (Vulkan-only) It has four modes: cargo run --no-default-features: desktop
A blazingly fast HTTP client with a magnificent request building syntax, made for humans.
🔗 glue Make requests, select JSON responses, nest them in other requests: A magnificent syntax for blazingly fast cli HTTP calls, made for humans. Ta
HackWasm Workshop Starter, Checkpoints and Instructions
Osmosis Swaprouter Worskhop This is a workshop for building an Osmosis Swap Router CosmWasm contract. The original contract repository is located here
hashmap macro for creating hashmap from provided key/value pairs
HashMap Macro Creates a HashMap from provided key/value pairs. Usage use std::collections::HashMap; use hashmap_macro::hashmap; let m: HashMap&str,
Move VM for the Cosmos SDK
NovaVM Move VM for the Cosmos SDK. It allows you to compile, initialize and execute Move smart contracts from Go applications, in particular from x/mo
An all-environment scripting library for interacting with CosmWasm smart-contracts.
BOOT Smart contract scripting library to ease CosmWasm smart contract deployment and testing. BOOT is inspired by terra-rust-api and uses cosmos-rust
The Ink! smart contract SDK for XVM interface
Ink! XVM SDK The Ink! smart contract SDK for XVM interface. This SDK contains contract wrappers and all middleware code to make XVM development easy.