This is a simple barebones re-imagining of LiveSplit + autosplitter for SNES (sd2snes/fxpak + qusb2snes or SNI). It's named for the phylum of segmented worms, because segments.
It currently only supports Super Metroid, but other SNES games could be easily added. The Super Metroid support is based on SuperMetroid.asl.
It's written in Rust using egui
. This means it should work on Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, I've only tested it on Linux.
You will need qusb2snes or SNI so that the autosplitter can read the SNES memory (console or emulator). Beyond that, it should build and run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Getting Started
The easiest way to get Annelid is to download a release build for your OS: Releases
Once you have Annelid running, you can right-click to import a layout and splits from LiveSplit. Then use the Autosplitter editor to create an autosplitter logic that matches your splits.
You'll need to install Rust. I recommend using rustup. Once you have the rust toolchain installed, clone this repository, and then type:
cargo build --release
If the build is successful, you can run it with:
cargo run --release
If you see the message:
Error: "No devices present"
That means you need to turn on your SNES and make sure that qusb2snes is connected to it.
- Settings editor. A tree view with checkboxes should work pretty well for configuring autosplit behavior.
- Named settings that can be saved/loaded
- Right-click menu for:
- Settings editor
- Save/Load splits and settings
- Way to select your usb2snes server
- Toggle for latency display
- Keybindings for skipping a split, undo, pausing, and stopping. Whatever livesplit supports.
- Make sure the logic for starting a new run starts from a fresh snes state
- Implement comparisons
- Fix the horizontal sizing, currently hard coded
- Allow it to start up without a connection and stay running when the connection dies
- Do something to avoid refiring splits in the case of reset or death mid run.
Cross compiling
For Windows
sudo xbps-install -Su cross-x86_64-w64-mingw32
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
wine ./target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/debug/annelid.exe
For macOS
This fails because it needs all the Apple frameworks and there is currently no way to test it from linux. So cross compiling to macOS effectively doesn't work yet.
However, it may still be useful to list the target in case those things change.
rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
cargo build --target x86_64-apple-darwin