🔈 Elegant print for lazy devs



🔈 Elegant print for lazy devs


Workflow status Latest version

Make your CLIs nicer with minimal effort. Simple wrapper on top of:

Do not use this crate in libraries! You should use the log one instead. Visit this section of the book Command line apps in Rust if you want to learn more about this topic.


With cargo-edit installed run:

cargo add leg


📝 Please visit tests and full documentation if you want to learn the details.

use leg::*;
use async_std::{eprint, eprintln};

async fn main() {
    head("leg", Some("🔈"), Some("1.0.0")).await;
    info("Informational message", None, None).await;
    success("Successful operation", None, None).await;
    warn("Warn message", None, None).await;
    error("Error message", None, None).await;
    wait("Waiting for something", None, None).await;
    done("Something finished", None, None).await;

    info("Informational message with scope", Some("myscope"), None).await;
    info("Informational message without new line", None, Some(false)).await;
    eprintln!(" => same line").await;

    eprint!("Not shown").await;

    result("To standard output").await;
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