A blazingly fast and efficient package manager for windows.
Why Novus
Unlike any other package manager, Novus uses multithreaded downloads making the download speeds 8 times faster.
Apart from being extremely fast, Novus also installs and uninstalls packages concurrently, making it as efficient as possible.
Not only are all of Novus’s packages are monitored regularly, but all of them are always up to date and trusted by the community.
Unlike most package managers, Novus can do much more than just installing and uninstalling applications.
Here are the various commands that novus can perform.
- Install
- Uninstall
- Update
- List
- Search
- Clean
- Quit
- Forcequit
- Info
Run novus -h for a detailed description of each command.
Novus is extremely easy to install.
This can be done using the official installer or via powershell.
Official Installer
The official installer for novus can be found here.
Check out the Github Page
After downloading the installer, follow the simple installation prompts.
Official Site
Visit our website for more information about Novus.
Take a look at the docs on how to get started.
ZaphodElevated - Founder And Developer Of Novus
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