Command-line Pomodoro Timer



Command-line Pomodoro Timer written in Rust

Pomosh is a command-line pomodoro timer written in Rust that (supposedly) help you focus on your task. If you didn't know already, the name pomosh is a mixture of these two terms: pomodoro and shell.

Pomodoro technique?

Here are the basic steps of the pomodoro technique:

  1. Decide the task to focus on.
  2. Set the timer (typically 25 minutes).
  3. Work on the task.
  4. Take a short break when the timer goes off (typically 5-10 minutes).
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4.
  6. After four pomodoro sessions, take a long break (typically 20-30 minutes). After the long break, you can choose a new task to work on or continue with the same task and repeat from step 2.

Typical pomodoro intervals are 25/5 (25 minutes on, 5 minutes off), and 50/10.


Build from source

First, install rustup to get the rust compiler using curl -sSf | sh -s. Then,

$ git clone
$ cd pomosh
$ cargo build --release

$ ./target/release/pomosh


$ brew tap img9417/pomosh
$ brew install pomosh

To update, run

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade pomosh


Usage: pomosh [OPTIONS]

  -p, --preset <1|2>  Preset pomodoro (focus/break/long break): 1) 25/5/10, 2) 50/10/20
  -s, --style <1|2>   Configure timer text font
                       1) Univers (*default)
                       2) Yuanqing
  -m, --mute          Disable session/break complete chime
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version

You can run the command pomosh to configure the focus, short break, and long break durations.

Focus duration (5-90 minutes): 50
Short break duration (5-90 minutes): 10
Long break duration (5-90 minutes): 20

Before your session starts, you can double check your configuration.

Focus duration: 60 mins
Break duration: 10 mins
Long Break duration: 20 mins
Chime: enabled
Start the session? (y/N): Y


pomosh comes with two preset configurations (Focus duration / Short break / Long break):

  1. 25/5/10
  2. 50/10/20

If you want to run one of the presets, use --preset=<OPTION>.

$ pomosh --preset=1 # runs 25/5/10
$ pomosh --preset=2 # runs 50/10/20


You can use --style=<1|2> flag to configure different text styles for the timer.


$ pomosh # default style

$ pomosh --style=1 # same as above


$ pomosh --style=2


The chime is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, pass --mute option.

$ pomosh --mute

$ pomosh --preset=1 --mute # runs the 25/5/10 preset with no chime

When the session begins, you'll see these notations at the top:

📕 â—ģ â—ģ â—ģ  (r1.1)
  • 📕 -> current pomodoro session
  • â—ģ -> session not started
  • â—ŧ -> on short break
  • (r1.1) -> round 1 pomodoro 1

So on the 4th session, the notations will look like the below:

📕 📗 📘 📙  (r1.4)

Each book represents the pomodoro session.

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  • Default settings?

    Default settings?

    Should I add a default setting so that you don't have to type in all the configurations?

    1. 25 focus, 5 break, 10 long break, chime enabled
    2. 50 focus, 10 break, 20 long break, chime enabled
    3. custom
    opened by img9417 1
  • for the break, start-end time duration gets updated every time

    for the break, start-end time duration gets updated every time

    the duration must be fixed so that one knows when the break started and when it should end. But after every minute, it updates the duration.

    12:00-12:05 -> 12:01-12:06 -> 12:02-12:07 etc...

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  • Command line options?

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    $ pomosh --audio=false =lbreak=false
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