Host These Things Please - a basic http server for hosting a folder fast and simply


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Host These Things Please - a basic HTTP server for hosting a folder fast and simply

Selected features

See the manpage for full list.

  • Symlinks followed by default (disableable via -s option)
  • Index generation for directories
  • Sane defaults (like hosted dir (.) and port (first free one from range 8000-9999))
  • Correct MIME type for served files
  • Handled request methods: OPTIONS, GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD and TRACE ("writing" methods are off by default, enable via -w switch)
  • Proper handling of percent-encoded URLs (like асдф fdsa)
  • Good symlink handling compatible with Windows
  • Multitude of information in directory indices
  • Serving index files like index.{html,htm,shtml} from directories (disableable via -i switch)
  • Drag&Drop to upload files (with -w specified)
  • Smart encoding of generated and filesystem-originating responses (disableable via -e switch)
  • Full Range header support
  • Hosting with an (optional) optionally autogenerated TLS certificate
  • Arbitrarily nested username/password authentication
  • Per-request bandwidth cap
  • Per-extension-overridable MIME-types with reasonable guesses
  • WebDAV/RFC2518 support, tested with the Linux davfs2 helper, Windows network filesystem support (out-of-box), and the Total Commander WebDAV plugin
  • RFSAPI support (format spec) (explorable from commandline with D'Oh)



If you have cargo installed (you're a Rust developer) all you need to do is:

cargo install https

Which will install http and httplz (identical, disable one or another if they clash) in the folder where all other binaries go.

If, however, you're not a Rust developer, but you have sh-like shell, you can use an installer (works on Windows and Linux):

curl -SsL | sh
# or, if you like taking precautions
sh -c "$(curl -SsL"

You can change the installation directory by setting the PREFIX environment variable (default - /usr/bin):

PREFIX=$HOME/bin curl -SsL | sh
# Windows:
set PREFIX=D:\Akces
curl -SsL | sh

If you're on a Debian-based amd64 machine, you can also grab a .deb package from the latest release page.

If you're on Windows and prefer a more guided installation (or you don't have a shell), you can download the Windows installer from the latest release's page. (Note: you can add /D INSTALLDIR to installer command line to change the installation directory.)


The idea is to make a program that can compile down to a simple binary that can be used via Linux CLI to quickly take the current directory and serve it over HTTP. Everything should have sensible defaults such that you do not have to pass parameters like what port to use.

  • Sub directories would be automatically hosted.
  • Symlinks will not be followed by default (in my opinion, this is more likely to be a problem than an intended thing).
  • Root should not be required.
  • If an index file isn't provided, one will be generated (in memory, no touching the disk, why would you do that you dirty freak you), that will list the current files and folders (and then sub directories will have index files generated as required)
  • Changes made to files should be reflected instantly, as I don't see why anything would be cached... you request a file, a file will be looked for

It's not going to be a 'production ready' tool, it's a quick and dirty way of hosting a folder, so whilst I'll try to make it secure, it is not going to be a serious goal.

  • Larger, highlighted, click target for opening folders/files

    Larger, highlighted, click target for opening folders/files

    Rather than just the text, for the file/folder name itself, the link should be of a larger html element so that there is more to click. It should also have a hover effect that highlights what you are over so it's clear

    opened by thecoshman 21
  • Installing with

    Installing with "cargo install" fails on Ubuntu

    cargo install https on Ubuntu gives me a

    error: failed to run custom build command for `openssl v0.9.24`                                     
    process didn't exit successfully: `/tmp/cargo-installbaFa52/release/build/openssl-28365257436483ab/build-script-build` (exit code: 101)
    --- stderr
    thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to detect OpenSSL version', /home/zelda/.cargo/registry/src/github.
    note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
    question external 
    opened by Apromixately 20
  • Support Range request header (Ability to stream videos from random positions)

    Support Range request header (Ability to stream videos from random positions)

    Feature request: Ability to stream videos from random positions in the middle.

    Expected behaviour

    • Share a directory containing a big(ish) video file;
    • Connect to the server with a browser (It should better be from a computer different than the one hosting the server to add some network latency);
    • Click the video name; The browser will start loading and displaying the video;
    • You will notice in the video progress-bar that the browser shows how much it has pre-fetched (downloaded);
    • Jump (by clicking/tapping in the progress-bar) to a position in the video that is not loaded yet;
    • The browser should start displaying the video from that position.

    Observed behaviour

    Jumping to the middle doesn't work with and without the -e flag. I tested it in my mobile's Firefox with a >2h video. It can't jump to positions that are not loaded:

    • I can jump to positions in the video that was already loaded or pre-fetched by firefox. This is always the case with small files and when I use Firefox from the same laptop as the server since the file is ~instantly downloaded.
    • What I can't do is jump to a position which is not yet loaded. For example, when I open a 2hours long video, it starts from 0h00. if I try to jump to 1h00, it will fail to do so and it will jump instead to 1min xy seconds (or wherever the download is so far).

    From inspecting what http headers are sent when firefox tries to jump to a not-loaded position in this youtube video (the link should die soon), firefox sends few video-specific http-options, and the server responds respectively:

    1st Request
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
    Accept: video/webm,video/ogg,video/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,audio/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Range: bytes=7798784-
    DNT: 1
    Connection: keep-alive
    1st response
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=21234
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 7255085
    Content-Range: bytes 7798784-15053868/15053869
    Content-Type: video/mp4
    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:56:54 GMT
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:56:54 GMT
    Last-Modified: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 08:24:12 GMT
    Server: gvs 1.0
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    Middle request
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
    Accept: video/webm,video/ogg,video/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,audio/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Range: bytes=11075584-
    DNT: 1
    Connection: keep-alive
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=21214
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 3978285
    Content-Range: bytes 11075584-15053868/15053869
    Content-Type: video/mp4
    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:57:14 GMT
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:57:14 GMT
    Last-Modified: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 08:24:12 GMT
    Server: gvs 1.0
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    opened by NawfelBgh 17
  • x86_64-unknown-linux-musl build failed

    x86_64-unknown-linux-musl build failed


    mismatched type

    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> src/util/os/
    39 |             let ok = unsafe { ioctl(dev_file, BLKGETSIZE, &mut block_count as *mut c_ulong) } == 0;
       |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^ expected `i32`, found `u64`

    I change it to this:

    let ok = unsafe { ioctl(dev_file, BLKGETSIZE as i32, &mut block_count as *mut c_ulong) } == 0;

    can't find ssl/crypto

    = note: rust-lld: error: unable to find library -lssl
            rust-lld: error: unable to find library -lcrypto

    OS: CentOS 7.8 x86_64 I have installed the openssl-devel.x86_64 and openssl-static.x86_64 library. Compile Command:

    CC=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
    opened by zydxhs 15
  • Last modification time is shown in GMT+0 which is confusing

    Last modification time is shown in GMT+0 which is confusing

    Currently, last modification time is always displayed in GMT+0 which is a little confusing. I think that we should either:

    • Write "xx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx (GMT)" to clarify, or
    • Display time in the timezone of the client.
    opened by NawfelBgh 12
  • Authentication mechanism

    Authentication mechanism

    Some kind of authentication could be nice.

    My use case for this software is to allow people to get or upload a file on my LAN or with the internet. I would run the program just for a couple of minutes.

    In my case it would be cool to have http generate a random token (maybe with expiration if people run http 24/24).

    opened by bbigras 10
  • WASM files not being sent

    WASM files not being sent

    I have a folder with the following files

    • bootstrap.js
    • projectname_bg.js
    • projectname_bg.wasm
    • projectname_bg.wasm.d.ts
    • projectname.d.ts
    • projectname.js
    • index.html
    • index.js

    When I run http, it does start up a server and when you visit localhost:8000, it gives you the following files

    • index.html
    • bootstrap.js
    • projectname.js
    • index.js

    I do want those to be sent, this is good. It's not sending the .d.ts files, this is good. The probelm is it's not sending projectname_bg.wasm and projectname_bg.js. I understand it not sending projectname_bg.js, since it doesn't seemed to be called in anywhere. Idk why wasm-pack made it. But projectname_bg.wasm does get called in in projectname.js. The wasm file isn't being sent, and it should be.

    opened by zperk13 9
  • webpage not responding when there are thousands of files in a directory

    webpage not responding when there are thousands of files in a directory

    While other solutions (miniserve) works fine. Maybe related to there are too many "icons" on the page (in httplz each line has some image icons).

    Test on firefox, chromium and vivaldi on linux.

    opened by NOBLES5E 9
  • Port scan

    Port scan

    If the server can't secure the desired port, it should start to increment one at a time until it finds a free port to listen on. This can loop around from max port back to the lowest port that doesn't require privilege escalation. If it loops back to the starting port, it should print an error message and quit

    opened by thecoshman 9
  • Write URL to access server to console

    Write URL to access server to console

    Can you write an URL to access the server to the console during startup? Other local servers do that, for example Jekyll or wasm-pack test, and modern terminals support clicking on that URL to open a browser window.

    opened by starblue 8
  • Colour the log output

    Colour the log output

    Nice pretty colours are pretty and nice. Some sort of highlighting should be added. The different elements of the log messages should be highlighted individually. For ease of understand what is going on with the colours, they should be defined in one concise location

    opened by thecoshman 7
  • Cross-platform symlink

    Cross-platform symlink

    I couldn't figure out how cross-platform symlinks work. It states under features:

    Good symlink handling compatible with Windows

    I simply used ls -s, but the creates symlink only worked on Linux and MacOS. Using the usual shortcut creation on Windows, didn't work at all, not on Windows and, as expected, not on Linux or MacOS.

    Is there something I'm missing? I couldn't find documentation on it in any case.

    opened by daxpedda 12
  • Multiple dependencies with known security vulnerabilities

    Multiple dependencies with known security vulnerabilities

    Running cargo audit on the repository reports 4 known vulnerabilities in the dependency tree:

    Crate:         brotli-sys
    Version:       0.3.2
    Title:         Integer overflow in the bundled Brotli C library
    Date:          2021-12-20
    ID:            RUSTSEC-2021-0131
    Solution:      No safe upgrade is available!
    Dependency tree: 
    brotli-sys 0.3.2
    └── brotli2 0.3.2
        └── https 1.12.2
    Crate:         hyper
    Version:       0.10.16
    Title:         Integer overflow in `hyper`'s parsing of the `Transfer-Encoding` header leads to data loss
    Date:          2021-07-07
    ID:            RUSTSEC-2021-0079
    Solution:      Upgrade to >=0.14.10
    Dependency tree: 
    hyper 0.10.16
    ├── rfsapi 0.1.0
    │   └── https 1.12.2
    ├── iron 0.6.1
    │   └── https 1.12.2
    └── hyper-native-tls 0.3.0
        ├── iron 0.6.1
        └── https 1.12.2
    Crate:         hyper
    Version:       0.10.16
    Title:         Lenient `hyper` header parsing of `Content-Length` could allow request smuggling
    Date:          2021-07-07
    ID:            RUSTSEC-2021-0078
    Solution:      Upgrade to >=0.14.10
    Crate:         time
    Version:       0.1.43
    Title:         Potential segfault in the time crate
    Date:          2020-11-18
    ID:            RUSTSEC-2020-0071
    Solution:      Upgrade to >=0.2.23
    Dependency tree: 
    time 0.1.43
    ├── rfsapi 0.1.0
    │   └── https 1.12.2
    ├── hyper 0.10.16
    │   ├── rfsapi 0.1.0
    │   ├── iron 0.6.1
    │   │   └── https 1.12.2
    │   └── hyper-native-tls 0.3.0
    │       ├── iron 0.6.1
    │       └── https 1.12.2
    └── https 1.12.2
    error: 4 vulnerabilities found!
    opened by Shnatsel 2
  • Handle redirection

    Handle redirection


    Do you think it's possible to add a redirection option for a path/subpath ?


    http --redirect /some:http://localhost:4000

    Thanks, Marc-Antoine

    opened by MarcAntoine-Arnaud 5
  • Fancy CLI to show what's going on

    Fancy CLI to show what's going on

    Rather than just a scrolling log of what actions are requested... perhaps a swish console could be started that can show the status of things like what folder is being hosted, where temp files are, the progress of any ongoing transfers.

    This may be more than should be done in this project, perhaps a separate project can wrap this one to provide this console mode

    feature question 
    opened by thecoshman 1
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