Solidity Function Selector Miner (AVX2 + Multithreaded)


Function Selector Miner

Simple and fast Solidity function selector miner (CPU based).

Uses AVX2 instructions and multithreading to compute hashes in parallel.

Should be able to mine most selectors under a minute with a core i7-12700F.


A recent Rust compiler. Tested with rustc 1.72.0.


cargo run --release <function_name> <function_params> <target_selector> [num_threads]

For example:

cargo run --release "someFunction" "(uint256,address)" "0x12345678"
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    Non-deterministic mining or multiple results


    I have what might be a non-standard use for the miner. There's an unverified contract that I've been trying to fully reproduce the source code of, and while most of the function selectors in it appear in the public databases, there are two that don't. I can guess what the main keyword of the function name is, but haven't figured out exactly how to spin it into the specific selector.

    The thing is, this project as-is will turn out a deterministic selector afaict - it'll always produce the same function name to get to the selector. I'm not too convinced that the one that I'm getting is the right one. (No, I don't think the authors appended specifically 4945026298 to the function's name.) I'm hoping maybe there's a way to either ask for multiple results (which might also be useful for minoooors so they can pick the one that is the most aesthetically pleasing to them or something), or have a switch to add some kind of salt to make results non-deterministic. Would either of those be possible?


    opened by wschwab 2
  • ♻️ Tidy

    ♻️ Tidy

    Doesn't seem to have a difference in C++. despite intel intrinsics webpage saying that it is faster.

    Thus we should expect Rust to be same. Probably.

    Unfortunately, Rust's _mm256_srli_epi64 uses const generics (I don't know why lol), and Rust can't do const generics arithmetic.

    opened by Vectorized 0
  • ♻️ Tidy

    ♻️ Tidy

    Doesn't seem to have a difference in C++. despite intel intrinsics webpage saying that it is faster.

    Thus we should expect Rust to be same. Probably.

    Unfortunately, Rust's _mm256_srli_epi64 uses const generics (I don't know why lol), and Rust can't do const generics arithmetic.

    opened by Vectorized 0
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