11126 Repositories
Programming language that compiles into Scratch blocks (SB3).
Claw Hello, and welcome to my cool project! I've spent... at least a month on this, and it's still not finished! Feel free to check it out though. :D
MMDeploy bindings for Rust.
rust-mmdeploy-sys MMDeploy bindings for Rust. 🚧 THIS REPO IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Prerequisites NOTICE: Linux only. Onnxruntime only. In order t
A high performance/low-overhead OpenMetrics library for Rust
* * * EXPERIMENTAL * * * discreet-metrics A high-performance/low-overhead metrics library aiming to conform with OpenMetrics and to satisfy the follow
Basic Actix + Diesel + Postgres REST API
Actix-Crud Basic Actix + Diesel + Postgres REST API Setup Install and setup PostgreSQL Set DATABASE_URL environment variable or specify in .env file g
A security-focused telemetry agent written in Rust using eBPF.
Vesper A security-focused telemetry agent written in Rust using eBPF. Important: While public, this project is an educational endeavor and is not mean
Fast encoder/decoder for the lossless DTM 16 bit image format
DTM Image Format Fast encoder/decoder for the DTM image format. The DTM image format is a 16-bit lossless image format supporting one to four channels
🐵 Monkeytype, but for desktop
Monkeytype Desktop Monkeytype desktop is a desktop client for monkeytype.com with various quality-of-life features such as a Discord Rich Presence. Yo
A Rust library that implements the main lightning logic of the lipa wallet app.
lipa-lightning-lib (3L) Warning This library is not production ready yet. Build Test Start Nigiri Bitcoin: nigiri start --ln The --ln flag is not stri
Macro for fast implementing serialize methods in serde::Serializer trait
impl_serialize! This library provides a simple procedural macro for fast implementing serialize methods in serde::Serializer trait. [dependencies] imp
Easy access of struct fields in strings using different/custom pre/postfix: "Hello, {field}" in rust
Easy access to struct fields in strings 🐠 add strung to the dependencies in the Cargo.toml: [dependencies] strung = "0.1.3" 🦀 use/import everything
A little command-line script written in Rust to interface with Discord webhooks.
Rust Discord Webhook Agent This is a little "script" I wrote for practice with Rust and asynchronous operations within Rust. Getting started Clone thi
A SCALE-compatible collection of bits
scale-bits · This small utility crate provides two separate things: A Bits type that can be SCALE encoded and decoded, and is fully SCALE compatible w
Get the latest torrents from mixtapetorrent.com
MixtapeTorrent CLI This is a command line interface and Rust library for MixtapeTorrent. Installation Simply run: $ cargo install mixtapetorrent macOS
Command-line interface to Microsoft To Do
⚠ This is a hackathon project with no official support or quality guarantee Hackathon 2022 tdi The command-line interface, for some, is the natural wa
Simple, performant graph generator for Feynman diagrams* ⚛️
Feynman diagram generator ⚛️ A simple generator of "Feynman diagram" permutations (as defined by problem 781). Incrementally builds isomorphically uni
A render-backend independant egui backend for sdl2
A Sdl2 + Egui Backend An egui backend for sdl2 unbound to any renderer-backend. You can include it like so: [dependencies] egui_sdl2_platform = "0.1.0
The Rank-Biased Centroids (RBC) rank fusion method to combine multiple-rankings of objects.
Rank-Biased Centroids (RBC) The Rank-Biased Centroids (RBC) rank fusion method to combine multiple-rankings of objects. This code implements the RBC r
A Quoridor implementation in Rust, including different AIs
Quoridor in Rust Quoridor is a zero-sum strategic board game with complete information. It was initially designed by Marko Marchesi based on Blockade
Platform fighter, inspired by Super Smash Bros.
GUT CHAMPION Summary Gut Champion is a platformer fighter inspired by Super Smash Bros. The goal is to knock the enemy off stage. The more you hit you
A tool for BFS (Bugbear File System) archives
bfstool bfstool is a tool for BFS (Bugbear File System) archive creation, extraction and more. BFS archives are present in most games developed by Bug
A simple tool in Rust to split urls in their protocol, host, port, path and query parts.
rexturl A simple tool to split urls in their protocol, host, port, path and query parts. Install cargo install rexturl or clone the source code and r
A replit.com scraper, designed to grab discord tokens. Made in Rust.
Scraper A discord token scraper, designed to scrape forks from replit.com. This script uses the Graphql api on replit to essentially pull forks. Setup
hello-world geyser plugin to stream accounts and transactions from a solana node
src/lib.rs: entrypoint src/plugin.rs: main plugin code to run: cargo build && solana-test-validator -r --geyser-plugin-config config.json note: make s
⚡ An extremely fast cross-compatible system information tool.
Lightfetch A extremely fast command-line system information tool written in Rust ⚡ . Gallery Sadly there isn't much to showcase right now. Download Av
Yet Another Texture Packer - a small and simple CLI application to pack multiple textures/sprites into a texture atlas/sprite sheet
YATP (Yet Another Texture Packer) A small and simple CLI application to pack multiple textures/sprites into a texture atlas/sprite sheet. Installation
TicTacToe Gui game in rust.
TicTacToe Gui Game in rust Cross platform game using Macroquad - https://github.com/not-fl3/macroquad Planned to be Local and online multiplayer Quick
Decrypts/encrypts Judgment and Lost Judgment PC chara.par archives
yagami-decryption-agency Decrypts/encrypts Judgment and Lost Judgment PC chara.par archives Installation Download the latest release. Usage USAGE:
A complete imgui-rs example using dependencies only from crates.io.
Dear imgui-rs, hello. This is a fairly basic, but complete and standalone example application for the Rust version of dear imgui (https://github.com/o