Utf8 to utf16 conversion functions for use in const contexts


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utf8 to utf16 conversion functions useable in const contexts.


const HELLO_WORLD_UTF16: &[u16]= const_utf16::encode!("Hello, world!");

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

This crate requires Rust 1.46.0 or newer due to the use of some const expression features.


This code is largely inspired by the Rust core utf16 conversion code.

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    This should fix the compilation error of no_std crates that depends on that macro. This error probably comes because panic handler included twice during compilation.

    fn panic(_: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
        loop {}
    error[E0152]: found duplicate lang item `panic_impl`
      --> src\main.rs:35:1
    35 | fn panic(_: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: the lang item is first defined in crate `std` (which `const_utf16` depends on)
       = note: first definition in `std` loaded from \\?\C:\Users\alex\.rustup\toolchains\nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\std-09e4abccd169ee6e.dll, \\?\C:\Users\alex\.rustup\toolchains\nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\libstd-09e4abccd169ee6e.rlib
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  • Using a macro for encoding.

    Using a macro for encoding.

    Here's the code from my tweet in text form, if you'd prefer not to retype it.

    const fn utf16_len(s: &str) -> usize {
        s.len() // Obviously incorrect.
    macro_rules! encode {
        ($s:literal) => {{
            const LEN: usize = utf16_len($s);
            const fn utf16_encode() -> [u16; LEN] {
                let mut buffer = [0; LEN];
                let mut idx = 0;
                // Obviously incorrect.
                while idx < LEN {
                    buffer[idx] = $s.as_bytes()[idx] as u16;
                    idx += 1;
            const BUFFER: [u16; LEN] = utf16_encode();
    const FOO: &[u16] = encode!("foo");
    fn main() {
        println!("{:?}", FOO);
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  • Suggestion: Add an alternative function to output as UTF-16LE `&[u8]` slice

    Suggestion: Add an alternative function to output as UTF-16LE `&[u8]` slice

    In the Windows world UTF-16 strings are not only encountered when interfacing with APIs, but also in a few on-disk structures (e.g. NT registry hives or NTFS filesystems). This complicates interoperability with Rust's UTF-8 world, especially in no_std environments.

    My current approach when writing a parser for such an on-disk structure is as follows:

    • I define my own Utf16ByteString type that just wraps a &[u8].
    • All parser functions that output a string just return the byte slice encompassing that string in a Utf16ByteString. This has zero cost.
    • For users with alloc or std, my Utf16ByteString provides a to_string function that uses char::decode_utf16(bytes.chunks_exact(2).map(|two_bytes| u16::from_le_bytes(two_bytes.try_into().unwrap()))) internally. Apart from the required allocations, this function also comes with decoding overhead.

    Of course, I like to avoid using to_string, and a frequent case where this should be possible are (case-sensitive) comparisons. Currently, I have to create the comparison byte buffers by hand though, e.g. let hello = &[b'H', 0, b'e', 0, b'l', 0, b'l', 0, b'o', 0]. Latest const-utf16 is no help here, as its encode! only outputs a &[u16]. I could transmute my &[u8] to a &[u16], but that would be an unsafe hack and prone to endian problems.

    Could const-utf16 therefore be extended to alternatively output a UTF-16LE &[u8] slice for such comparisons? Or am I missing a zero-cost alternative here?

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