Gitlab Deploy
GitLab Deploy is used for deploying software projects to multiple hosts during different phases. This program should be run on Linux.
gitlab-deploy frontend-develop --gitlab-project-id 123 --commit-sha 0b14cd4fdec3bdffffdaf1de6fe13aaa01c4827f --build-target develop
gitlab-deploy frontend-deploy --gitlab-project-id 123 --commit-sha 0b14cd4fdec3bdffffdaf1de6fe13aaa01c4827f --project-name website --reference-name pre-release --phase test --build-target test
gitlab-deploy frontend-control --gitlab-project-id 123 --commit-sha 0b14cd4fdec3bdffffdaf1de6fe13aaa01c4827f --project-name website --reference-name pre-release --phase test
gitlab-deploy backend-develop --gitlab-project-id 123 --gitlab-project-path website-api --project-name website --reference develop
gitlab-deploy backend-deploy --gitlab-project-id 123 --commit-sha 0b14cd4fdec3bdffffdaf1de6fe13aaa01c4827f --project-name website --reference-name pre-release --phase test
gitlab-deploy backend-control --gitlab-project-id 123 --commit-sha 0b14cd4fdec3bdffffdaf1de6fe13aaa01c4827f --project-name website --reference-name pre-release --phase test --command up
gitlab-deploy [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
backend-control Controls the project on multiple hosts according to the phase
backend-deploy Fetches the project via GitLab API and then build it and deploy the docker image on multiple hosts according to the phase
backend-develop Fetches the project via Git and checkout to a specific branch and then start up the service on a development host
frontend-control Controls the project on multiple hosts according to the phase
frontend-deploy Fetches the project via GitLab API and then build it and deploy the archive of public static files on multiple hosts according to the phase
frontend-develop Fetches the project via GitLab API and then build it and use the public static files on a development host
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)