photofinish - a little, handy tool to replay events
This tiny CLI tool aims to fulfill the need to replay some events and get fixtures.
Photofinish reads a .photofinish.toml
file in the current working directory and:
- It outputs the fixture sets in the TOML file;
- It issues POST requests against the endpoint we give (default:
) with the content of the fixture files as request body.
$ photofinish help
photofinish 1.0.0
photofinish [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list list available event sets
run injects a specific set of events
Example of [first-test-scenario]
files = [
directories = ["target"]
files = [
"third file",
"How do I run a fixture set?"
$ photofinish run first-test-scenario
Successfully POSTed file: ../../test/fixtures/discovery/host/expected_published_host_discovery.json
Successfully POSTed file: ../../test/fixtures/discovery/sap_system/sap_system_discovery_application.json
Successfully POSTed file: ../../test/fixtures/discovery/subscriptions/expected_published_subscriptions_discovery.json