ABQ is a universal test runner that runs test suites in parallel. It’s the best tool for splitting test suites into parallel jobs locally or on CI

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Command-line abq


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ABQ is a universal test runner that runs test suites in parallel. It’s the best tool for splitting test suites into parallel jobs locally or on CI. ABQ is implemented in Rust with bindings available for several test frameworks.

To use ABQ, check out the documentation on getting started.


Here's a demo of running an RSpec test suite, and then using abq to run it in parallel. ABQ invokes any test command passed to it, so you can continue using your native test framework CLI with any arguments it supports.


Test Frameworks

:octocat: rwx-research/rspec-abq   :octocat: rwx-research/jest-abq   :octocat: rwx-research/playwright-abq   :octocat: rwx-research/pytest-abq

ABQ is currently compatible with

Open source sponsorship is available for anybody interested in implementing bindings for other test frameworks. Get in touch on discord or by emailing [email protected]


For notes on working on abq, see development.md

  • Revive manylinux builds, and drop mimalloc

    Revive manylinux builds, and drop mimalloc

    Builds development abq binaries on a succifiently-old glibc system, suitable for dynamic linking of newer glibcs on EC2 and Github Actions.

    Drops configuration of mimalloc as the global allocator. Instead, prefer the default system or libc allocator. By default, rustc will defer to the system allocator.

    opened by ayazhafiz 3
  • Persist results in s3

    Persist results in s3

    Implements persistence of results to a remote persistence task.

    Results are only persisted to a remote when

    • there are no pending results-persistence tasks left in the queue
    • the initial manifest is already complete

    This is to avoid starvation by way of continuously persisting to the remote.

    opened by ayazhafiz 2
  • Cancel runs if no progress is made in the manifest

    Cancel runs if no progress is made in the manifest

    Presently, active runs can reach a state where all associated workers die, and no progress is made on the test suite, but the test suite sticks around in the queue memory. Since such runs may not be returned to at all, we'd like to diminish the amount of pressure they might place on a running queue.

    This series of patches addresses the problem by running a job every hour that checks whether test runs have had any progress in their manifest. If either

    • there is no manifest associated with the run after an hour, or
    • no more items have been popped off the manifest since the last time progress was checked

    then the run will be cancelled. If progress has been made, or the run was already done, the run is left untouched. If progress has been made and the run is not yet done, a job to check the progress again later is re-enqueued.

    In the future, we'll likely want to adjust the behavior to not outright cancel a job, but to admit some way to re-launch the job from the last failure state.

    opened by ayazhafiz 2
  • Integrate dumping manifests to remote as part of manifest persistence

    Integrate dumping manifests to remote as part of manifest persistence

    Now, when a queue persists a manifest to local disk after the initial manifest has been handed out, it will also persist that manifest to a remote (if any).

    Needs #4 first.

    opened by ayazhafiz 2
  • Scaffold S3 remote persistence interface

    Scaffold S3 remote persistence interface

    The new RemotePersistence trait provides an interface for loading and storing files on in remote location. The present implementation includes one implementation of this interface for AWS's S3 service. The RemotePersistence trait will optionally back the file-based persisters of results and manifests.

    Support for S3 is added as a feature, so that folks self-compiling ABQ do not have to compile-in S3. By default, RWX will build ABQ binaries with support for S3.

    Note that the implementation adds a dependency on AWS's Rust SDK, which is presently a "developer preview" and not stable. However, anecdotal evidence suggests (1, 2) the dependency is usable. We also do not have much other choice with regards to AWS S3 clients.

    opened by ayazhafiz 2
  • Build releases as musl-only

    Build releases as musl-only

    ABQ queues can suffer high memory utilization when there are a high number of concurrent requests, which have large payload sizes, presumably due to the ephemeral nature of allocations and increased heap fragmentation. The best behavior for a synthetic, but pathological workload appears to be with a statically-linked musl build, using the default musl allocator.

    image image image image
    opened by ayazhafiz 1
  • manylinux build release jemalloc

    manylinux build release jemalloc

    • Build development binaries on manylinux containers
    • Drop all references to mimalloc
    • Build releases against manylinux builds as well
    • Install wget for typos as well
    • Update artifacts_dir
    • Add a missing comment
    • Use npm in cli tests over yarn
    • Fix doc comment
    • Build a release build of manylinux
    • Build jemalloc release
    opened by ayazhafiz 1
  • manylinux build release

    manylinux build release

    • Build development binaries on manylinux containers
    • Drop all references to mimalloc
    • Build releases against manylinux builds as well
    • Install wget for typos as well
    • Update artifacts_dir
    • Add a missing comment
    • Use npm in cli tests over yarn
    • Fix doc comment
    • Build a release build of manylinux
    opened by ayazhafiz 1
  • Add no-op and custom remote persisters, and their CLI interfaces

    Add no-op and custom remote persisters, and their CLI interfaces

    The CLI now supports two modes for remote persistence - either via a custom executable, or via configuring S3 for storage. If neither is specified, remote persistence will not be used.

    See individual commits for details. In a follow-up, these paths will begin to be exercised. For now, this is stubbed out to get a feel for the interface.

    opened by ayazhafiz 1
  • Dependency Dashboard

    Dependency Dashboard

    This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

    Awaiting Schedule

    These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.

    • [ ] Update 8BitJonny/gh-get-current-pr digest to 2215326
    • [ ] Update all non-major dependencies (clap, futures, mockito, moka, reqwest, ruby, rustls, serde, serde_derive, serde_json, syn, tempfile, tokio, tokio-rustls)
    • [ ] Update Rust crate serial_test to v2

    Detected dependencies

    • rspec undefined
    • rspec-abq undefined
    • serde 1.0.158
    • serde_derive 1.0.158
    • serde_json 1.0.94
    • rustls 0.20.8
    • rustls-pemfile 1.0.2
    • tokio 1.26.0
    • tokio-rustls 0.23.4
    • futures 0.3.27
    • parking_lot 0.12.1
    • moka 0.10.0
    • fnv 1.0.7
    • signal-hook 0.3.15
    • signal-hook-tokio 0.3.1
    • rand 0.8.5
    • rand_chacha 0.3.1
    • tracing 0.1.37
    • tracing-subscriber 0.3.16
    • tracing-appender 0.2.2
    • thiserror 1.0.40
    • anyhow 1.0.70
    • indoc 2.0.1
    • clap 4.1.13
    • atty 0.2.14
    • num_cpus 1.15.0
    • termcolor 1.2.0
    • indicatif 0.17.3
    • async-trait 0.1.68
    • static_assertions 1.1.0
    • derive_more 0.99.17
    • insta 1.29.0
    • paste 1.0.12
    • fs4 0.6.3
    • tempfile 3.4.0
    • tracing-test 0.2.4
    • ntest 0.9.0
    • serial_test 1.0.0
    • nix 0.26.2
    • regex 1.7.3
    • uuid 1.3.0
    • mimalloc 0.1.34
    • url 2.3.1
    • reqwest 0.11.15
    • mockito 1.0.1
    • syn 2.0.10
    • quote 1.0.26
    • syn 2.0.10
    • quote 1.0.26
    • flate2 1.0.25
    • junit-report 0.8.2
    • strip-ansi-escapes 0.1.1
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/upload-artifact v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • ruby/setup-ruby v1
    • actions/setup-node v3
    • actions/download-artifact v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • ruby/setup-ruby v1
    • actions/setup-node v3
    • actions/download-artifact v3
    • actions/upload-artifact v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/download-artifact v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • 8BitJonny/gh-get-current-pr v2.2.0@f4d16fd424adba1334de83b538f6cac7529d4683
    • thollander/actions-comment-pull-request v2.3.1@632cf9ce90574d125be56b5f3405cda41a84e2fd
    • actions/download-artifact v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/cache v3.3.1
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/cache v3.3.1
    • actions-rs/cargo v1.0.3
    • actions-rs/cargo v1.0.3
    • actions/setup-node v3
    • jest 29.5.0
    • @jest/core 29.5.0
    • jest-config 29.5.0
    • jest-runner 29.5.0
    • jest-circus 29.5.0
    • jest 29.5.0
    • @jest/core 29.5.0
    • jest-config 29.5.0
    • jest-runner 29.5.0
    • jest-circus 29.5.0
    • jest 29.5.0
    • @jest/core 29.5.0
    • jest-config 29.5.0
    • jest-runner 29.5.0
    • jest-circus 29.5.0
    • ruby 3.2.1

    • [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • v1.3.2(Apr 3, 2023)

    ABQ 1.3.2 includes bug fixes and improved output for abq test and abq report.

    • Failure detail is provided in abq report output.
    • Retried tests are listed in summary output.
    • Runner number is included in failed/retried test lists during abq test.
    • Worker number is included in failed/retried test lists during abq report.
    • Fix reporting of native runner failures that are later retried.
    • rwx-v1-json reporter counts native runner failures as otherErrors.
    • Manifest generation output suppressed when it's empty.
    • Document support for pytest.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.1(Apr 3, 2023)

    ABQ 1.3.1 is a patch release with several bug fixes.

    • ABQ now defaults to passing-through output from a test framework when abq test uses a single runner.
    • Retry banners are output when a native test runner is re-launched for ABQ retries.
    • ABQ's help menu is improved and usage patterns are clarified. References to the now-removed are elided.
    • abq report now streams large test results messages as smaller chunks.
    • The maximum-message-size restriction is lifted from intra-ABQ communication.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Apr 3, 2023)

    ABQ is a universal test runner for parallelizing your test suite. ABQ needs no custom configuration to integrate with your test suite, making integration as easy as installing an ABQ plugin and prepending abq test -- to your existing test command.

    ABQ works locally and on all CI providers. It’s the best tool for splitting test suites into parallel jobs in CI.

    Get started with ABQ at rwx.com/abq.

    Highlights of ABQ include:

    • Optimal parallelization of your test suite using ABQ's message queue strategy of distributing tests.
      • ABQ's distribution strategy is designed to minimize network overhead, even if the message queue is far away.
    • Parallelization of a test suite across any number of machines, with abq test --worker <worker number>.
    • Running multiple parallel test processes in one invocation of abq test via the -n CLI flag.
    • Automated retries of tests via the --retries flag to abq test.
    • Manual retries of abq test nodes, that retry only the tests they ran the first time around.
    • Test result reporting how you want it - ABQ won't interfere with your test framework's configured reporters.
      • ABQ also comes with standardized test result reporters, like --reporter dot, that can be used to enhance the reporters of your underlying test framework.
      • ABQ supports several structured reporters, like JUnit XML and RWX v1 JSON, so that you can export your test results in a machine-readable format without hassle.
    • Aggregation of test results from all abq test nodes via abq report.
    • ABQ is distributed as a standalone binary with all dependencies statically linked. All you need to run abq test, or self-host an ABQ queue, is to download the binary for your platform.
    • Seamless integration with Captain.

    This version of ABQ supports ABQ native runner protocol 0.2. 1.3.0 is the first public release of ABQ.

    Learn more about using ABQ at the docs.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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