Fast and simple PHP version manager written in rust


[WIP] phpup (PHP-up): Fast and Simple PHP version manager

Fast and simple PHP version manager, written in rust


  • No requirements for system PHP installation
  • [WIP] Cross-platform support (macOS, Linux)
  • [WIP] Automatically version switching with .php-version


shell setup

bash or zsh

eval $(phpup init)




  • Support fish shell

    Support fish shell

    New Features

    • make the command(init) support fish
    • fix install script for fish
    • add fish completions to the release zip file
    • add how to install to for fish user
    opened by masan4444 0
  • Add shell completion files to the release zip file

    Add shell completion files to the release zip file

    New release zip file

    ├── LICENSE
    ├── completions
    │   ├── bash
    │   │   └── _phpup
    │   └── zsh
    │       └── _phpup
    └── phpup (binary)
    opened by masan4444 0
  • Install: richer progress bar & configure options

    Install: richer progress bar & configure options

    New features

    • [x] A richer install progress bar, etc.
    Installing PHP 7.0.4
    Unpacking [=====>                   ] 3.75MiB/17.28MiB (10s) /home/username/.phpup/.downloads-xxxxxx/php-7.0.4.tar.gz
    • [x] Configure options
    phpup install 7.0.4 --configure-opts '--some --configure --opts'
    PHPUP_CONFIGURE_OPTS="-some --configure --opts" phpup install 7.0.4
    opened by masan4444 0
  • Built-in system version & Auto switching to default version when initializing

    Built-in system version & Auto switching to default version when initializing

    • make MULTISHELL_PATH include 'bin' for the system version
    • a version-file and use option become able to specify the system version
    • wheninit, use the version specified by the alias default or the system version
    • add default subcommand, which is the shortcut for alias default
    opened by masan4444 0
  • Switching via `.php-version` & Automatically switching when `cd`

    Switching via `.php-version` & Automatically switching when `cd`

    New Features


    • use the version specified by a version-file such as .php-version if no version argument is provided
    • recursive searching in a parent directory for a version-file if the argument is specified
    • custom version-file


    • install the version specified by a version-file if no version argument


    • automatically version switching when changing directory
    opened by masan4444 0
  • add alias feature

    add alias feature


    phpup alias <version> <alias>   

    Create a symblic link .phpup/aliases/{alias} to .phpup/versions/php/{version}

    list-local, list-remote

    List versions and alias


    Can specify version via alias


    Remove .phpup/aliases/{alias}


    Remove all aliases which link to specified version

    opened by masan4444 0
  • Support installing pre-release PHP versions

    Support installing pre-release PHP versions

    Would be great to be able to install RC versions of PHP - for example, PHP 8.2 RC3 is currently available at the time of writing but can't be installed by phpup:

    opened by davidcole1340 0
  • Support windows

    Support windows


    • [x] fix shell detecting for win
    • [ ] support PowerShell

    ls-remote, install

    • [ ] use pre-build binary for win

    use, uninstall, alias, and etc...

    • [ ] support windows file system
    opened by masan4444 0
  • Don't add phpup into PATH when default is system

    Don't add phpup into PATH when default is system

    When using system version as default phpup adds to PATH the tmp dir symlinked to /usr/bin. This is confusing because every binary installed in your system shows as running from phpup path in process managers.

    good first issue 
    opened by jonian 0
  • Arch linux AUR package

    Arch linux AUR package

    Hi @masan4444, I have created an Arch Linux package on AUR. It uses the binaries provided from this repo releases.

    good first issue 
    opened by jonian 1
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