11126 Repositories
A fast python geohash library created by wrapping rust.
Pygeohash-Fast A Fast geohasher for python. Created by wrapping the rust geohash crate with pyo3. Huge shout out to the georust community :) Currently
Helps you keep track of time for team members across different time zones & DST changes
Teamdate Helps you keep track of time for team members across different timezones and other daylight saving changes based off their location. Because
Motoko concrete syntax parser in Rust.
motoko.rs Motoko concrete syntax parser and dynamic evaluator (VM) in Rust. Motoko VM The Motoko VM explores a more dynamic way for Motoko to execute.
A hoptastic game. Joint project with Spicy Lobster.
Hoppy A Gamercade game. A WIP Game based on Jump 'n Bump and Super Mario War. The game rom .gcrom can be played using the Gamercade console The editor
Simple, thread-safe, counter based progress logging
🦫 proglog Documentation Crates.io This is a simple, thread-safe, count-based, progress logger. Synopsis proglog hooks into your existing log implemen
JackTheBox allows for client & server modifications to s&box independent of the current gamemode
JackTheBox allows for client & server modifications to s&box independent of the current gamemode (or even in the absence of a gamemode).
Manage light-weight sandbox environments for development
Cubicle development container manager Cubicle is a program to manage containers or sandbox environments. It is intended for isolating development envi
Yet another lightweight and easy to use HTTP(S) server
Raptor Web server Raptor is a HTTP server written in Rust with aims to use as little memory as possible and an easy configuration. It is built on top
Bind the Prisma ORM query engine to any programming language you like ❤️
Prisma Query Engine C API Bind the Prisma ORM query engine to any programming language you like ❤️ Features Rust bindings for the C API Static link li
(An attempt to write) a modal text editor
kaka (An attempt to write) a modal text editor. NOTE: The project is very young and certainly not ready for use. Current project goals keymap and mode
Explore interesting Pisano Period visualisations.
Pisano Explore interesting Pisano Period visualisations. About Pisano lets you explore different visualizations of Pisano periods, repeating integer s
Small command-line tool to switch monitor inputs from command line
swmon Small command-line tool to switch monitor inputs from command line Installation git clone https://github.com/cr1901/swmon cargo install --path .
Failed experiment in downloading random cat image, turning it into ascii and displaying it in Neovim.
cat.nvim Failed experiment in downloading random cat image, turning it into ascii and displaying it in Neovim. Failed as I realized far too late, that
Rust crate for creating filters with DirectX shaders. Includes Scale, Color conversion using DirectX api.
DxFilter Scale and ColorConversion done with DirectX filters. You can also create your own filters with the provided api. Crate contains various tools
DEF CON 30 Version of the PACMAN Attack ("PACMAN II")
The PACMAN Attack PACMAN except in rust! Experiments Experiments are launched from src/main.rs. You can uncomment the experiment you'd like to run in
Firmware, application and documentation for the hackathon
eclipsecon-2022-hackathon WORK IN PROGRESS This repository contains software, firmware and documentation for the EclipseCon 2022 hackathon. Bluetooth
WIP GUI for NixOS documentation + configuration
nixos-druid Highly experimental GUI for NixOS. For now I expect to frequently make large changes and break stuff whenever I'm working on this. Screens
Run a command in loop.
♾️ loop Run a command in loop, nothing else. USAGE: loop [OPTIONS] CMD... ARGS: CMD... Command to execute OPTIONS: -d, --delay d
WireGuard gateway with SNI for portable connectivity.
Gateway This is a daemon that controls gateway servers. Gateway servers are servers that fulfil three major purposes: facilitating connectivity betwee
Rust template repository.
Rust template repository. An opinionated starting point for rust projects such as systemd services command line tools client programs server programs
Object Notation Programming Language?
You may have questions ONLang - Object Notation Language (jsON) VSCode extension - OnLang 1. God, what the f**** is this ONLang is an experimental, es
🌋 A very lightweight wrapper around the Vulkan Memory Allocator 🦀
🌋 vk-mem-alloc-rs A very lightweight wrapper around the Vulkan Memory Allocator 🦀 [dependencies] vk-mem-alloc = "0.1.1" Simple Vulkan Memory Allocat
Hot-reload template for Rust
This is a template for cargo-generate. Use with cargo generate rksm/rust-hot-reload. {{project-name}} A workflow for quick feedback while writing Rust
The fastest way to get / set DDC values for a monitor
A simple tool suitable for adjusting external monitor's brightness. Much faster than ddcutil, still faster than ddcset which enumerates all monitors.
Clipboard Capture for Linux, it can capture the contents of clipboard (or primary selection)
Clipboard Capture for Linux, it can capture the contents of clipboard (or primary selection), as it changes when the program is running and print it to stdout. You can also choose to run some command on each capture.
An opinionated, better system for spelling words in English.
ingLix / ˈɪŋ glɪʃ / English done right. An opinionated, better system for spelling words in English. Preamble Click to expand. The English language is
Implement Quicktime screen sharing part protocol.
Quicktime Screen sharing for iOS devices implement Quicktime part protocol. take screen record from iOS devices. Thank's for quicktime_video_hack full
Examples of how to use Rust with Serverless Framework, Lambda, API Gateway v1 and v2, SQS, GraphQL, etc
Rust Serverless Examples All examples live in their own directories: project: there is nothing here, just a simple cargo new project_name with a custo