Vibe - a library for acrylic/vibrancy effects for Electron on Windows 10/11


💫 @pyke/vibe 💫

native windows acrylic effects for electron

vibe is a library for acrylic/vibrancy effects for Electron on Windows 10/11. Any Electron version compatible with N-API v6 (Electron v11+) is supported.


A recent version of Rust (>=1.56.1) is required. You can install it via rustup.

If you don't plan on doing Rust development, you may choose to install the minimal profile in rustup to install a lighter Rust toolchain.

For end users, the Acrylic effect is supported in Windows 10 builds later than build 17763 (though performance may suffer on builds earlier than Windows 11 22000), and the Mica effect is supported in Windows 11 only. vibe uses an undocumented API for enabling Mica on early builds of Windows 11 (specifically <22523) that is not heavily tested and may not work at all.


Note: If you'd like to use vibe with Discord on Windows, you'll need to install an additional Rust target: rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc, then build vibe with npm run build:windows-i686. You can then use the resulting index.node file like you'd use @pyke/vibe.

There are 3 important points you must keep in mind when using vibe:

  • vibe must do some trickery on the Electron app object before Electron loads in order for effects to work, so don't forget to run vibe.setup(app) before app.whenReady().
  • Keep the default frame. Windows gets fussy about frames when you attempt to use acrylic effects. titleBarStyle must always be set to default and frame must always be set to true. While there is a way to have titlebar-less framed Mica windows, it does not work with Electron, and would unfortunately require changes in Electron's internals.
  • Both html and body need to be transparent in CSS. It's a common mistake to only make either html or body have background: transparent, but both of them need to be transparent. Additionally, you must set the Electron window's backgroundColor to #00000000 to trick Electron into making a framed transparent window. Do not set transparent to true, as this will disable the frame and effects will break.
const { app, BrowserWindow, nativeTheme } = require('electron');
const vibe = require('@pyke/vibe');

// Very important - let vibe perform its magic before the app is ready

app.whenReady().then(() => {
    const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({

        // This part is very important!
        backgroundColor: '#00000000',

        // Recommendation: Wait to show the window to avoid an ugly flash of non-acrylic-ized content.
        show: false,
        // Recommendation: Hide the menu bar, as the colour of the bar will be solid and will look janky.
        autoHideMenuBar: true

    // Apply effects! 💫
    // This should be run before the window is ready to be shown.
    vibe.applyEffect(mainWindow, 'acrylic');

    // To disable effects, run `clearEffects`.
    // The background colour of the window will be black, so you should reset the window's background colour here and/or send a message to the renderer to update the CSS.

The acrylic effect for Windows 10 and below can also have a 'tint' applied to it:

vibe.applyEffect(mainWindow, 'acrylic', '#AA80FF40');

NOTE: The Windows 11 22H2 'Fluent' Acrylic effect cannot be tinted and will simply follow the window/system theme (see below). You can use vibe.platform.isWin11_22H2() to detect if the system is Windows 11 22H2 or greater and style your app appropriately.

Additionally, you can use Electron's nativeTheme module to force the theme of the acrylic effects:

const { nativeTheme } = require('electron');
nativeTheme.themeSource = 'dark';

or, for older versions of Electron:

vibe.forceTheme(mainWindow, 'dark');
vibe.forceTheme(mainWindow, 'light');

Need help? Visit the #💬|vibe-support channel in the pyke Discord server:

Thanks to:

  • Tauri's window-vibrancy package, which vibe borrows some code from.
  • @alexmercerind for discovering the DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea hack
  • @sylveon for finding a workaround to transparent: true
  • @GregVido for discovering the enable-transparent-visuals hack
  • Twitter for providing the vibe 'icon' used in the demo 💫
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  • White/blank window

    White/blank window

    Hi! Thanks for the cool library. I tried using it on Windows 10 (21H2 - 19044.2006), and I just have a white/blank window: image

    However, weirdly it shows fine (w/ acrylic) in the taskbar hover preview.

    My code on init (before app ready):


    My code in window setting:

    const w = new BrowserWindow({
        frame: true,
        center: true,
        backgroundColor: '#00000000',
        autoHideMenuBar: true
    // ...
    vibe.applyEffect(w, 'acrylic');

    Thanks again!

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