Transform Obsidian Vault's notes into web pages


Obsidian Garden

Obsidian Garden is a program to transform Obsidian Vault's notes into web pages. It converts your markdown notes, created in Obsidian, into fully functional site, ready for deployment.


If you are on OS X or Linux, you can use the installation script to fetch the latest release:

curl | sh


  • Generate fully static HTML files - SEO friendly and easy to deploy
  • Full-text search with pagefind
  • Math expressions with KaTeX
  • Table of contents
  • Excalidraw support

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to you Vault folder and run obsidian-garden init
cd my-notes/
obsidian-garden init
  1. Customize your site settings by editing the .garden/site.yaml file
title: Site name
pagefind: false
    - text: Link 1
    - text: Link 2
  1. Generate a static site from your notes.
obsidian-garden build
  1. Optional - Enable pagefind on .garden/site.yaml and run pagefind to index your site
pagefind --source dist
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    • Audio: .mp3, .webm, .wav, .m4a, .ogg, .3gp, .flat
    • Video: .mp4, .webm, .ogv, .mov, .mkv
    • PDF: .pdf
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