real-time strategy game


Build Discord

Logo is an online multiplayer real-time strategy game. Command your forces wisely and prepare for intense battles!

Build Instructions

  1. Install rustup (see instructions here)
  2. Install Rust Nightly and the WebAssembly target
rustup install nightly-2023-04-25
rustup default nightly-2023-04-25
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  1. Install trunk (cargo install --locked trunk --version 0.15.0, install gcc first if it complains about missing cc)
  2. trunk build --release in /client
  3. cargo run --release in /server

Official Server(s)

To avoid potential visibility-cheating, you are prohibited from using the open-source client to play on official Kiomet server(s).


Kiomet is a trademark of Softbear, Inc.

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