A complete imgui-rs example using dependencies only from crates.io.


Dear imgui-rs,


This is a fairly basic, but complete and standalone example application for the Rust version of dear imgui (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui), imgui-rs (https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs/).

In contast to the monorepo examples provided with imgui-rs, all dependencies in this template are fetched from crates.io to help ensure a reproducible project setup and ease initial use for developers new to the crate.

For many more examples of imgui-rs API usage, see the main repo's imgui-examples crate corresponding to this repo's imgui-rs version, which should all work with this template (https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs/tree/v0.8.2/imgui-examples/examples).


The Blue Hydrangea theme that comes with this example.

Using it

To use this template, please click the Use this template button at the top of the GitHub project page to create a new repo.

You will need a Rust compiler (naturally) as well as a configured C++ compiler in order to build the C++ imgui backend. Assuming you have both of these configured and in your path, you should only need to run the app to see it working:

cargo run

Please let me know if you have any problems!


This borrows the boilerplate support module from imgui-rs/imgui-examples, with minor modifications to make it a bit easier to change the OS window size and background color when calling support::init().

  • Dialogs/Forms & Popups: The application itself in main.rs shows support for a "main window" (essentially the dialog interaction model common in many utilities), with a non-persistent State struct to store the application's data in memory. This window also uses a popup as a confirmation mechanism.

  • Document/View: There also is the beginning of a very basic Document/View setup with multiple "document" windows (File > New).

  • Styles: Finally, you can trigger the imgui default style editor window to modify the style as desired. To permanently apply the style, click Export in the style editor with Only modifed colors unchecked. This will put the C++ code for the theme onto your system clipboard, which you can paste and modify to match the syntax in main.rs.

  • The imgui-rs example main menu bar is included as a reference for how to create complex menus. On the File menu the New command will create a "document", and Toggle Style Editor will show the built-in imgui style editor window.

Renderer and Support Modules

This example only works with imgui-glium-renderer and imgui-winit-support. Other renderers and support modules are not currently planned to be added but contributions in the form of PRs are accepted.

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