List key patterns of a JSON file for jq.



jqk lists key patterns of a JSON file for jq.


jq is a useful command line tool to filter values from a JSON file quickly on a terminal; however, knowing the right pattern to extract the target value is not easy to do especially when a JSON file has so many nests and arrays. jqk helps to render all keys with the jq patterns so that you can look through a JSON file using pagers like less to find the pattern you need to pass to jq.


Download a pre-built binary from the latest release.


NOTE: cat xxx.json | jqk is equivalent to jqk xxx.json.

$ cat examples/data.json | jqk
  .departments: [
      .departments[0].employees: [
        "John Doe",
        "Jane Doe"
      .departments[0].head: "John Doe",
      .departments[0].name: "Engineering",
      .departments[0].projects: [
          .departments[0].projects[0].budget: 50000,
          .departments[0].projects[0].deadline: "2023-12-31",
          .departments[0].projects[0].name: "Project A"

$ cat examples/data.json | jqk -l

$ cat examples/data.json | jq .departments[].projects[].name
"Project A"
"Project B"
"Campaign X"
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