Can you make a module for zsh written in Rust? Yes, yes you can and this is a proof of concept. It's a start but I have no idea how to use Module, things are definitely safe to use probably, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some memory leaks here cause of the ManuallyDrop
s, but that's fine, this is just to show it is possible. It'd be nice if zsh had good docs, but it doesn't so this is just what I pieced together after a few hours of work.
Safety: Eh technically Leaky: Probably Does it work? Yes.
Want to try it yourself? Make sure you have zsh running.
- Create a directory
- `export MODULE_PATH=$MODULE_PATH:/path/to/directory
- cargo build --release
- cp target/release/libtest.so /path/to/directory/test.so
- zmodload test.so
- You should see "Hello from Rust!" printed to the terminal
Licensing is MIT, it's a PoC I don't really care that much.