This repository contains software, firmware and documentation for the EclipseCon 2022 hackathon.
Bluetooth Mesh Gateway
The gateway
folder contains a Bluetooth Mesh gateway that can run on any Linux host with bluez, and forwards mesh model events to a Drogue Cloud instance.
BBC micro:bit firmware
The firmware
folder contains the micro:bit firmware that runs a Bluetooth Mesh node.
The Bluetooth Mesh models supported by the firmware are defined in MESHMODEL.
BBC micro:bit simulator
There are two simulators:
A mesh node simulator that runs on any Linux host with bluez, and simulates the exact same models as the micro:bit firmware and sends messages via the gateway.
A WASM-based simulator that sends messages directly to Drogue IoT, which can run in any browser. This can be used to prototype backend applications without needing to set up a mesh network. Note this this uses HTTP unlike the gateway which uses MQTT.
You can try the WASM-based simulator by entering in your browser, configure the parameters and press 'Run'.
Model conversion
The model-converter
folder contains a HTTP server which is invoked by Drogue Cloud for each sensor event, and will convert data from the Bluetooth Mesh model format to the JSON format described in MESHMODEL.
Digital twin
Should be there soon