Program to determine the password of an encrypted ZIP file via dictionary attack.



Program to determine the password of an encrypted ZIP file via dictionary attack. Inspired by this article.


Cargo is used to build the program

Clone the repository and determine the password of example ZIP file.

git clone
cd zip_dict_attack
# Run the program
RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release -- examples/dictionary.txt examples/
# Compile the program to "target/release/zip_dict_attack(.exe)"
cargo build --release

A proper password dictionary which works on examples/ can be downloaded here:

Help information
./zip_dict_attack --help
Tries to determine the password of a ZIP file via dictionary attack

Usage: zip_dict_attack [OPTIONS] <DICT> <ZIP>

  <DICT>  Path to the dictionary file
  <ZIP>   Path to the ZIP file

  -p, --progress  Display a progressbar
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -V, --version   Print version information
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