Lazy Binary Serialization



Library name stands for Lazy Binary Serialization. We call it "lazy" because it does not serizalize/deserialize struct fields initialized with default values like 0, 0.0, "", Option::None, empty containers and so on. This simple technique makes LBS much faster than other binary serialization libraries when it comes to large structures.

LBS emerged from a highload project which demands very cheap deserialization of large structures (about 160 fields) where only some fields are explicitly filled and others are initialized with default values.

Why no serde?

Serde is great and convenient framework, but, being an additional layer between user's and serialization library's code, it incurs substantial performance penalty. Moreover, serde 1.0.125 still does not allow to use numeric values as field names (or identifiers) which is another performance penalty if we only want to serialize some fields and omit others.

Why not just use other libraries without serde?

Indeed, there are some binary serialization libraries out there which do not require serde. Good examples are speedy and borsh, but, unfortunately, they do not support conditional serialization - every field must be serialized/deserialized. There is also msgpack-rust (rmp) which does support conditional serialization as maps, but it is still not fast enough for our use case.

Format specification

LBS uses very simple, not self-describing format. Byte order is always little-endian.

Every struct field or enum variant is assigned with numeric ID (u16), either implicitly, using field/variant index, or explicitly, with lbs attribute.

Struct fields with default values are omitted during serialization/deserialization. Field may be explicitly ommited with lbs(omit) attribute.

During struct deserialization each field is initialized with default() method of it's type. Custom constructor may be explicitly defined with lbs_default attribute.

Type Omitted if Representation
() always void
u{8-128}, i{8-128}, f{32-64}, usize 0 as is
bool false u8
char '\0' u32
String / str is_empty() length (u32) + content ([u8])
std::time::Duration as_nanos() == 0 secs (u64) + subsec_nanos (u32)
std::time::SystemTime never as Duration since UNIX_EPOCH
std::net::ip::Ipv4Addr is_unspecified() u32
std::net::ip::Ipv6Addr is_unspecified() u128
std::net::ip::IpAddr is_unspecified() is v4 (u8) + u32 or u128
std::ops::Range<T> is_empty() start (T) + end (T)
Option<T> is_none() 0u8 or (1u8, T)
Box<T> / Rc<T> / Arc<T> / Cow<'a, T> T is omitted T
Vec<T> is_empty() length (u32) + content ([T])
HashMap<K, V> / BTreeMap<K, V> is_empty() length (u32) + content ([(K, V)])
HashSet<T> / BTreeSet<T> is_empty() length (u32) + content ([T])
chrono::DateTime (feature chrono) never secs (i64) + subsec_nanos (u32)
smallvec::SmallVec<T> (feature smallvec) is_empty() length (u32) + content ([T])
struct never field_count (u8) + field IDs and values ([(u8, T)])
enum never variant ID (u8) + optional value (T)
ipnet::IpNet is_unspecified() is v4 (u8) + u32 or u128

Third-party types coverage

Obviously it's impossible for library author to cover all possible types. Currently, the only way to enable LBS for some unsupported third-party type is to use New Type pattern and implement LBSWrite and LBSRead traits manually.


No unsafe code is used.


Format or API changes may be introduced until v1.0.0.

Minimal Rust Version


Benchmark results

Disclaimer. Never trust third-party benchmarks. Always make your own measurements using your specific data/workload/configuration/hardware.

Hardware: 2,6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 (12 vCPU), 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4

OS: MacOS Big Sur

Allocator: mimalloc, without encryption

Data: struct with 160 fields, mostly strings. Only 20 fields are initialized with non-default values. Other fields (with default values) are ommited by serde_json, rmp_serde and LBS (speedy does not allow this).

Library Serialization Deserialization Size when serialized
serde_json 823.87 ns 2.9540 us 606 bytes
rmp_serde 550.54 ns 2.3190 us 522 bytes
speedy 620.72 ns 1.2825 us 944 bytes
LBS 242.62 ns 683.75 ns 307 bytes


There are LBSWrite and LBSRead traits which implementations can be derived for structs and enums.

use bytes::{Buf, BufMut, Bytes, BytesMut};
use lbs::{LBSRead, LBSWrite};
use std::{
    collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet},
    net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr},
    time::{Duration, SystemTime},

// IDs for most fields are assigned explicitly, using #[lbs(<id>)] attribute.
// Other fields receive implicit IDs (member index).
#[derive(LBSWrite, LBSRead)]
struct SomeStruct<'a> {
    f0: u8,
    f1: u16,
    f2: u32,
    f3: u64,
    f4: usize,
    f5: u128,
    f6: i8,
    f7: i16,
    f8: i32,
    f9: i64,
    f10: f32,
    f11: f64,
    f12: (),
    f13: bool,
    f14: char,
    f15: String,
    f16: Duration,
    f17: SystemTime,
    f18: Ipv4Addr,
    f19: Ipv6Addr,
    f20: IpAddr,
    #[lbs_default(Range{start:0, end:0})]
    f21: Range<u64>,
    f22: Box<Vec<u64>>,
    f23: Rc<String>,
    f24: Arc<String>,
    f25: Arc<str>,
    f26: Cow<'a, str>,
    f27: Option<SystemTime>,
    f28: Vec<String>,
    f29: HashMap<String, u64>,
    f30: BTreeMap<u64, String>,
    f31: HashSet<String>,
    f32: BTreeSet<u64>,
    f33: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
    f34: smallvec::SmallVec<[i64; 4]>,
    f35: AnotherStruct,
    f36: SomeEnum,
    f37: bool,
    f38: ipnet::

// Field IDs are assigned implicitly, using their index
#[derive(LBSWrite, LBSRead, Default)]
struct AnotherStruct {
    id: String,
    done: bool,

// Variant IDs are assigned implicitly, using their index
#[derive(LBSWrite, LBSRead)]
enum SomeEnum {

impl Default for SomeEnum {
    fn default() -> Self {

fn usage() {
    let mut original = SomeStruct {
        f0: 0,
        f1: 1,
        f2: 2,
        f3: 3,
        f4: 4,
        f5: 5,
        f6: 0,
        f7: -1,
        f8: -2,
        f9: -3,
        f10: 0.0,
        f11: -3.14,
        f12: (),
        f13: true,
        f14: 'a',
        f15: String::from("test"),
        f16: Duration::from_millis(1000),
        f17: SystemTime::now(),
        f18: Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 1, 2),
        f19: Ipv6Addr::from_str("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334").unwrap(),
        f20: IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED),
        f21: Range { start: 0, end: 1 },
        f22: Box::new(vec![1, 2, 3]),
        f23: Rc::new(String::from("test_rc")),
        f24: Arc::new(String::from("test_arc")),
        f25: Arc::from("test_str_arc"),
        f26: Cow::Owned(String::from("test_cow")),
        f27: None,
        f28: Vec::new(),
        f29: HashMap::new(),
        f30: BTreeMap::new(),
        f31: HashSet::new(),
        f32: BTreeSet::new(),
        f33: chrono::Utc::now(),
        f34: smallvec::smallvec![0, 1],
        f35: AnotherStruct::default(),
        f36: SomeEnum::Three(String::from("test_enum")),
        f37: true,

    original.f29.insert(String::from("key1"), 1);
    original.f29.insert(String::from("key2"), 2);

    original.f30.insert(1, String::from("key1"));
    original.f30.insert(2, String::from("key2"));



    // Serialize
    let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(128);
    original.lbs_write(&mut buf).unwrap();

    // Deserialize
    let decoded = SomeStruct::lbs_read(&mut buf.as_slice()).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(decoded.f0, original.f0);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f1, original.f1);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f2, original.f2);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f3, original.f3);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f4, original.f4);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f5, original.f5);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f6, original.f6);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f7, original.f7);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f8, original.f8);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f9, original.f9);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f10, original.f10);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f11, original.f11);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f12, original.f12);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f13, original.f13);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f14, original.f14);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f15, original.f15);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f16, original.f16);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f17, original.f17);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f18, original.f18);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f19, original.f19);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f20, original.f20);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f21, original.f21);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f22, original.f22);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f23, original.f23);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f24, original.f24);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f25, original.f25);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f26, original.f26);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f27, original.f27);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f28, original.f28);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f29, original.f29);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f30, original.f30);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f31, original.f31);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f32, original.f32);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f33, original.f33);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f34, original.f34);
    assert_eq!(decoded.f35.done, original.f35.done);

    if let SomeEnum::Three(s) = decoded.f36 {
        assert_eq!(s, "test_enum")
    } else {
        panic!("not SomeEnum::Three")

    assert_eq!(decoded.f37, false);

fn usage_batch() {
    let o1 = AnotherStruct {
        id: "1".to_string(),
        done: false,

    let o2 = AnotherStruct {
        id: "2".to_string(),
        done: true,

    // Serialize batch
    let batch = BytesMut::new();
    let mut w = batch.writer();
    o1.lbs_write(&mut w).unwrap();
    o2.lbs_write(&mut w).unwrap();

    // Deserialize batch
    let batch = w.into_inner();
    let mut r = batch.reader();
    let mut decoded = Vec::new();

    while r.get_ref().has_remaining() {
        decoded.push(AnotherStruct::lbs_read(&mut r).unwrap());

    assert_eq!(decoded.len(), 2);
    assert_eq!(decoded[0].done, o1.done);
    assert_eq!(decoded[1].done, o2.done);
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