Test bed for gtk-rs-core experiments

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GUI gobject

Rust GObject Experiments

class macro

mod obj {
    pub struct MyObj {
        #[property(get, set)]
        my_prop: std::cell::Cell<u64>,
    impl MyObj {
        fn abc(&self) {}

fn main() {
    let obj: MyObj = glib::Object::new(&[]).unwrap();

clone_block macro

fn main() {
    use glib::prelude::ObjectExt;

    let get_cell = {
        let cell = std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::Cell::new(50u32));

        // equivalent to glib_clone!(@weak-allow-none cell => ...)
        let get_cell = move |#[weak] cell| cell.map(|c| c.get()).unwrap_or(0);

        // arguments marked with #[weak] or #[strong] are passed implicitly
        assert_eq!(get_cell(), 100u32);
    assert_eq!(get_cell(), 0u32);

    let concat = {
        let refcell = std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::RefCell::new(String::from("Hello")));
        let obj: glib::Object = glib::Object::new(&[]).unwrap();
        let concat = move |#[strong] refcell, #[strong] obj, extra: &str| {
            format!("{} {} {}", refcell.borrow(), obj.type_().name(), extra)
        assert_eq!(concat("World"), "Hello GObject World");
    assert_eq!(concat("World"), "Goodbye GObject World");

    // other supported options

    // renaming:
    //     move |#[weak(self)] this| {}
    //     move |#[strong(self.mydata)] this| {}
    // default panic:
    //     move |#[weak(or_panic)] value| {}
    //     move |#[weak(self or_panic)] this| {}
    //     #[default_panic] move |#[weak(self)] this| {}
    // default return:
    //     move |#[weak(or_return)] value| {}
    //     move |#[weak(or_return 123)] value| {}
    //     move |#[weak(self or_return)] this| {}
    //     move |#[weak(self or_return 123)] this| {}
    //     #[default_return] move |#[weak(self)] this| {}
    //     #[default_return 123] move |#[weak(self)] this| {}
    // default alternative:
    //     move |#[weak(or 123)] value| {}
    //     move |#[weak(self.myvalue or 123)] value| {}
    // forcing an Option when another default is present:
    //     #[default_panic] move |#[weak(self)] this, #[weak(allow_none)] value| {}
    //     #[default_panic] move |#[weak(self)] this, #[weak(self.myvalue allow_none)] value| {}

    // equivalent to glib::closure!
    let add = #[closure] |a: i32, b: i32| a + b;
    assert_eq!(add.invoke::<i32>(&[&3i32, &7i32]), 10);

    let obj: glib::Object = glib::Object::new(&[]).unwrap();

    // equivalent to glib::closure_local!
    let closure = move |#[watch] obj| obj.type_().name().to_owned();
    assert_eq!(closure.invoke::<String>(&[]), "GObject");

    // strong and weak references work with closures too
    let get_cell = {
        let cell = std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::Cell::new(50u32));
        let get_cell = #[closure(local)] move |#[weak] cell| cell.map(|c| c.get()).unwrap_or(0);
        assert_eq!(get_cell.invoke::<u32>(&[]), 100);
    assert_eq!(get_cell.invoke::<u32>(&[]), 0);

    // rest parameters are supported as the last argument of closures
    let sum = #[closure] |x: i32, #[rest] rest: &[glib::Value]| -> i32 {
        x + rest.iter().map(|v| v.get::<i32>().unwrap()).sum::<i32>()
    assert_eq!(sum.invoke::<i32>(&[&10i32, &100i32, &1000i32]), 1110i32);

This repo also has a clone-blockify tool that attempts to convert Rust source files from glib::clone! and glib::closure! into the clone_block format.

  • Can't create a non-final subclass

    Can't create a non-final subclass

    When I try to create a non-final subclass, like #[gobject::class(extends(ObjAbstract))], it errors out: the trait 'ObjAbstractImpl' is not implemented for '____Object'. Am I missing something?

    opened by melix99 7
  • Allow having gobject's inner structs with limited visibility

    Allow having gobject's inner structs with limited visibility

    Currently it seems that the gobject structs need to be public, otherwise you get a crate-private type 'object::imp:Object' in public interface error. Is it possible to allow at least a pub(crate) visibility?

    opened by melix99 7
  • Can't disable widget action via

    Can't disable widget action via "action_set_enabled"

    Apparently the action_set_enabled method doesn't do anything for some reason. This can be tested by putting widget.action_set_enabled("my-widget.set-label", false); in this line of this test. The test will not fail, so the action is still enabled.

    Version: de4e5e90f0ea817e83cd7d2bd212d44302286d45.

    opened by melix99 5
  • Support non-optional getters for weak refs

    Support non-optional getters for weak refs

    I know that weak refs should return an Option ideally, but I have cases where I have e.g. an object A that has a strong ref of B, and the B object that has a weak ref of A, and since I know that B will exist as long as A exists, I just unwrap the A weak reference in B's getter.

    opened by melix99 4
  • Can't create a widget subclass with a virtual method

    Can't create a widget subclass with a virtual method

    use gtk4::subclass::prelude::WidgetImpl;
    #[gobject::class(abstract, extends(gtk4::Widget), parent_trait = "WidgetImpl")]
    mod obj {
        use super::WidgetImpl;
        pub(crate) struct CustomWidget {}
        impl CustomWidget {
            fn virtual_method(&self) {}
        impl WidgetImpl for CustomWidget {}
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `gtk4::Widget: ObjectSubclassIs` is not satisfied
     --> tests/gtk4_widget.rs:4:1
    4 | #[gobject::class(abstract, extends(gtk4::Widget), parent_trait = "WidgetImpl")]
      | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `ObjectSubclassIs` is not implemented for `gtk4::Widget`

    Removing the virtual method makes the above code compile just fine.

    opened by melix99 2
  • clone-blockify: Replace expressions based on LineColumn

    clone-blockify: Replace expressions based on LineColumn

    Currently the formatting and comments are messed up. Instead of rewriting the whole file, it needs to replace only the region in between .span().start() and .span().end()

    opened by jf2048 2
  • Let the user specify if they want a nullable object property or not

    Let the user specify if they want a nullable object property or not

    Currently it seems that if I use a RefCell<Option<glib::Object>> as a property, the macro will generate the relative getter and setter of the type Option<glib::Object> instead of what I wanted (just a glib::Object). Setting a custom getter and setter does not work because the macro still expects an Option. My suggestion is to add a sort of "nullable" macro attribute to let the user decide whether to have a nullable property or not.

    opened by melix99 2
  • Add a private method macro

    Add a private method macro

    Currently it doesn't seem possible to create a method that is only visible inside the gobject impl. This is needed to e.g. implement private methods that accesses the properties without needing to make them public.

    opened by melix99 2
  • `clone-blockify` macro: Preserve default

    `clone-blockify` macro: Preserve default

    clone-blockify currently modifies files like that.

    -        clone!(@weak button => @default-return Continue(false),
    -                    move |enable_button| {
    +        move |# [weak (or_return Continue (false))] button, enable_button| {

    I would have expected to preserve the default like this:

    -        clone!(@weak button => @default-return Continue(false),
    -                    move |enable_button| {
    +        #[default_return Continue (false)] move |# [weak] button, enable_button| {
    opened by Hofer-Julian 2
  • `clone_block` macro: Motivate different order in macro

    `clone_block` macro: Motivate different order in macro

    Currently this is the suggested order of arguments for closures with clone_block attributes:

    1. Cloned values
    2. Actual parameters of the final closure
    move |#[strong] refcell, #[strong] obj, extra: &str| {

    I suggest to reverse this:

    1. Actual parameters of the final closure
    2. Cloned values
    move |extra: &str, #[strong] refcell, #[strong] obj| {

    I like it more since these cloned values are the extra, that will be stripped away afterwards. People will have to take care that the original parameters fit the expected closure, so that's where there should be their focus

    opened by Hofer-Julian 2
  • `clone-blockify` removes comments

    `clone-blockify` removes comments

    clone-blockify removes comments. See for example here:

    diff --git a/book/listings/gobject_memory_management/3/main.rs b/book/listings/gobject_memory_management/3/main.rs
    index 712537c7705..bdcaff9338c 100644
    --- a/book/listings/gobject_memory_management/3/main.rs
    +++ b/book/listings/gobject_memory_management/3/main.rs
    @@ -1,25 +1,17 @@
    -use std::{cell::Cell, rc::Rc};
     use glib::clone;
     use gtk::prelude::*;
     use gtk::{self, ApplicationWindow, Button, Orientation};
     use gtk::{glib, Application};
    +use std::{cell::Cell, rc::Rc};
     fn main() {
    -    // Create a new application
         let app = Application::builder()
    -    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`
    -    // Run the application
     fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    -    // Create two buttons
         let button_increase = Button::builder()
    @@ -34,38 +26,26 @@ fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
         let number = Rc::new(Cell::new(0));
    -    // ANCHOR: callback
    -    // Connect callbacks
    -    // When a button is clicked, `number` and label of the other button will be changed
    -    button_increase.connect_clicked(clone!(@weak number, @strong button_decrease =>
    -        move |_| {
    +    button_increase.connect_clicked(
    +        move |#[weak(or_return)] number, #[strong] button_decrease, _| {
                 number.set(number.get() + 1);
    -    }));
    -    button_decrease.connect_clicked(clone!(@strong button_increase =>
    -        move |_| {
    -            number.set(number.get() - 1);
    -            button_increase.set_label(&number.get().to_string());
    -    }));
    -    // ANCHOR_END: callback
    -    // Add buttons to `gtk_box`
    +        },
    +    );
    +    button_decrease.connect_clicked(move |#[strong] button_increase, _| {
    +        number.set(number.get() - 1);
    +        button_increase.set_label(&number.get().to_string());
    +    });
         let gtk_box = gtk::Box::builder()
    -    // Create a window
         let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
             .title("My GTK App")
    -    // Present the window
    opened by Hofer-Julian 2
  • Get rid of the magic trait methods

    Get rid of the magic trait methods

    The class macro detects things like class_init and constructed by name and expects them to have the signature that matches ObjectSubclass, ObjectImpl, so it can copy them into the trait implementation. If you get the signature wrong you get some strange errors and rust-analyzer can't help you with autocomplete because it's not technically filling in a trait. Maybe there should just be a new trait that includes these methods that the macro can detect.

    opened by jf2048 0
  • Add a way to remap user property flags in users gobject_core

    Add a way to remap user property flags in users gobject_core

    For example in GStreamer we have specified some flags: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/gstreamer/gstparamspec.html?gi-language=c#constants

    Now in the gst::element proc macro we should be able to specify those flags directly like:

    mod impl {
         struct MyElement {
            #[property(get, set, mutable_ready, controllable)]
            uri: Mutex<String>,

    but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that cleanly.

    opened by thiblahute 1
  • Fix having several

    Fix having several "hand written" properties

    We were overflowing when calculating the "generated_prop_id", let it be negative when setting/getting a manually added property:

    thread 'object_inner_methods' panicked at 'attempt to subtract with overflow', /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/ops/arith.rs:240:1
    stack backtrace:
       0: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/std/src/panicking.rs:584:5
       1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/panicking.rs:142:14
       2: core::panicking::panic
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/panicking.rs:48:5
       3: <usize as core::ops::arith::Sub>::sub
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/ops/arith.rs:233:45
       4: <usize as core::ops::arith::Sub<&usize>>::sub
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/internal_macros.rs:61:17
       5: <object::obj_inner::ObjInner as glib::subclass::object::ObjectImpl>::property
                 at ./tests/object.rs:56:1
       6: glib::subclass::object::property
                 at /var/home/thiblahute/devel/misc/gtk-rs-core/glib/src/subclass/object.rs:80:13
       7: g_object_get_property
       8: <T as glib::object::ObjectExt>::try_property_value
                 at /var/home/thiblahute/devel/misc/gtk-rs-core/glib/src/object.rs:2515:13
       9: <T as glib::object::ObjectExt>::try_property
                 at /var/home/thiblahute/devel/misc/gtk-rs-core/glib/src/object.rs:2485:20
      10: <T as glib::object::ObjectExt>::property
                 at /var/home/thiblahute/devel/misc/gtk-rs-core/glib/src/object.rs:2493:9
      11: object::object_inner_methods
                 at ./tests/object.rs:134:16
      12: object::object_inner_methods::{{closure}}
                 at ./tests/object.rs:125:1
      13: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/ops/function.rs:248:5
      14: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
                 at /rustc/a8314ef7d0ec7b75c336af2c9857bfaf43002bfc/library/core/src/ops/function.rs:248:5
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
    opened by thiblahute 1
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