N vim win! Neovim UI designed for Sway/i3.

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IDEs nwin


This is an experimental Neovim UI that creates a new OS window for each Neovim window, all backed by the same neovim server. This enables performing window management using i3/sway's regular window-management features.

Why use this

If you don't care about controlling neovim windows from the comfort of Sway, there is absolutely no reason. Neovim-qt, Goneovim and Neovide are all much more polished.


  • The ext-win branch of my neovim fork (make sure it's compiled and first in your path!).
  • SDL and its ttf library (sudo apt install libsdl2 libsdl2-ttf)
  • The font NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf in $HOME/downloads/NotoSansMono (yes, really).
  • A very strong stomach if you're going to look at the code.

Obligatory GIF


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