πŸ¦€ Soothing pastel theme for Rust



πŸ¦€ Soothing pastel theme for Rust.


Add Catppuccin to your project's Cargo.toml:

catppuccin = "1.0.4"


use catppuccin::MOCHA;

struct Button {
    text: String,
    background_colour: String,

fn confirm(text: String) -> Button {
    Button {
        background_colour: MOCHA.green.hex(),

More examples can be found here.

Clone the repository to run them locally:

$ cargo run --example simple

Output from simple example

$ cargo run --features ansi --example term

Output from term example

Optional Features

ANSI string painting

Enable the ansi feature to add the Colour::ansi_paint method. This adds ansi-term as a dependency.

License: MIT

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