A flexible simple theme manager for *nix systems



A theme manager for *nix systems respecting the FHS spec


As of now all the configuration is done via $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tema/config.yaml (of which an example is found in the repo), consisting of

  1. a list of modules What is a module ?;
  2. a list of commands What is a command ?.

what is a module ?

Modules are found at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tema/themes/{theme_name}/{module_name} and contain the relevant files for the application theme.

module.name: name of module, generally the application it will affect (eg. wallpaper)
module.path: the directory the respective file·s should be copied to (eg. ~/wallpapers)
module.command: a complementary command to be run when the module is changed (eg. swaybg -i ~/wallpapers/wp.jpg)

what is a command ?

A command is well, a command; but, it may be run on specific events.

Currently implemented events:

  1. on_change (eg. on_change: "notify-send theme ${current_theme}")

There are also variables as seen above, currently implemented variables:

  1. current_theme returns the currently enabled theme, stored at $XDG_DATA_HOME/current_theme.tema


  • Currently command arguments containing whitespaces cannot be handled, even if they include quotation marks (")
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