const panic with formatting


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For panicking with formatting in const contexts.

This library exists because the panic macro was stabilized for use in const contexts in Rust 1.57.0, without formatting support.

All of the types that implement the PanicFmt trait can be formatted in panics.



use const_panic::concat_panic;

const FOO: u32 = 10;
const BAR: u32 = 0;
const _: () = assert_non_zero(FOO, BAR);

const fn assert_non_zero(foo: u32, bar: u32) {
    if foo == 0 || bar == 0 {
        concat_panic!("\nneither foo nor bar can be zero!\nfoo: ", foo, "\nbar: ", bar)

The above code fails to compile with this error:

error[E0080]: evaluation of constant value failed
 --> src/
8 | const _: () = assert_non_zero(FOO, BAR);
  |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the evaluated program panicked at '
neither foo nor bar can be zero!
foo: 10
bar: 0', src/

Custom types

Panic formatting for custom types can be done in these ways (in increasing order of verbosity):

  • Using the impl_panicfmt macro (requires the default-enabled "non_basic" feature)
  • Using the flatten_panicvals macro (requires the default-enabled "non_basic" feature)
  • Manually implementing the PanicFmt trait as described in its docs.

This example uses the impl_panicfmt approach.

use const_panic::concat_panic;

const LAST: u8 = {
        x: &[],
        y: Bar(false, true),
        z: Qux::Left(23),

impl Foo<'_> {
    /// Pops the last element
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `self.x` is empty
    const fn pop(mut self) -> (Self, u8) {
        if let [rem @ .., last] = self.x {
            self.x = rem;
            (self, *last)
        } else {
                "\nexpected a non-empty Foo, found: \n",
                // uses alternative Debug formatting for `self`,
                // otherwise this would use regular Debug formatting.
                alt_debug: self

struct Foo<'a> {
    x: &'a [u8],
    y: Bar,
    z: Qux,

// You need to replace non-static lifetimes with `'_` here.
const_panic::impl_panicfmt! {
    impl Foo<'_>;

    struct Foo {
        x: &[u8],
        y: Bar,
        z: Qux,

struct Bar(bool, bool);

const_panic::impl_panicfmt! {
    impl Bar;

    struct Bar(bool, bool);

enum Qux {
    Down { x: u32, y: u32 },

    impl Qux;

    enum Qux {
        Down { x: u32, y: u32 },

The above code fails to compile with this error:

error[E0080]: evaluation of constant value failed
  --> src/
7  | /     Foo{
8  | |         x: &[],
9  | |         y: Bar(false, true),
10 | |         z: Qux::Left(23),
11 | |     }.pop().1
   | |___________^ the evaluated program panicked at '
expected a non-empty Foo, found: 
Foo {
    x: [],
    y: Bar(
    z: Left(
}', src/


Arguments to the formatting/panicking macros must have a fully inferred concrete type, because const_panic macros use duck typing to call methods on those arguments.

One effect of that limitation is that you will have to pass suffixed integer literals (eg: 100u8) when those integers aren't inferred to be a concrete type.

Cargo features

  • "non_basic"(enabled by default): Enables support for formatting structs, enums, and arrays.

Without this feature, you can effectively only format primitive types (custom types can manually implement formatting with more difficulty).


Adding a derive macro, under an opt-in "derive" feature.

No-std support

const_panic is #![no_std], it can be used anywhere Rust can be used.

Minimum Supported Rust Version

This requires Rust 1.57.0, because it uses the panic macro in a const context.

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    I'm not sure why there was a let to begin with, I hope this wasn't a workaround for something. This "fix" would avoid triggering a false-positive of clippy::equatable_if_let.


    opened by daxpedda 4
  • 0.2.7(Nov 28, 2022)

    This release adds a concat_ macro, for concatenating PanicFmt values into a &'static str.



    Added concat_ macro, which requires "non_basic" feature.

    Added TypeDelim::{close, open} methods.

    Made ArrayString::as_bytes take constant time when the "rust_1_64" feature is enabled.

    Made "derive" feature enable "non_basic" feature.

    Added konst_kernel = 0.3 dependency, enabled by "non_basic" feature.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.5(Oct 10, 2022)

    Adds char, slice-of-char, and core::str::Utf8Error formatting support.



    Added "rust_1_64" feature, which enables formatting impls which require newer versions.

    Added core::str::Utf8Error formatting (requires "rust_1_64" feature)

    Added formatting support for char and slices of char.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Nov 20, 2021)

    This release adds a PanicFmt derive, generic type support to impl_panicfmt macro, hexadecimal/binary formatting, and a concat_assert assertion macro.




    Added concat_assert macro.

    Added PanicFmt derive macro.

    Added "derive" crate feature, to enable the PanicFmt derive.

    Made breaking changes to impl_panicfmt to allow generic implementations with type and const parameters.

    Added NumberFmt enum, for choosing how numbers are formatted.

    Added FmtArg::{BIN, ALT_BIN, HEX. ALT_HEX} associated constants.

    Added FmtArg::{set_hex, set_bin} methods.

    Added PanicVal::from_short_str constructor.

    Added support for binary and hexadecimal formatting in macros.

    Added PackedFmtArg type (which requires the non_basic feature).

    Added const_panic::fmt::SHORT_STRING_CAP constant with the capacity of a ShortString.

    Changed PanicVal such that only strings can be left or right padded.

    Removed the PanicVal::{set_leftpad, set_rightpad} methods.

    Declared const_panic_proc_macros crate, depended by const_panic when the "derive" feature is enabled.



    Added PanicFmt-based formatting for these types(all of which require the "non_basic" feature):

    • Options of integer, bool, and &str
    • Options of arrays and slices (of integer, bool, and &str)
    • NonZero* integers, and Options of them
    • NonNull, and Options of them
    • *const T and *mut T
    • std::cmp::Ordering, and Options of them
    • std::sync::atomic::Ordering
    • std::ops::Range* types, parameterized with usize.
    • ()
    • std::marker::PhantomData
    • std::marker::PhantomPinned
    • StdWrapper

    Added these macros:

    • unwrap_ok
    • unwrap_err
    • unwrap_some

    Fixed signature of to_panicvals for arrays and slices of PanicVals, by adding a FmtArg parameter.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Oct 23, 2021)

    This initial release comes with the ability to do const panics with formatting. The types that can be formatted are all the primitive types, and user-defined types that implement formatting by using the macros from this crate.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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