Remote-Archive is a utility for exploring remote archive files without downloading the entire contents of the archive.
The idea behind it is to use the Range
HTTP header to read the entries' metadata and skip the content of the entries in the archive.
- Option for using custom offsets
- Specificing the thread count
- Option for downloading a specific file
- File types
- 7z
an example usage (exploring the zip file from the middle of it (450GB)):
$ cargo run -- --url 'http://foo.bar/a.zip' --offset=255194890075 --proxy socks5://
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890075..255194894171
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890078..255194890082
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890082..255194890100
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890100..255194890100
[src/main.rs:61] &entry = Ok(
Entry {
entry: EndOfCentralDir(
EndOfCentralDir {
disk_of_end_of_central_dir: 0,
disk_of_central_dir: 0,
num_central_dir_entries_on_disk: 1,
num_central_dir_entries_total: 1,
len_central_dir: 88,
ofs_central_dir: 11507406,
len_comment: 0,
comment: "",
range: 255194890078..255194890100,
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890100..255194890104
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890104..255194890130
[src/remote_file.rs:54] &range = 255194890130..255194890247
[src/main.rs:61] &entry = Ok(
Entry {
entry: LocalFile(
LocalFile {
header: LocalFileHeader {
version: 20,
flags: 2048,
compression_method: Deflated,
file_mod_time: 20964,
file_mod_date: 21694,
crc32: 2242091140,
len_body_compressed: 641317,
len_body_uncompressed: 664719,
len_filename: 117,
len_extra: 28,
filename: "Y.xlsx",
body: None,
range: 255194890100..255195531592,