Highly customizable finder with high performance. Written in Rust and uses GTK

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GUI findex


Highly customizable finder with high performance. Written in Rust and uses GTK





  • Clone from https://aur.archlinux.org/findex.git

From source

  • Clone from https://aur.archlinux.org/findex-git.git

Now run makepkg -si


Make a release build using cargo build --release
Copy target/release/findex to /usr/bin/
Copy css/style.css to /opt/findex/


Customization can be done through the stylesheet located in ~/.config/findex/style.css. You only have to make sure that it's valid for gtk.

  • thread 'main' panicked

    thread 'main' panicked

    When I try to run it I just get this crash

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/query.rs:148:41
    stack backtrace:
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

    And if this is of any help with RUST_BACKTRACE=full

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/query.rs:148:41
    stack backtrace:
       0:     0x564cc34c616d - <unknown>
       1:     0x564cc344949c - <unknown>
       2:     0x564cc34c57d4 - <unknown>
       3:     0x564cc34c5613 - <unknown>
       4:     0x564cc34e4a56 - <unknown>
       5:     0x564cc34e49f6 - <unknown>
       6:     0x564cc34e49b2 - <unknown>
       7:     0x564cc3423530 - <unknown>
       8:     0x564cc342368c - <unknown>
       9:     0x564cc3460451 - <unknown>
      10:     0x564cc345d0d6 - <unknown>
      11:     0x564cc342b3f7 - <unknown>
      12:     0x564cc343148e - <unknown>
      13:     0x7f1dec3add8f - g_closure_invoke
      14:     0x7f1dec3c9718 - <unknown>
      15:     0x7f1dec3cadd9 - g_signal_emit_valist
      16:     0x7f1dec3cb330 - g_signal_emit
      17:     0x7f1deb843739 - <unknown>
      18:     0x7f1deb84e28a - g_application_run
      19:     0x564cc3434990 - <unknown>
      20:     0x564cc3431263 - <unknown>
      21:     0x564cc34336bd - <unknown>
      22:     0x7f1deb457b25 - __libc_start_main
      23:     0x564cc342805e - <unknown>
      24:                0x0 - <unknown>
    opened by tmayoff 12
  • Impossible Compile findex

    Impossible Compile findex

    Hi all i'm have always compiled findex successfully but now i see this error with the latest code downloaded from github:

    Compiling atk-sys v0.15.1 Compiling pango-sys v0.15.10 Compiling gtk-sys v0.15.3 Compiling glib v0.15.12 Compiling findex-plugin v0.1.0 (/app/findex/crates/findex-plugin) Compiling cairo-rs v0.15.12 Compiling pango v0.15.10 Compiling atk v0.15.1 Compiling gdk-pixbuf v0.15.11 Compiling gdk v0.15.4 Compiling findex v0.6.0 (/app/findex/crates/findex) error[E0658]: let...else statements are unstable --> crates/findex/src/gui/result_list_row.rs:95:5 | 95 | / let Some(cmd) = split(unsafe { row.data::("app-cmd").unwrap().as_ref() }) else { 96 | | show_dialog("Error", "Failed to launch application", MessageType::Error); 97 | | return; 98 | | }; | |______^ | = note: see issue #87335 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/87335 for more information

    For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0658. error: could not compile findex due to previous error

    How can i solve? Thanks best regards

    opened by dacorsa 11
  • Some assumptions don't hold on non-FHS distros

    Some assumptions don't hold on non-FHS distros


    I've tried to play a bit with Findex on NixOS (a non-FHS linux distribution), and hit two bugs:

    • query.rs:13 hardcodes /usr/share/applications/, which doesn't exist on Nix/Guix. I'm not sure what's the portable way to find this path, I suspect it's something like enumerating $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
    • The program crashes when an icon is missing in the current theme. This is probably an issue with my config, but crashing seems a bit of an extreme reaction :) (and such finders often are used in minimal setups, so missing icons will happen.


    opened by thblt 11
  • systemd unit unable to start properly

    systemd unit unable to start properly

    Hi, The current version installed using aur fails to boot under systemd:

    systemd[1187]: Started Findex.
    findex[14968]: [ERROR] Only X11 is supported
    systemd[1187]: findex.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    systemd[1187]: findex.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    systemd[1187]: Stopped Findex.

    The program works fine when ran manually or added to session startup.

    opened by TheAwoo 10
  • Added ability to remove in installer.sh

    Added ability to remove in installer.sh

    As per title. Please let me know if any changes should be done.

    PS: Decided on a different implementation for removing after looking at the code. There is no helpscreen (look at branch name)

    opened by chent7 6
  • Findex Rewrite

    Findex Rewrite

    Findex will be rewritten to support stuff like background process keeping information about .desktop files, custom search backends.

    Here's a list of what will be done:

    • [x] Make GUI . It'll use Keybinder to bind keys
    • [x] Find and fix performance issues

    ~All of the development will be done in rewrite branch.~ Merged rewrite with development.

    I'll update the issue to notify about the rewrite progress.

    opened by mdgaziur 5
  • settings.toml isn't working

    settings.toml isn't working

    .config/findex/settings.toml isn't auto generated and has no effect when manually created. only style.css is generated when launching findex.

    • Distro: Arch
    • Version: 0.4.0.-1
    opened by RaafatTurki 3
  • Tracking issue for fuzzy search

    Tracking issue for fuzzy search

    Trying to add fuzzy search into this application. Currently I am trying to use fuse-rust.

    Trying with default values. Any suggestions for getting better results?

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by mdgaziur 3
  • Automatically resize window when number of options is smaller than min_score

    Automatically resize window when number of options is smaller than min_score

    When the number of options is smaller than min_score, the window should be resized to accomodate only the number of options.


    Say your min_score is set to 5. If you search for "firefox" and it only shows 1 entry, then the window size should be such that only that entry fits. As it is, the window retains the size for the 5 entries.

    opened by qazip 2
  • More themes by default

    More themes by default

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I don't know if what I'm experiencing is a bug, but the findex with the default style.css doesn't look anything like the one in the README.

    Describe the solution you'd like Add more themes to style Findex

    opened by dumrich 2
  • Panics when there is a file without extension in `~/.local/share/applications`

    Panics when there is a file without extension in `~/.local/share/applications`

    Reason is here:


    (unwrapping empty extension)

    I'd suggest using something like walkdir or jwalk for easy iteration over looked for .desktop entries.

    Quick fix can be (checked with Rust 1.56):

            if app_path.extension().unwrap_or_default() != "desktop" {

    (sorry, too late right now to make a PR)

    opened by murlakatamenka 2
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