🎭 A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file


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mask is a CLI task runner which is defined by a simple markdown file. It searches for a maskfile.md in the current directory which it then parses for commands and arguments.

A maskfile.md is both a human-readable document and a command definition! Being documentation focused allows others to easily get started with your project's development setup by simply reading your maskfile.md. A nice advantage of using markdown is that syntax highlighting for code blocks is built-in to many editors and renderers like GitHub itself.

Here's the maskfile.md that mask itself uses as an example!

To get started, follow the guide below or check out the more advanced features mask has like positional args, optional flags, subcommands, other scripting runtimes and more!


Precompiled binaries for linux and macOS

Head to the Releases page and look for the latest published version. Under Assets you'll see zips available for download for linux and macOS. Once downloaded, you can unzip them and then move the mask binary to somewhere accessible in your $PATH like mv mask /usr/local/bin.


mask is available in Homebrew which allows you to install it via brew install mask.


mask is published to crates.io which allows you to install it via cargo install mask.

From source

If you prefer to build from source, clone this repo and then run cargo build --release

Getting started

First, define a simple maskfile.md in your project.

# Tasks For My Project

<!-- A heading defines the command's name -->
## build

<!-- A blockquote defines the command's description -->
> Builds my project

<!-- A code block defines the script to be executed -->
echo "building project..."

## test

> Tests my project

You can also write documentation anywhere you want. Only certain types of markdown patterns
are parsed to determine the command structure.

This code block below is defined as js which means it will be ran with node. Mask also
supports other scripting runtimes including python, ruby and php!

console.log("running tests...")

Then, try running one of your commands!

mask build
mask test


Positional arguments

These are defined beside the command name within (round_brackets). They are required arguments that must be supplied for the command to run. Optional args are coming soon. The argument name is injected into the script's scope as an environment variable.


## test (file) (test_case)

> Run tests

echo "Testing $test_case in $file"

Named flags

You can define a list of named flags for your commands. The flag name is injected into the script's scope as an environment variable.


## serve

> Serve this directory

<!-- You must define OPTIONS right before your list of flags -->
* port
    * flags: -p --port
    * type: string
    * desc: Which port to serve on

PORT=${port:-8080} # Set a fallback port if not supplied

if [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]]; then
    echo "Starting an http server on PORT: $PORT"
python -m SimpleHTTPServer $PORT

You can also make your flag expect a numerical value by setting its type to number. This means mask will automatically validate it as a number for you. If it fails to validate, mask will exit with a helpful error message.


## purchase (price)

> Calculate the total price of something.

* tax
    * flags: -t --tax
    * type: number
    * desc: What's the tax?

TAX=${tax:-1} # Fallback to 1 if not supplied
echo "Total: $(($price * $TAX))"

If you exclude the type field, mask will treat it as a boolean flag. If the flag is passed, its environment variable will be "true", otherwise it will be unset/non-existent.

Important to note that mask auto injects a very common boolean flag called verbose into every single command even if it's not used, which saves a bit of typing for you. This means every command implicitly has a -v and --verbose flag already.


## test

> Run the test suite

* watch
    * flags: -w --watch
    * desc: Run tests on file change

[[ "$watch" == "true" ]] && echo "Starting in watch mode..."
[[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Running with extra logs..."

Flags are optional by default. If you add required to your flag definition, mask will error if it isn't supplied by the user.


## ping

* domain
    * flags: -d --domain
    * type: string
    * desc: Which domain to ping
    * required

ping $domain


Nested command structures can easily be created since they are simply defined by the level of markdown heading. H2 (##) is where you define your top-level commands. Every level after that is a subcommand.


## services

> Commands related to starting and stopping services

### services start (service_name)

> Start a service.

echo "Starting service $service_name"

### services stop (service_name)

> Stop a service.

echo "Stopping service $service_name"

You may notice above that the start and stop commands are prefixed with their parent command services. Prefixing subcommands with their ancestor commands may help readability in some cases, however, it is completely optional. The example below is the same as above, but without prefixing.


## services

> Commands related to starting and stopping services

### start (service_name)

> Start a service.

echo "Starting service $service_name"

### stop (service_name)

> Stop a service.

echo "Stopping service $service_name"

Support for other scripting runtimes

On top of shell/bash scripts, mask also supports using node, python, ruby and php as scripting runtimes. This gives you the freedom to choose the right tool for the specific task at hand. For example, let's say you have a serve command and a snapshot command. You could choose python to serve a simple directory and maybe node to run a puppeteer script that generates a png snapshot of each page.


## shell (name)

> An example shell script

Valid lang codes: sh, bash, zsh, fish... any shell that supports -c

echo "Hello, $name!"

## node (name)

> An example node script

Valid lang codes: js, javascript

const { name } = process.env;
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

## python (name)

> An example python script

Valid lang codes: py, python

import os
name = os.getenv("name", "WORLD")
print("Hello, " + name + "!")

## ruby (name)

> An example ruby script

Valid lang codes: rb, ruby

name = ENV["name"] || "WORLD"
puts "Hello, #{name}!"

## php (name)

> An example php script

$name = getenv("name") ?: "WORLD";
echo "Hello, " . $name . "!\n";

Windows support

You can even add powershell or batch code blocks alongside linux/macOS ones. Depending on which platform this runs on, the correct code block will be executed.


## link

> Build and link the binary globally

cargo install --force --path .

[Diagnostics.Process]::Start("cargo", "install --force --path .").WaitForExit()

Automatic help and usage output

You don't have to spend time writing out help info manually. mask uses your command descriptions and options to automatically generate help output. For every command, it adds -h, --help flags and an alternative help <name> command.


mask services start -h
mask services start --help
mask services help start
mask help services start

All output the same help info:

Start or restart a service.

    mask services start [FLAGS] <service_name>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Sets the level of verbosity
    -r, --restart    Restart this service if it's already running
    -w, --watch      Restart a service on file change


Running mask from within a script

You can easily call mask within scripts if you need to chain commands together. However, if you plan on running mask with a different maskfile, you should consider using the $MASK utility instead which allows your scripts to be location-agnostic.


## bootstrap

> Installs deps, builds, links, migrates the db and then starts the app

mask install
mask build
mask link
# $MASK also works. It's an alias variable for `mask --maskfile <path_to_maskfile>`
# which guarantees your scripts will still work even if they are called from
# another directory.
$MASK db migrate
$MASK start

Inherits the script's exit code

If your command exits with an error, mask will exit with its status code. This allows you to chain commands which will exit on the first error.


## ci

> Runs tests and checks for lint and formatting errors

mask test \
    && mask lint \
    && mask format --check

Running mask with a different maskfile

If you're in a directory that doesn't have a maskfile.md but you want to reference one somewhere else, you can with the --maskfile <path_to_maskfile> option.


mask --maskfile ~/maskfile.md <subcommand>

Tip: Make a bash alias for this so you can call it anywhere easily

# Call it something fun
alias wask="mask --maskfile ~/maskfile.md"

# You can run this from anywhere
wask <subcommand>

Environment variable utilities

Inside of each script's execution environment, mask injects a few environment variable helpers that might come in handy.


This is useful when running mask within a script. This variable allows us to call $MASK command instead of mask --maskfile <path> command inside scripts so that they can be location-agnostic (not care where they are called from). This is especially handy for global maskfiles which you may call from anywhere.


This variable is an absolute path to the maskfile's parent directory. Having the parent directory available allows us to load files relative to the maskfile itself which can be useful when you have commands that depend on other external files.

Documentation sections

If a heading doesn't have a code block, it will be treated as documentation and completely ignored.


## This is a heading with no script

It's useful as a place to document things like a setup guide or required dependencies
or tools that your commands may rely on.

Use cases

Here's some example scenarios where mask might be handy.

Project specific tasks

You have a project with a bunch of random build and development scripts or an unwieldy Makefile. You want to simplify by having a single, readable file for your team members to add and modify existing tasks.

Global system utility

You want a global utility CLI for a variety of system tasks such as backing up directories or renaming a bunch of files. This is easily possible by making a bash alias for mask --maskfile ~/my-global-maskfile.md.


Is mask available as a lib?

mask was designed as a lib from the beginning and is accessible. However, it's very undocumented and will need to be cleaned up before it's considered stable.

Where did the inspiration come from?

I'm definitely not the first to come up with this idea of using markdown as a CLI structure definition.

My frustrations with make's syntax is what led me to search for other options. I landed on just for awhile which was a pretty nice improvement. My favourite feature of just is its support for other language runtimes, which is why mask also has this ability! However, it still didn't have some features I wanted like nested subcommands and multiple optional flags.

At some point in my searching, I came across maid which is where most of the inspiration for mask comes from. I thought it was brilliant that markdown could be used as a command definition format while still being so readable.

So why did I choose to rebuild the wheel instead of using maid? For one, I preferred installing a single binary, like just is, rather than installing an npm package with hundreds of deps. I also had a few ideas on how I could improve upon maid which is why mask supports multiple levels of nested subcommands as well as optional flags and positional args. Also... I just really wanted to build another thing with Rust :)

I also need to mention clap and pulldown-cmark which are really the core parts of mask that made it so easy to create.


Check out our Contribution Guidelines before creating an issue or submitting a PR 🙌

Also, please review and follow the rules within our Code of Conduct 🙂


Jake Deichert with the help of contributors.

@jakedeichert on Twitter · Website

  • Add shell completion supported by clap

    Add shell completion supported by clap

    Which issue does this fix?

    Closes #18

    Describe the solution

    Inspired from starship [1], this PR will add init subcommand to generate shell completion via clap crate [2].

    [1] https://starship.rs/#quick-install (jump to step 2) [2] https://docs.rs/clap/2.33.0/clap/struct.App.html#examples-48

    How to test

    hub pr checkout 42
    cargo install --path .
    # if using bash
    eval "$(mask init bash)"

    As for me, I'm using fish shell and it works

    mask init fish | source

    Peek 2019-11-17 07-33

    Types of changes

    • [x] Bug fix
    • [x] New feature
    • [ ] Breaking change
    opened by DrSensor 10
  • feat(windows) powershell and batch support

    feat(windows) powershell and batch support

    Which issue does this fix?

    Closes #10

    Describe the solution

    Added batch and powershell scripting for windows.

    Powershell worked out of the box with some minor idiosyncrasies (more on that in a moment) and batch just required a new match statement for the runtime. CFG was used for batch and for a few of the tests. Each instance of shell/bash in the tests and maskfile.md was given a complimentary powershell script as well. On the Linux/WSL side, had to make some changes to the parser because it didn't ignore the powershell and batch blocks. Used CFG to change the way the parser matches on codeblock tags.

    Regarding Powershell: normally when using powershell you are not allowed to pass double hyphen flags -- to a script. This somewhat dubious choice doesn't seem to affect mask since the arguments are passed into the environment. If you pass a flag x as such --x you are able to gain access to the value of the flag via $env:x. This works out nicely because there doesn't need to be two separate CLI interfaces for windows and Linux.

    The Paths in windows are proceeded by \\?\, for instance: \\?\C:\\path\\to\\maskfile.md. If this prefix is removed from the path, it will work without issue in Mask/Rust. Only had to do this one time and it was done via Powershell.

    Edit: one more thing worth mentioning is that I am not the most experienced powershell dev. I tried to make all of the blocks consistent but there are a few items that might not be completely idiomatic.

    opened by tensor-programming 9
  • Support README.md

    Support README.md

    One of the main benefits of using a markdown based task runner is that we can embed our tasks into the README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md files, giving us documentation and tasks side by side.

    maid supports these as default configs, it would be nice for mask to support these too.

    opened by rawkode 8
  • Extraction with --extract

    Extraction with --extract

    Additional possibilities:

    • Go templates
    • Lua
    • Rego
    • YAML

    Regarding YAML, that one is tricky because it could represent any data. I don't know why, but the large majority of Kubernetes blog posts are a bunch of "now paste this block of YAML into kubectl apply" Because mask already handles parsing the markdown, it would be useful to have mask extract those strings. For example something like the following would be useful:

    mask --extract deployment document.md | kapp apply -a demo -f- -y

    The same could be useful for docker-compose.yml examples, CI config, and even viewing the contents of a runnable target.

    Perhaps a general extraction tool would be better suited as another project (especially for documents that don't follow the structure of a maskfile). Still, having the ability to view the code of a target before running a task would be a useful feature from the terminal.

    opened by brandonkal 8
  • Support alternative way to define command headings so that ancestor commands are not required to be present

    Support alternative way to define command headings so that ancestor commands are not required to be present

    Current behavior:

    ## foo
        do something

    mask foo

    Desired behavior

    ## foo
    ### bar
        do something

    mask foo.bar

    opened by jgroom33 7
  • feature: introduce concept of named parameters instead of optional parameters

    feature: introduce concept of named parameters instead of optional parameters

    I don't like the delineation of optional/positional. Optionality should be a trait of the parameter, indifferent of how it is passed.

    Hence, new delineation would be positional or named, the current "optional".

    That's how argparse[1] does it essentially.

    [1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument

    docs enhancement 
    opened by cherusk 6
  • Remove commands without code blocks

    Remove commands without code blocks

    Which issue does this fix?

    Closes #65

    Describe the solution

    Recursively remove commands that do not have any code block and have no subcommands. Retain root level command with level == 1.

    opened by twitu 5
  • Make it possible to point to a different maskfile

    Make it possible to point to a different maskfile

    This PR adds the ability to specify --maskfile or -m followed by a path to a maskfile.

    I had to work around the fact that clap will still parse all of the arguments from argv, so I had to add a subcommand to match --maskfile (see the comment below).

    Other than that I added a the dev-dependencies to start writing integration tests for the binary.

    Let me know what you think!

    opened by felipesere 4
  • Combine mask + a given maskfile into a standalone binary

    Combine mask + a given maskfile into a standalone binary

    It should be able to take a maskfile and turn it into a standalone rust binary... not sure how possible this even is. The maskfile would need to be embedded into the mask binary or something.

    This would create an easy way to make general cli programs that can be distributed to a team.

    opened by jacobdeichert 4
  • Support for musl

    Support for musl

    Add support for musl linked executable for distributions that use it (ie. Alpine). I would think this would be done by adding another asset on release that would be named mask-vX.XX.X-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip or something like it.

    I have limited knowledge of rust, but seems like this could be achieved by adding another release job in .github/workflows/release.yml that could make use of an Alpine to build and target. I believe cargo needs use the target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.

    opened by 8Mobius8 3
  • "cd" command does not work in mask

    Hi there, great tool.

    I have a very weird issue with mask. I defined really simple maskfile:

    # Common Tasks
    easy tedious task management
    ## go
    > go to common folders
    ### go work 
    > go to work folder
    echo "changing dir..."
    cd $HOME/projects/work
    after launching `mask go work` I'm still in current folder. I tried changing interpreter (sh, bash, zsh), interpolation, removing variables at all with no avail. I guess that must be something trivial I'm missing.
    Mac OS X 11.2.3
    zsh 5.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin20.0)
    mask 0.10.0
    opened by zen 3
  • Forwarding arguments?

    Forwarding arguments?

    I'm not sure if this feature would be useful or necessary at all, and honestly this may just stem from my bash inexperience, but I'm having trouble forwarding (if this is the correct expression) arguments to a command that is run by mask.

    For simplicity sake, say you are building a binary with cmake and attempting to run the output:

    Binary usage is such: $ ./HelloWorld -n <NAME> -l <LANG>

    My mask script looks like this:

    ## standalone
    > Builds and runs the standalone executable (cli) portion of the project
    * run
        * flags: -r --run
        * type: boolean
        * desc: Run the standalone executable after building
    * args
        * flags: -a --args
        * type: string
        * desc: The args to pass to the executable when it is run (flag will be ignored if run is not also passed). If not provided the default will be '--help'.
    cmake -S standalone -B build/standalone
    cmake --build build/standalone
    [[ "$run" == "true" ]] && ./build/standalone/HelloWorld $INPUT_ARGS
    (^ Ignore this backslash, it was the only way I could get this block to close)

    But I'm getting errors from Mask regarding unexpected arguments (-n flag):

    $ mask standalone -r -a "-n Tony"
    error: Found argument '-n' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context
        mask standalone --args <args> --run
    For more information try --help

    Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is indeed expected behavior, and whether there can be option to forward remaining args "inside" the mask command.

    Edit: Sorry for the edit, I fat fingered control + enter to submit this too soon. Edit2: I'm bad at formatting.

    opened by tonyb983 1
  • ✨ Concurrently run multiple commands in parallel via single command definition

    ✨ Concurrently run multiple commands in parallel via single command definition

    @jakedeichert This is such a elegant step up from package.json scripts, you my friend are awesome!


    Concurrently run multiple commands in parallel via one single mask command definition.


    Using npm-run-all --parallel in my package.json

    "scripts": {
    	"watch": "del dist; npm-run-all --silent --parallel watch:*",
    	"watch:nodemon": "wait-for-change dist/index.js && delay 0.1 && nodemon dist/index.js",
    	"watch:tsc": "tsc --watch --preserveWatchOutput",

    I've tried all the alternative's at the bottom of your README.md and I haven't been able to find something that has implemented this feature.

    So far mask is the best I've come across, then just shortly after.

    Thanks friend! =]

    opened by roblav96 2
  • Let user specify default/fallback value for named flags

    Let user specify default/fallback value for named flags

    I want to specify parameters list and default for option.

    For instance. When make command "formatter" from csv to json or tsv, with default no-convert,I want to specify following:

    ## formatter
    * target
        * flags: -t --target
        * type: string
        * desc: Which port to serve on
        * list: csv, json, tsv
        * default: csv
    opened by ogata-k 8
  • Support shorter flag syntax

    Support shorter flag syntax

    Currently adding a flag is quite verbose:

    ## purchase (price)
    > Calculate the total price of something.
    * tax
        * flags: -t --tax
        * type: number
        * desc: What's the tax?
    TAX=${tax:-1} # Fallback to 1 if not supplied
    echo "Total: $(($price * $TAX))"

    We end needing to write out the flag name twice and use 4 lines. I'd like to propose support for a shorter readable syntax:

    ## purchase (price)
    > Calculate the total price of something.
    * flags: -t --tax |number| What's the tax?
    TAX=${tax:-1} # Fallback to 1 if not supplied
    echo "Total: $(($price * $TAX))"

    If no type is specified, the |number| part can be omitted.

    opened by brandonkal 3
Jake Deichert
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