11126 Repositories
convert CHAIN format to PAF format
convert CHAIN format to PAF format
A command line tool for easily generating multiple versions of a configuration file from a single template
MultiConf A command line tool for easily generating multiple versions of a configuration file from a single template. Why? I'm a big fan of the i3 win
Artifact collection tool for *nix systems
fennec is an artifact collection tool written in Rust to be used during incident response on *nix based systems. fennec allows you to write a configuration file that contains how to collect artifacts.
A simple, single threaded and minimalistic port checker
A simple, single threaded and minimalistic port checker
An asynchronous API client for a light installation at the University of Kiel
An asynchronous API client for a light installation at the University of Kiel
Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture.
🧬 Martinez 🧬 Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture. Why run Martinez? Look at
Benson Box built on Substrate for a world UNcorporated.
Benson Box built on Substrate. For getting started and technical guides, please refer to the Benson Wiki.
A cross-platform launcher for Fish Fight 🐠
Fish Fight Launcher A cross-platform launcher for Fish Fight. Features Install and launch (via GUI/CLI) Auto updates Mod management Download See avail
TinyUF2 flash unlocker for STM32F411 (easily adaptable to other STM32F4xx)
TinyUF2 flash unlocker for STM32F411 (easily adaptable to other STM32F4xx) This small program is meant to unlock the first 2 (=32kb) flash sectors tha
This is a command line port of the game Wordle in Rust
Wordle.rs Welcome to Wordle.rs! This is a command line port of the game Wordle in Rust. I built this in order to get more familiar with programming in
Ocular seeks to be the preferred cosmos client library UX for Rust projects
Ocular seeks to be the preferred cosmos client library UX for Rust projects. It is strongly based on lens, a go client library for blockchains built with the Cosmos SDK.
AUR external package builder
AUR Build Server Goal This project aims to provide an external package making server based on any PKGBUILD based project. Right now it pulls AUR packa
Rust implementation for parsing StarCraft .chk files.
bwmap Rust implementation for parsing StarCraft .chk files. bounding.net uses this library to parse StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War maps and store
Support `use` in procmacros hygienically
Use statements in quote! Description Macro to simplify using Types in the quote! macro. Usage The quote_use! macro can be used just like quote!, but w
computed data's hash by webAssembly
wasm-hasher computed data's hash by webAssembly support md5,sha1,sha2-224,sha2-356,sha2-384,sha2-512,sha3-224,sha3-256,sha3-384,sha3-512,china-sm3 typ
Tool for mass import of hosts into Zabbix (and other API functions)
zabbix-tools A CLI tool for interacting with Zabbix API built in Rust. Designed for Zabbix 6.0. Functions added to test API and add hosts manually or
installer for project brunch (by sebanc)
Brunch-installer Installer for brunch (made by sebanc) This was made in an attempt to simplify the installation process of chromeos using project brun
A neural network model that can approximate any non-linear function by using the random search algorithm for the optimization of the loss function.
random_search A neural network model that can approximate any non-linear function by using the random search algorithm for the optimization of the los
A digital audio workstation for all platforms that is libre, gratis, and awesome
🎹 Dawsome [WIP] A DAW build on React + Rust + WASM Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: pnpm dev Tauri will open a new window wit
A simple code for checking crate 'prost' on WebAssembly (🦀 + 🕸️ = 💖)
rust-wasm-prost This repository is a simple code for checking crate 'prost' on WebAssembly ( 🦀 + 🕸️ = 💖 ). What is prost? prost is a Protocol Buffe
Lightweight proxy that allows redirect HTTP(S) traffic through a proxy.
Proxyswarm Proxyswarm is a lightweight proxy that allows redirect HTTP(S) traffic through a proxy. WARNING: This app isn't recomended for download lar
Lisp interpreter that might be fast someday maybe?
ehlisp Pronunciation I'm not really sure. Maybe like an incorrect pronunciation of "ellipse", like "ellisp"? Also maybe like "a lisp". I named it this
A tool to identify related SSL keys, CSRs, and certificates.
⛓ sslchains A tool to identify related SSL keys, CSRs, and certificates. Usage Default Display Mode Run with any number of path arguments to define th
A simple clone of reddit r/place
Run First install rustup with instructions on Rustup. Then run it: cargo run Endpoints There is two endpoints, one for getting canvas and the other fo
Garden monitoring system using m328p and m2560 Arduino Uno boards
Garden monitoring system using m328p and m2560 Arduino Uno boards. 100% Rust [no_std] using the avr hardware abstraction layer (avr-hal)
Encrypt your files in cow language 🐄
Cow-encryptor Encrypt your files in cow language 🐮 Installation 📦 Arch Linux 🐧 cow-encryptor is in the AUR yay -S cow-encryptor Other 🪟 🐧 With ma
🦀🚀🔥 A blazingly fast and memory-efficient implementation of `if err != nil` 🔥🚀🦀
🦀🚀🔥 A blazingly fast and memory-efficient implementation of `if err != nil` 🔥🚀🦀