A simple, efficient Rust library for handling asynchronous job processing and task queuing.




cargo add job_queue


Create a job

use job_queue::{Error, Job, typetag, async_trait, serde};

#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(crate = "job_queue::serde")]
pub struct HelloJob {
    pub message: String,

impl Job for HelloJob {
    async fn handle(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        println!("{}", self.message);

Create a queue and dispatch a job

use job_queue::{Error, Job, Queue};

let queue = Client::builder()
    .connect("mysql://root:@localhost/job_queue") // or postgres://root:@localhost/job_queue

    .dispatch(&HelloJob {
        message: "Hello, world!".to_string(),

Create a worker

use job_queue::{Error, Job, Worker};
use std::time::Duration;

let worker = Worker::builder()
        .connect("mysql://root:@localhost/job_queue") // or postgres://root:@localhost/job_queue

worker.start().await?; // blocks forever, or until all workers are stopped (crash or ctrl-c)


  • emit events, failing, stopping, before and after processing a job
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