Simple EVM implementation from scratch using Rust.

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Cryptography rust evm

smol-evm-rs • License CI Built Using Rust

smol-evm-rs is a Rust port of the smol-evm project, originally implemented in Python by karmacoma. This project aims to implement the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) from scratch using Rust. The primary goal of the project is to learn Rust.

This project is currently a work in progress under the part-1 branch.


It is important to note that the code is not optimized and is primarily intended for educational purposes.

Getting started:


Build Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd smol-evm-rs
  2. Switch to the part-1 branch:
    git checkout part-1
  3. Build the project:
    cargo build
  4. Run the project:
    cargo run <BYTECODE>


Run: cargo run 600660070260005360016000f3

It should return0x2a as output along with the memory, stack and program counter values.

"PUSH1" @ pc=0
Stack: [6]
Memory: []
"PUSH1" @ pc=2
Stack: [6, 7]
Memory: []
"MUL" @ pc=4
Stack: [42]
Memory: []
"PUSH1" @ pc=5
Stack: [42, 0]
Memory: []
"MSTORE8" @ pc=7
Stack: []
Memory: [42]
"PUSH1" @ pc=8
Stack: [1]
Memory: [42]
"PUSH1" @ pc=10
Stack: [1, 0]
Memory: [42]
"RETURN" @ pc=12
Stack: []
Memory: [42]
Output : 0x2a00000000000000


Supported Opcodes: ADD,MUL,PUSH1, MSTORE8, RETURN and STOP



  • karmacoma-eth for the original Python implementation of smol-evm.
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