11126 Repositories
A multi-connection TCP reverse proxy server and client.
tprox A multi-connection TCP reverse proxy. The tprox server is able to proxy multiple incoming connections to the tprox client over a single TCP conn
A CLI tool to convet Hex color code or RGB to color code, RGB, HSL and color name(if exists)
iro -色- A CLI tool to convert the hex color code or RGB to color code, RGB, HSL, color name(if exists, according to jonathantneal/color-names). Usage
PromQL Parser in Rust w/ native Node bindings
⚙️ promql-parser-js PromQL parsing wasm module based on Rust crate promql-rs Status Experiemental, don't use it! Install npm install @qxip/promql-pars
wireguard tool to manage / generate configuration. Maintain one yaml configuration file to quickly build wireguard network.
wgx wireguard tool to manage / generate configuration. Maintain one yaml configuration file to quickly build wireguard network. Usage wgx --h USAGE:
Rust app that creates cli quiz for you!
quizer rust app that creates cli quiz for you! Installation Download binary release or build from source using cargo Make binary executable chmod +x /
A budget PLC-like board for controlling 24V DC equipment.
Poppy Logic Controller The Poppy Logic Controller is a budget PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Importantly, it is only an I/O board without any PL
A very basic "clone" of Reddit's r/place written in Rust using warp
r(usty)/place A very basic "clone" of r/place written in Rust using warp. Instead of rendering the image on the client side, the image is encoded as P
Non-volatile, distributed file cache backed by content-addressed storage
blobnet A low-latency file server that responds to requests for chunks of file data. This acts as a non-volatile, over-the-network content cache. Inte
esp-serial-dbg - debugging of esp-hal based applications via serial
esp-serial-dbg - debugging of esp-hal based applications via serial About This is still work in progress! At least the contained examples should work
A simple calculator, Rust implemention.
Calc A simple calculator. Usage If the name of the binary is calculator, To calculate: $ calculator -c EXPRESSION # or $ calculator --calc EXPRESSI
Storage metadata service.
Storage API This projects hosts the storage metadata API, a backend component which hosts metadata for storage snapshots, the actual data is housed in
XLite - query Excel (.xlsx, .xls) and Open Document spreadsheets (.ods) as SQLite virtual tables
XLite - query Excel (.xlsx, .xls) and Open Document spreadsheets (.ods) as SQLite virtual tables XLite is a SQLite extension written in Rust. The main
My home baked Othello Bot. It is decent.
Othellotron My home baked Othello Bot. It is decent. Table of Contents Setup How do I play? How does it play? Project Structure Future Ideas License S
call rest api using rust + yew
Call Rest API With Rust and Yew: USA Weather Service API Open Data YEW Complete Tutorial YouTube Video https://youtu.be/dSJULWtd3y0 How to run trunk s
Calculate a player's skill level using Elo, DWZ, Ingo, TrueSkill, Glicko and Glicko-2 algorithms known from their usage in chess and online games.
skillratings Skillratings allows you to calculate the player's skill instantly in 1v1 matches or after tournaments/rating periods with a list of resul
The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard in Python
Hybrid PKE The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard in Python. hybrid_pke = hpke-rs ➕ PyO3 This library provides Python bindings to the hpke-r
Open-Source Gamestreaming SDK
RhinoStream SDK OpenSource AppStream SDK aims to be (or GameStream) equivalent of FFMpeg or GStreamer aimed for use by developers. Stats for 2560x1440
A simple Telegram bot that eats anonymous channel messages, written in Rust.
tgbot-nochanmsg By Asuna Right Control When creating your bot from botfather, it's not bad to disable privacy mode, because it needs to access the mes
DSP real time audio synthesis, effect algorithms and utilities for Rust
synfx-dsp synfx-dsp DSP real time audio synthesis, effect algorithms and utilities for Rust Most of the algorithms and implementations in this library
rsautogui aims to be a cross-platform GUI automation rust crate.
rsautogui rsautogui aims to be a cross-platform GUI automation rust crate. It lets you control the mouse and keyboard to automate interactions with ot
LL Cool Twitch Tools
LL Cool Twitch Tools Hit me up on my twitch channel This project is a playground twitch API playground for me.
A PackageJson struct for your rust code.
📦️ package_json_schema Load a package.json file as a PackageJson struct. Why? You want to load a package.json file and interact with it as a struct.
An IRC (RFC1459) parser and formatter, built in Rust.
ircparser An IRC (RFC1459) parser and formatter, built in Rust. ircparser should work on basically any Rust version, but the earliest version checked
Delete useless GitHub repositories easily.
delete-unused-repo Delete useless GitHub repositories easily. Demo del-unused-repo.mp4 Usage Warning You are responsible for your own actions, this is
Python bindings for akinator-rs using pyo3
Akinator-py python bindings for akinator-rs using pyo3 Installation Prebuilt wheels are uploaded onto pypi, if you platform is supported, you can inst
🤖 Discord bot used @okp4 to bridge the Dataverse!
🤖 Discord bot Discord bot used @okp4 to bridge the Dataverse! ✨ Purpose This project is a Discord bot mainly intended to be used for the OKP4 Discord
A simple url checker for finding fraud url(s) or nearest url
urlchecker A simple url checker for finding fraud url(s) or nearest url while being fast (threading) Eg:- use std::collections::HashMap; use urlchecke
A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust 🦀
A Rusty CHIP-8 Emulator CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language, developed by Joseph Weisbecker. It was initially used on the COSMAC VIP and Tel