bevy_sequential_actions is a library for the Bevy game engine that aims to execute a list of actions in a sequential manner.


Bevy Sequential Actions

bevy_sequential_actions is a library for the Bevy game engine that aims to execute a list of actions in a sequential manner. This generally means that one action runs at a time, and when it is done, the next action will start, and so on until the list is empty.

Getting Started

An action is anything that implements the Action trait, and can be added to any Entity that contains the ActionsBundle. Each action must signal when they are finished, which is done by calling next_action on either Commands or ActionCommands.

use bevy::prelude::*;

use bevy_sequential_actions::*;

fn main() {

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    // Create entity with ActionsBundle
    let id = commands.spawn_bundle(ActionsBundle::default()).id();

    // Add a single action with default config
    commands.add_action(id, WaitAction(1.0), AddConfig::default());

    // Add multiple actions with custom config
            AddConfig {
                // Add each action to the back of the queue
                order: AddOrder::Back,
                // Start action if nothing is currently running
                start: false,
                // Repeat the action         
                repeat: false,

struct WaitAction(f32);

impl Action for WaitAction {
    fn add(&mut self, actor: Entity, world: &mut World, _commands: &mut ActionCommands) {

    fn remove(&mut self, actor: Entity, world: &mut World) {

    fn stop(&mut self, actor: Entity, world: &mut World) {
        self.remove(actor, world);

struct Wait(f32);

fn wait(mut wait_q: Query<(Entity, &mut Wait)>, time: Res


See the examples for more usage. Each example can be run with cargo run --example .

Example Description
basic Shows the basic usage of the library by adding a bunch of actions.
stop Shows how to stop a running action, and then add a new action to the front of the queue.
repeat Shows how to add actions that basically loop forever in the added order.
demo A more comprehensive and practical example showcasing how this library can be used in a turn-based board game. Includes lots of custom actions that can be reused throughout the game.


bevy bevy_sequential_actions
0.7 0.1
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    Add parallel actions

    This PR adds the ability to add a collection of actions that is treated as "one". This means that they all start and stop at the same time, and the actions queue will only advance when all actions are finished within the same frame.


    For this to work, this library now requires that you add the SequentialActionsPlugin to your app, as a system at the end of the frame now needs to check for all finished actions.

    This PR also includes some internal rework and other stuff. The finish method has been removed in favor of using the new ActionFinished component on an agent. This approach composes well with other actions running in parallel. For short one-at-a-time actions the next method can still be used. The README file has been updated with examples.

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  • Replace repeat bool with a `Repeat` enum

    Replace repeat bool with a `Repeat` enum

    You can now specify how many times an action should repeat.

    pub enum Repeat {

    A value of Repeat::Amount(0) means it will repeat zero times, i.e. only run once as before when the repeat bool was set to false.

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  • Add an anonymous action using a closure

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            // Single closure for only the on_start method
                |entity, _world: &mut World, commands: &mut ActionCommands| {
                    // on_start
            // Tuple closure for both the on_start and on_stop methods
                |entity, _world: &mut World, commands: &mut ActionCommands| {
                    // on_start
                |_entity, _world: &mut World, _reason| {
                    // on_stop
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  • v0.6.0(Nov 15, 2022)


    • Update to Bevy 0.9. (#55)
    • Add a collection of actions that run in parallel with the add_many method. The collection is treated as "one action", meaning that they all start and stop at the same time, and the action queue will only advance when all actions are finished within the same frame. For this to work, this library now requires that you add the SequentialActionsPlugin to your app, as a set of systems at the end of the frame now needs to check for all finished actions. The finish method has been removed, as declaring an action as finished is now done with the ActionFinished component on an agent. The explicit stop(reason) method has also been removed. (#45)
    • Add SequentialActionsPlugin::get_systems if you want to schedule the systems yourself. (#53)
    • Add actions! helper macro for creating a collection of boxed actions. (#47)
    • Add Repeat::None variant. (#50)
    • Add ActionsBundle::new method. (#52)
    • Rename ActionCommands::custom method to add. (#48)
    • Remove ActionMarker component. (#49)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(Sep 8, 2022)


    • Replace builder constructs for adding a list of actions with a simple add_many method that takes an iterator of boxed actions. Reversing the list before adding to the front is no longer needed. (#40)
    • Replace the repeat bool in AddConfig with a Repeat enum. You can now specify how many times an action should be repeated before it is permanently removed from the queue. A value of zero means that it will only run once. (#41)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Aug 19, 2022)


    • Building a list of actions is now done through the builder method when modifying actions. (#28)
    • Add skip method for skipping the next action. (#30)
    • Add ActionMarker component to ActionsBundle. (#31)
    • Add an anonymous action using a closure. (#34)
    • Add custom method to ActionCommands for deferred World mutation after Action::on_start has been called. Used for modifying actions using World inside the Action trait. (#36)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Jul 30, 2022)


    • Update to Bevy 0.8.
    • Remove the Action::remove trait method.
    • Rename Action::start method to Action::on_start.
    • Rename Action::stop method to Action::on_stop.
    • Add StopReason enum and use it as parameter in Action::on_stop method.
    • Rename action(entity) method to actions(entity) for modifying actions.
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