Explore interesting Pisano Period visualisations.
Pisano lets you explore different visualizations of Pisano periods, repeating integer sequences closes related to Fibonacci numbers.
Pisano Periods are integer sequences derived by taking other integer sequences modulo some constant (
I made this while I was supposed to work on a talk. This is a procrastination project! There is much work left here, including bug fixes, adding new sequences, adding new visualizations etc. but let's hope for my talk's sake I will not implement these features! If you are interested in adding these, feel free to open a PR and I will be happy to merge it!
This project uses pnpm as its package manager and sveltekit as its frontend framework.
Once you have installed the dependencies with pnpm install
you can start the app in development mode:
pnpm dev
To create a production version of your app:
pnpm build