The official CLI for FlakeHub: search for flakes, and add new inputs to your Nix flake.


fh, the official FlakeHub CLI


fh is a scrappy CLI for searching FlakeHub and adding new inputs to your Nix flakes.


Using fh from FlakeHub:

nix shell "*.tar.gz"

Note: This builds fh locally on your computer. Pre-built binaries aren't yet available.



To make the fh CLI readily available on a NixOS system:

  description = "My NixOS config.";

  inputs.fh.url = "*.tar.gz";
  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "*.tar.gz";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, fh, ... } @ inputs: {
    nixosConfigurations.nixos = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [
          environment.systemPackages = [ fh.packages.x86_64-linux.default ];

        # ... the rest of your modules here ...


Initialize a new flake.nix from scratch

fh init generates a new flake.nix file for you using a combination of:

  1. Your responses to interactive questions
  2. The contents of the repository in which you run the command.

To create a flake.nix, navigate to the directory where you want to create it and run fh init (or specify a different directory using the --root option). Respond to the prompts it provides you and at the end fh will write a flake.nix to disk.

fh init has built-in support for the following languages:

Note: fh init operates on a best-guess basis and is opinionated in its suggestions. It's intended less as a comprehensive flake creation solution and more as a helpful kickstarter.

Add a flake published to FlakeHub to your flake.nix

fh add adds the most current release of the specified flake to your flake.nix and updates the outputs function to accept it. This would add the current release of Nixpkgs to your flake:

fh add nixos/nixpkgs

The resulting flake.nix would look something like this:

  description = "My new flake.";

  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, ... } @ inputs: {
    # Fill in your outputs here

Searching published flakes

You can search publicly listed flakes using the fh search command and passing in a search query. Here's an example:

fh search rust
| Flake                      FlakeHub URL                                         |
| astro/deadnix                 |
| carlthome/ml-runtimes     |
| ipetkov/crane                 |
| kamadorueda/alejandra     |
| nix-community/fenix       |
| nix-community/lanzaboote  |
| nix-community/nix-init    |
| nix-community/nixpkgs-fmt |
| nix-community/patsh       |
| ryanccn/nyoom                 |

fh search supports arbitrary search strings. An example:

fh search "rust nixos"

Listing releases

fh list releases provides a list of a flake's releases.

fh list releases nixos/nixpkgs
| Version                                                    |
| 0.1.428801+rev-2788904d26dda6cfa1921c5abb7a2466ffe3cb8c    |
| 0.1.429057+rev-42337aad353c5efff4382d7bf99deda491459845    |
| 0.1.429304+rev-27ccd29078f974ddbdd7edc8e38c8c8ae003c877    |
| 0.1.429553+rev-5dc7114b7b256d217fe7752f1614be2514e61bb8    |
| 0.1.429868+rev-a115bb9bd56831941be3776c8a94005867f316a7    |
| ...                                                        |

Listing flakes, organizations, and versions

fh list flakes, fh list orgs, and fh list versions enumerate flakes, organizations, and flake versions on FlakeHub, respectively.

List flakes

fh list flakes
| Flake                                     FlakeHub URL                                                        |
| ajaxbits/audiobookshelf                           |
| ajaxbits/tone                                               |
| astro/deadnix                                               |
| ...                                       ...                                                                 |

List orgs

fh list orgs
| Organization            FlakeHub URL                                    |
| ajaxbits                     |
| astro                           |
| ...                     ...                                             |

List versions

Your can list versions of a flake by passing the flake name and a version requirement to fh list versions:

fh list versions <flake> <version_req>

Here's an example:

fh list versions DeterminateSystems/flake-checker "0.1.*"
| Simplified version  FlakeHub URL                                                        Full version |
| 0.1.0        0.1.0        |
| 0.1.1        0.1.1        |
| 0.1.2        0.1.2        |
| ...                 ...                                                                 ...          |

List by label

You can list flakes by label using the fh list label comand:

fh list label <label>

Here's an example:

fh list label python
| Flake                     FlakeHub URL                                        |
| nix-community/poetry2nix |

Shell completion

You can generate shell completion scripts using the fh completion command:

fh completion <shell>

Here's an example:

fh completion bash

These shells are supported:

A note on automation

Piping fh list commands to another program emits CSV instead of the stylized table.

You can apply the --json flag to each list command to produce JSON output.


Apache 2.0


For support, email [email protected] or join our Discord.

  • `fh add` is not respecting existing `inputs` structure

    `fh add` is not respecting existing `inputs` structure

    I ran fh add srid/haskell-flake on and this was the result. Note that it has not added haskell-flake under the existing inputs attrset; rather created a flat one at top.

    diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
    index 732d5c3..771f181 100644
    --- a/flake.nix
    +++ b/flake.nix
    @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
    +  inputs.haskell-flake.url = "";
       inputs = {
         nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
         flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
    opened by srid 6
  • `fh init` doesn't detect JavaScript project

    `fh init` doesn't detect JavaScript project

    Running fh init in a JS project doesn't produce any prompts or add any node/yarn packages.

    Is this a result of a typo here?

    Presumably, package.jspn -> package.json?

    opened by kpine 2
  • List flake versions matching a constraint

    List flake versions matching a constraint


    fh list versions nixos/nixpkgs "0.2305.*"
    fh list versions DeterminateSystems/nuenv "*"
    fh list versions eza-community/eza "0.10"

    Note that this requires a backend change (currently in review).

    opened by lucperkins 1
  • UI nits

    UI nits

    • Create a flake.nix if it doesn't exist already
    • Handle an empty flake by using a template
    • If the flake is empty, like it has just {} (or semantically equivalent), use a template
    opened by grahamc 1
  • Additional inputs

    Additional inputs

    Extends convert to support more cases.

    URI-types become strings:

         fenix = {
    -      url = github:nix-community/fenix;
    +      url = "";
           inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    and IndentedStrings, such as they are, are converted too:

    -     flake-utils.url = ''github:numtide/flake-utils'';
    +     flake-utils.url = '''';

    and nixpkgs/release-mm.yy are supported -- migrated to releases now.

    Also, while running fh across every determinatesystems project, I found another issue. When a flake.nix looks like this:

      inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
      inputs.rust-overlay.url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay";
      inputs.rust-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    rust-overlay's input URL appears to be replaced with "nixpkgs", causing the result to be:

      inputs.nixpkgs.url = "";
      inputs.rust-overlay.url = "";
      inputs.rust-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    I fixed this as well by not considering inputs.rust-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; to be an input line.

    opened by grahamc 0
  • Enable listing flakes by label

    Enable listing flakes by label

    I'm marking this as a draft because it depends on backend changes, namely returning project/org for the flake instead of name/org. I could've used Serde aliasing for that but I'd prefer to streamline the backend instead.

    opened by lucperkins 0
  • v0.1.6(Oct 5, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Add fh init docs to README by @lucperkins in
    • Add badge to README by @lucperkins in
    • Reorder 23.05 below latest stable, and note latest is the current stable by @grahamc in
    • Add version flag by @lucperkins in
    • jspn -> json by @grahamc in
    • Enable listing flakes by label by @lucperkins in
    • Sort systems by @grahamc in
    • Add flake schemas to generated flake.nix files by @lucperkins in
    • Add prompt for Deno projects by @lucperkins in
    • Add Elm support by @lucperkins in
    • Remove api. from FlakeHub URLs and run flake update by @lucperkins in
    • Add Bazel support by @lucperkins in
    • Improve the UX around fh init by @lucperkins in
    • Patch version bump to 0.1.6 by @lucperkins in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fh-X64-Linux(13.92 MB)
    fh-X64-macOS(11.65 MB)
  • v0.1.5(Sep 19, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • fix(nix): correct shell completion command name by @ryanccn in
    • Polish up README by @lucperkins in
    • Add an fh init command by @lucperkins in
    • Add hooks for error reporting by @lucperkins in
    • Bump to version 0.1.5 by @lucperkins in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fh-X64-Linux(13.92 MB)
    fh-X64-macOS(11.61 MB)
  • v0.1.4(Sep 15, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Add docstring for flake option by @lucperkins in
    • feat: add shell completions by @ryanccn in
    • fh add: allow specifying where new inputs should go by @cole-h in
    • List flake versions matching a constraint by @lucperkins in
    • Enable JSON output for lists by @lucperkins in
    • Bump version to 0.1.4 by @lucperkins in

    New Contributors

    • @ryanccn made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fh-X64-Linux(12.60 MB)
    fh-X64-macOS(10.46 MB)
  • v0.1.3(Sep 4, 2023)

  • v0.1.2(Sep 1, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • fh add: test some stuff by @cole-h in
    • Don't duplicate input names in outputs by @cole-h in
    • fh add: try to match existing inputs styles by @cole-h in
    • Setup tracing by @cole-h in
    • Release v0.1.2 by @cole-h in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fh-X64-Linux(12.29 MB)
    fh-X64-macOS(10.23 MB)
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