STARK-based virtual machine


Polygon Miden

A STARK-based virtual machine.

WARNING: This project is in an alpha stage. It has not been audited and may contain bugs and security flaws. This implementation is NOT ready for production use.


Miden is a zero-knowledge virtual machine written in Rust. For any program executed on Miden VM, a STARK-based proof of execution is automatically generated. This proof can then be used by anyone to verify that a program was executed correctly without the need for re-executing the program or even knowing what the program was.

  • If you'd like to learn more about how Miden VM works, check out the miden crate.
  • If you'd like to see Miden VM in action, check out the examples crate.
  • If you'd like to learn more about STARKs, check out the references section.

Status and features

Currently, this project contains a direct port of the original Distaff VM to Winterfell backend. This means that, as compared to the original Distaff VM, the proving system has been upgraded to a much more up-to-date and performant STARK prover - but, the functionality of the VM remained the same. This functionality includes:

  • Field arithmetic. Miden VM can execute one field operation per cycle. This includes addition, multiplication, inversion, and boolean operations (on binary values).
  • Conditional statements. Miden VM programs can include basic if-then-else statements, however, these statements can be nested at most 16 levels deep.
  • Loops. Miden VM programs can include counter-controlled (for) and condition-controlled (while) loops. However, loops can be nested at most 8 levels deep.
  • Inequality comparisons. Miden VM supports less-than and greater-than comparison of field elements (via binary decomposition). However, each comparison requires dozens of VM cycles.
  • Hashing. Miden VM natively supports Rescue hash function. A 2-to-1 Rescue hash can be computed in as few as 10 VM cycles.

Planned features

In the coming months we plan to make significant changes to the VM to expand its feature set. Among other things, these will include:

  • Flow control. Restrictions on nestings of loops and conditional statements will be removed.
  • Memory. Support for read-write random-access memory will be added to the VM.
  • Storage. Support for read-write persistent storage will be added to the VM.
  • Function calls. Miden programs will support hash-addressable function calls.
  • u32 operations. The VM will be able to execute a single u32 operation per cycle.

Our ultimate goal is to make Miden VM an easy compilation target for high level languages such as Solidity, Move, and others.

The new version of the VM is being developed in the next branch.

Project structure

The project is organized into several crates like so:

Crate Description
core Contains components defining Miden VM instruction set, program structure, and a set of utility functions used by other crates.
assembly Contains Miden assembler and definition of the Miden Assembly language. The assembler is used to compile Miden assembly source code into Miden VM programs.
processor Contains Miden VM processor. The processor is used to execute Miden programs and to generate program execution traces. These traces are then used by the VM to generate proofs of correct program execution.
air Contains algebraic intermediate representation (AIR) of Miden VM processor logic. This AIR is used by the VM during proof generation and verification processes.
miden Contains the actual Miden VM which can be used to execute programs and verify proofs of their execution.
verifier Contains a light-weight verifier which can be used to verify proofs of program execution generated by Miden VM.
examples Contains several toy and real-world examples of Miden VM programs and demonstrates how these programs can be executed on Miden VM.


Current version of Miden VM operates at around 10 KHz when run on a single CPU core. When run on a 16-core CPU, Miden VM can operate at over 80 KHz. In the future we hope to significantly improve this performance.

In the benchmarks below, the VM executes a Fibonacci calculator program on AMD Ryzen 9 5950X CPU (single thread):

Operations 96-bit security 128-bit security
Execution time Execution RAM Proof size Execution time Execution RAM Proof size
28 27 ms 9 MB 28 KB 200 ms 9 MB 45 KB
210 81 ms 11 MB 34 KB 170 ms 13 MB 59 KB
212 314 ms 22 MB 42 KB 680 ms 58 MB 70 KB
214 1.3 sec 81 MB 51 KB 2.2 sec 204 MB 82 KB
216 5.4 sec 313 MB 59 KB 9.1 sec 800 MB 100 KB
218 22.3 sec 1.2 GB 69 KB 39 sec 3.2 GB 115 KB
220 1.5 min 4.9 GB 82 KB 2.7 min 12.3 GB 129 KB

A few notes about these results:

  1. Execution time is dominated by the proof generation time. In fact, the time needed to run the program is only about 3% of the time needed to generate the proof.
  2. Proof verification time is really fast. In most cases it is under 1 ms, but sometimes gets as high as 2 ms.
  3. Proof generation process is dynamically adjustable. In general, there is a trade-off between execution time, proof size, and security level (i.e. for a given security level, we can reduce proof size by increasing execution time, up to a point).

However, we don't have to limit ourselves to a single thread: STARK proof generation is massively parallelizable. The benchmarks below show program execution time for running the Fibonacci calculator for 216 operations (for 96-bit security level) using varying number of threads.

Threads Execution time Improvement
1 5.4 sec 1x
2 2.9 sec 1.9x
4 1.6 sec 3.4x
8 0.95 sec 5.7x
16 0.7 sec 7.7x
32 0.6 sec 9x

A few notes about these results:

  1. Ryzen 9 5950X has 16 cores. So, executing the program in 32 threads seems to lead a slightly better CPU core utilization as compared to running it in 16 threads.
  2. The Fibonacci calculator program is sequential - so, we can parallelize only the proof generation part. This means that the share of time taken up by running the program itself grows proportionally. For example, when we execute the program using 32 threads, the time it takes to run the program is roughly 25% of the overall execution time (vs 3% for a single thread).


Proofs of execution generated by Miden VM are based on STARKs. A STARK is a novel proof-of-computation scheme that allows you to create an efficiently verifiable proof that a computation was executed correctly. The scheme was developed by Eli Ben-Sasson, Michael Riabzev et al. at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. STARKs do not require an initial trusted setup, and rely on very few cryptographic assumptions.

Here are some resources to learn more about STARKs:

Vitalik Buterin's blog series on zk-STARKs:

Alan Szepieniec's STARK tutorial:

StarkWare's STARK Math blog series:


This project is MIT licensed.

  • Improved design for power of two co-processor: binacc instruction

    Improved design for power of two co-processor: binacc instruction

    The power of two operation currently requires 24 constraints (23 after #199). As noted by @bobbinth:

    24 constraints is a lot. Granted, these constraints are quite simple, but still for a single pow2 operation feels like a bit of a waste.

    Improving this significantly requires coming up with a new construction for the power of two co-processor. The current design is described here and the implementation is located here.

    opened by grjte 20
  • Script compilation time

    Script compilation time

    It seems like compiling large scripts (e.g., sha256 in the standard library) takes quite a bit of time. This is especially apparent when running tests in debug mode (which is the default). For example, sha256 tests takes over 40 seconds to complete, and this is likely driven by the assembler. When running tests in release mode, the situation is better - i.e., under 1 second - but still.

    We should investigate what is the bottleneck in the assembler and figure out how to address this. My guess is that a big part of this is driven by computing program hash, but would be good to confirm this.

    opened by bobbinth 17
  • Contributing guideline

    Contributing guideline

    This issue created to discuss contributing guideline details.

    I created raw example adapted from template that I found good:

    I have several topics to discuss(@bobbinth):

    1. Do we actually need contributing guideline on current stage of the project?

    2. Branching. As I see project have active branch named next and we also have gitbook separated branch, I would like to see your thoughts about which details should be represented.

    3. Versioning. Looks like semver, but would be nice to clarify.

    4. Any other details that should/shouldn't be represented, and guideline structure.

    And the last, should I propose raw version to start discussion in proposal page or maybe create discussion in related section?(I mean link to the gist in issue do not looks like best way of doing it)

    opened by 4rgon4ut 15
  • Add program analysis tool

    Add program analysis tool

    Partly addresses #138

    Adds a utility package to analyse any given script. Takes a source script as a file input and prints the following information.

    • [X] Number of VM cycles it takes to execute the script
    • [X] Number of NOOPs executed as part of a program

    Input: pop.local.0 end begin popw.mem.1 push.17 end


    Total Number of VM Cycles: 24
    Total Number of NOOPs: 1
    opened by tohrnii 15
  • Question: Verification always fail

    Question: Verification always fail

    Hello everyone, I'm new here, trying to use the next branch of midenVM . I have a question which is probably a bit silly. I tried to use Miden (next branch) and found that no matter what program I use, the verification result is Err (VerifierError (InconsistentOodConstraintEvaluations)).

    If the program has push operation, i might have the assertion error:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
    left: `QuadExtension(BaseElement(9801321997299852158), BaseElement(10889698089612978941))`,
    right: `QuadExtension(BaseElement(1), BaseElement(0))`', /Users/lisalora/.cargo/git/checkouts/miden-4241ff496f7b0a1f/8b07d87/processor/src/trace/

    The program i used is as follows:

    use miden;
    fn main() {
        // or `begin add end`
        let program = "
        let options = &miden::ProofOptions::with_96_bit_security();
        let assembler = miden::Assembler::new(true);
        let program = assembler.compile(&program).unwrap();
        let inputs = miden::ProgramInputs::new(&[1,2,3],&[],vec![]).unwrap();
        let num_stack_outputs = 5;
        let proof = miden::prove(&program, &inputs, num_stack_outputs, options);
        let (output, proof) = proof.unwrap();
        let verify_result = miden::verify(program.hash(), &[], &output, proof);
        println!("verify_result is {:?},output is {:?}",verify_result,output);

    Could somebody possibly tell me whether it is my fault or i used the wrong commit of miden? If the latest commit cannot be verified, what is the latest workable commit? (I want to try some new function of next(such as read-write random-access memory, etc.), rather than the main version)

    Thanks for any reply

    bug question 
    opened by Lisalora 14
  • Integration tests for boolean and assertion field operations

    Integration tests for boolean and assertion field operations

    Tests for boolean and assertion field operations need to be added to the integration tests.

    Tests should follow the existing pattern with the following tests added for each of the boolean field operations and the assert operation:

    • a test of simple success cases
    • a test with applicable failure cases, if there are any (compilation and/or execution failure)
    • ~a proptest of the expected success case~ (removed as it's not necessary)

    The u32 bitwise tests provide an example.

    Specs for the operations are in the Miden Assembly note.

    The field operations which are missing tests are:

    • [ ] assert
    • [ ] not
    • [ ] and
    • [ ] or
    • [ ] xor

    More information can also be seen in the field_ops assembly parsers.

    good first issue tests 
    opened by grjte 14
  • GFp5: Field Arithmetic over GF(p^5) | p = 2^64 - 2^32 + 1

    GFp5: Field Arithmetic over GF(p^5) | p = 2^64 - 2^32 + 1

    Here I implement field arithmetic for extension field GF(p^5) | p = 2^64 - 2^32 + 1 ( = Miden base field prime ).

    This works follows paper - I suggest you read that for having a better context. Reference implementation is also used quite often.

    Routine | Cost ( VM cycles ) --- | --: Addition | 20 Subtraction | 26 Multiplication | 143 Squaring | 88 Inversion | 399 Division | 561

    opened by itzmeanjan 12
  • Miden VM executable and crate organization

    Miden VM executable and crate organization

    Currently, two crates generate executable files: examples and tools. Both use functionality exposed by the miden crate, which in turn uses processor crate and verifier crate.

    This seems like a fairly confusing arrangement, and it will probably get even more confusing as we add more things (e.g., repl tool). So, I'd like to see if we can re-shuffle things a bit to make the structure more intuitive.

    One option is to do something like this:

    1. Create a prover crate which will expose a prove() function. This function will execute programs and generate proofs of their execution (basically the same as the current execute() function in the miden crate). This will be consistent with having the verifier crate.
    2. Change miden crate to output an executable. This executable would be used to run Miden VM from the command line in various modes. This will also allow us to get rid of tools create and probably examples crate as well.

    The potential modes of miden executable could be as follows:

    • miden run - execute a program and generate an output
    • miden prove - execute a program and generate a proof
    • miden verify - verify a previously generated proof
    • miden analyze - run a script analysis tool
    • miden repl - start Miden REPL

    We still need to figure out how to provide inputs and read outputs for each mode. For example, for miden prove we could do something like this:

    miden prove [path to .masm script file] -i [path to an input file] -n [number of outputs] -p [proof options] -o [output file name]

    But much more thinking is needed about how to structure these.

    opened by bobbinth 12
  • Operation encoding

    Operation encoding

    We should start thinking about how each operation should be encoded (right now we basically assign dummy opcodes to operations). There are many things to consider, but for now, I'll just describe the basics.

    First, we want to encode each operation with no more than 7 bits. This also means that within the VM we allocate 7 columns for operation bits (or op_bits). Theoretically, we could encode up to 128 different operations using seven bits - but this is not desirable for a number of reasons:

    1. 128 is a large number and we'd like to keep the number of operations as small as possible (while not giving up expressivity).
    2. With 128 operations, each operation flag would have degree 7. While this should work for most operations, it won't work for all (e.g., many control flow operations should have degree 5, or we'll need to introduce extra columns for degree reduction).

    If we keep the number of operations to at most 96, we can create several classes of operations. Consider the following arrangement:

    | bit 6 | bit 5 | bit 4 | bit 3 | bit 2 | bit 1 | bit 0 | # of ops | degree | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :----: | :---: | :---: | :-------: | :------: | | 0 | x | x | x | x | x | x | 64 | 7 | | 1 | 0 | 0 | x | x | x | x | 16 | 7 | | 1 | 0 | 1 | x | x | x | - | 8 | 6 | | 1 | 1 | x | x | x | - | - | 8 | 5 |

    In the above, any opcode which starts with 0 can use all of the following 6 bits and thus we get 64 total opcodes and degree of each opcode is 7. Opcodes which start with 100 work in the same way.

    However, for opcodes which start with 101 we allow using only 6 bits total. Thus, we can encode 8 opcodes, and degree of each opcode will be 6. We apply the same logic to opcodes which start with 11 but for these opcodes we allow using only 5 bits total. We still can encode 8 opcodes, but the degree of each of these opcodes is now 5.

    To summarize, with this arrangement, we get 3 classes of opcodes:

    • 80 opcodes of degree 7
    • 8 opcodes of degree 6
    • 8 opcodes of degree 5
    instruction set 
    opened by bobbinth 12
  • Assembly instruction rationalization thoughts

    Assembly instruction rationalization thoughts

    Having had the benefit of writing some simple (and not so simple) programs in Miden assembly, I think there are some opportunities to simplify (and in some cases augment) current assembly instruction set. My thoughts are below - though, these are rather preliminary and many of them might not be a good idea.

    Field operations

    All looks good here. There is one slightly inconsistent thing in comparison operations: eq and neq operations allow for immediate parameters, while other comparison operations do not. The primary reason for allowing immediate parameters for eq is that eq.0 gets reduced to EQZ VM operation. And if we introduce eqz assembly instruction we could remove immediate parameters from eq (and neq) operation. But I'm not sure if this is a big deal.

    u32 operations

    I'd love to adopt the same naming convention as we used in u64 stdlib module. For example, we could do something like this:

    • u32add -> u32add.checked
    • u32add.unsafe -> u32add.overflowing
    • u32add.full could be eliminated

    But, in this case, it is not clear how to handle immediate values. For example, u32add.checked.5 looks odd to me. And supplying immediate values to "checked" variants may be desirable because we can check whether the parameter is a valid u32 value at compile time pretty easily.

    A few other thoughts in u32 category:

    • We could probably get rid of safe versions of u32addc and u32madd and have just u32addc.unchecked and u32madd.unchecked.
    • We could replace u32addc with u32add3 which would compute a sum of top 3 elements on the stack (and thus would be a more general version of u32addc). To do this, we'd need to think through how the AIR constraints would need to be changed.
    • We could replace u32div.full with u32divmod - this would be consistent with the approach used in u64 module.
    • Depending on what we do with eq and neq, we could also update u32eq and u32neq.

    Stack manipulation

    One thing that bothers me somewhat here is that some operations have different costs and these costs are not intuitive. For example:

    • dup.7 takes 1 VM cycles, but dup.8 takes 3, and then dup.9 takes 1 VM cycle again. Same goes for movup and movdn.
    • Some swap operations take 2 cycles while others take 4.

    Thus, writing efficient code requires deep understanding of costs of each operations.

    One solution to this could be to get rid of the operations which take multiple cycles. But this reduces future flexibility and I'm not sure it's worth it. We could also do some selective simplifications. For example:

    • Get rid of swap operations since they are always emulated using other ops anyway.
    • Refactor operations to have a more consistent cost model. For example, general rule could be at accessing the first 8 elements of the stack (e.g., via movup or movdn instructions) always take 1 VM cycle, and then accessing elements 8 - 16 is more expensive (e.g., 3 - 4 VM cycles).

    Input operations

    Similar to the above, the cost model for these operations requires deep knowledge. E.g., it is not obvious that storew.mem is 4x faster than popw.mem. But short of getting rid of these composite operations, I'm not sure what can be done.

    opened by bobbinth 11
  • Stdlibs test returning error when rebased to next

    Stdlibs test returning error when rebased to next

    On rebasing from the latest next branch, we see some issues when trying to execute some miden program which seems to be working earlier with no hiccups.

    @Al-Kindi-0 highlighted this issue when he was running fri_fold2_ext2 test. Steps to reproduce the error:

    1. Go to the following commit in Al's miden fork
    2. If you run cargo test fri_fold2_ext2, the program will get executed, but the final stack will not match as the expected stack is not what is written in the test yet. But if we uncomment the part and rerun the test, the test fails even before and returns the following error:
    running 1 test
    thread 'stdlib::crypto::fri::fri_fold2_ext2' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: NotU32Value(BaseElement(6666087519483434683))', miden/tests/integration/helpers/
    stack backtrace:
    1. We observed a weird thing when we tried to add some redundant code(which doesn't affect the program) in the proc, e.g., push.3 drop, the program was still failing. When we inlined this procedure and used it directly in test program, the test compiled.

    The following is working:

              dup                         #[add_i,add_i,num_q,d,g,t_d,add_f,...]
              movdn.6                     #[add_i,num_q,d,g,t_d,add_f,add_i,...]
              mem_storew                  #[num_q,d,g,t_d,...]
              adv_loadw                   #[0,p,e1,e0,d,g,t_d,...]
              drop                        #[p,e1,e0,d,g,t_d,...]
              dup                         #[p,p,e1,e0,d,g,t_d,...]
              movup.5                     #[g,p,p,e1,e0,d,t_d,...]
              swap                        #[p,g,p,e1,e0,d,t_d,...]

    whereas the following is not:

        dup                         #[add_i,add_i,num_q,d,g,t_d,add_f,...]
        movdn.6                     #[add_i,num_q,d,g,t_d,add_f,add_i,...]
        mem_storew                  #[num_q,d,g,t_d,...]
        adv_loadw                   #[0,p,e1,e0,d,g,t_d,...]
        drop                        #[p,e1,e0,d,g,t_d,...]
        dup                         #[p,p,e1,e0,d,g,t_d,...]
        movup.5                     #[g,p,p,e1,e0,d,t_d,...]
        swap                        #[p,g,p,e1,e0,d,t_d,...]
        exp.u32                #[poe,p,e1,e0,d,t_d,...]
    opened by 0xKanekiKen 10
  • Ask clippy for automatic fixes

    Ask clippy for automatic fixes

    As part of CI/CD we are running

    cargo clippy --all -- -D clippy::all -D warnings

    Inspired by that, we can ask clippy to also suggest a few additional fixes:

    cargo clippy --all --fix --allow-dirty -- -D clippy::all -D warnings

    Most changes are quite trivial (but make the code a bit cleaner), but have a look at miden/tests/integration/stdlib/math/ecgfp5/ for the one non-trivial refactor.

    opened by matthiasgoergens 1
  • Proposal name progs modules

    Proposal name progs modules

    In MVM assembler you can say


    [From the manual]

    Here std,math etc are identifiers. Notice no quotes around the names. Therefore they should be declared/defined somewhere. Hence I propose the MVM Assembler parser be modified to accept these "instructions" and initial just forget them:

    • module.libname.modname

    For my research tool i will process files with multiple libraries, modules, and programs, all at once (because for testing, you don't want to stuff about with search paths and multiples files).

    There is no library instruction, a library is formed implicitly by using multiple modules with the same libname. MVM Assembler could enforce more stringent requirements. For example, using allows to start checking for illegal exports.

    opened by skaller 0
  • refactor: change advice provider to trait

    refactor: change advice provider to trait

    This commit introduces a change of the advice provider to be a trait. It also provides a standard implementation BaseAdviceProvider.

    It splits the initialization of the stack from the inputs of the advice provider.


    • [ ] Should we deprecate ProgramInputs?
    • [ ] Should we change the VM clock to be an internal implementation detail instead of setting it into the advice provider?
    • [ ] Enable the ignored tests (must be done after the pending topics are resolved)
    opened by vlopes11 0
  • Support empty blocks

    Support empty blocks

    Here we remove a few limitations to allow empty blocks.

    This PR implements and will make the job for programmatic generators of Miden Assembly easier.

    opened by matthiasgoergens 0
  • [DRAFT] Remove queued requests from hasher

    [DRAFT] Remove queued requests from hasher

    Describe your changes

    Addressing #446.

    Checklist before requesting a review

    • Repo forked and branch created from next according to naming convention.
    • Commit messages and codestyle follow conventions.
    • Relevant issues are linked in the PR description.
    • Tests added for new functionality.
    • Documentation/comments updated according to changes.
    opened by tohrnii 0
  • fix(core, processor): Resolve MAST hash collisions (close #605)

    fix(core, processor): Resolve MAST hash collisions (close #605)

    Describe your changes

    This patch applies a tweak to the hashing function used for MAST nodes to ensure different node types hash to different values. This ensures that the simple exploit from #605 is no longer sufficient to subvert the verification process.

    The hashes themselves are transformed by a simple transformation by postmultiplying by a constant chosen based on the node type. This prevents different node types from hashing to the same value. These coefficients were arbitrarily chosen to be sequential primes. 2 was avoided in case the base hash ever switches from elements to something in base "user" numerical range 2^32. Rescue-Prime should by the strong hashing assumption have no meaningful interactions with multiplication by a non-0 constant.

    Further, syscalls and calls now hash to different values.

    Documentation has been updated to reflect the change.

    Checklist before requesting a review

    • Repo forked and branch created from next according to naming convention.
    • Commit messages and codestyle follow conventions.
    • Relevant issues are linked in the PR description.
    • Tests added for new functionality.
    • Documentation/comments updated according to changes.
    opened by ekmett 2
  • v0.3.0(Nov 24, 2022)

    • Implemented call operation for context-isolated function calls.
    • Added support for custom kernels.
    • Implemented syscall operation for kernel calls, and added a new caller instruction for accessing the hash of the calling function.
    • Implemented mem_stream operation for fast hashing of memory regions.
    • Implemented adv_pipe operation for fast "unhashing" of inputs into memory.
    • Added support for unlimited number of stack inputs/outputs.
    • [BREAKING] Redesigned Miden assembly input/output instructions for environment, random access memory, local memory, and non-deterministic "advice" inputs.
    • [BREAKING] Reordered the output stack for Miden assembly cryptographic operations mtree_set and mtree_get to improve efficiency.
    • Refactored the advice provider to add support for advice maps, and added the adv.mem decorator for copying memory regions into the advice map.
    • [BREAKING] Refactored the Assembler and added support for module providers. (Standard library is no longer available by default.)
    • Implemented AIR constraints for the stack component.
    • Added Miden REPL tool.
    • Improved performance with various internal refactorings and optimizations.
    • Updated Winterfell dependency to v0.4.2
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Aug 8, 2022)

    This release constitutes a complete redesign of the VM.

    The most important changes are:

    • Implemented new decoder which removes limitations on the depth of control flow logic.
    • Introduced chiplet architecture to offload complex computations to specialized modules.
    • Added read-write random access memory.
    • Added support for operations with 32-bit unsigned integers.
    • Redesigned advice provider to include Merkle path advice sets.
    • Changed base field of the VM to the prime field with modulus 2^64 - 2^32 + 1.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Nov 16, 2021)

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Revolutionary Machine (revm) is a fast Ethereum virtual machine written in rust.

revm - Revolutionary Machine Is Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine with great name that is focused on speed and simplicity.

null 513 Dec 31, 2022
crosvm is a virtual machine monitor (VMM) based on Linux’s KVM hypervisor

crosvm - The Chrome OS Virtual Machine Monitor crosvm is a virtual machine monitor (VMM) based on Linux’s KVM hypervisor, with a focus on simplicity,

Google 454 Dec 31, 2022
Virtual Machine Language - Yet another stack-based programming language

Virtual Machine Language - Yet another stack-based programming language

null 2 Feb 26, 2022
A Rust implementation of the Lox programming language. Based on clox, the bytecode virtual machine.

A Rust implementation of the Lox programming language. Based on clox, the bytecode virtual machine.

Diego Freijo 23 Dec 26, 2022
A stack based, virtual machine language written in Rust

Stackyy A stack based, virtual machine language written in Rust Description: Stackyy is a stack based, virtual machine language inspired by Forth and

FlawlessCode 2 May 2, 2022
The Resurgence VM, a register virtual machine designed for simplicity and ease of use, based on the old Rendor VM

Resurgence Join the Discord server! Resurgence aims to be an embeddable virtual machine with an easy-to-use API for projects like: Game engines Langua

null 12 Dec 5, 2022
Rust based Virtual Machine on Avalanche that implements Bulletproof ZK Proofs.

BulletproofVM Rust based Virtual Machine on Avalanche that implements Bulletproof ZK Proofs. Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine This is a virtual machine

null 14 Jan 4, 2023
A fast and secure RISC-V based virtual machine

PolkaVM PolkaVM is a general purpose user-level RISC-V based virtual machine. This project is still unfinished and is a very heavy work-in-progress! D

Koute 31 Sep 4, 2023