Rslide - A web service that allows you to move through multiple html pages in the browser like a slide, even without focusing on the app console or the browser. Currently only supports Windows.



rslide is a web service that allows you to move through multiple html pages in the browser like a slide, even without focusing on the app console or the browser. Currently only supports Windows.

The new page is sent via WebSocket. It's not for an advantage, but I just want to try making something with WebSocket.


You can download it at the release page.

Note that because it will setup keyboard hook, the anti-virus may not like it. If you have the concern, you can build it from source by fetching this repo of a certain version tag and run cargo build --release.

You can also install by cargo install rslide.


The app reads config from environment variable, with dotenv supports.

Variable Description Default Value Required
LISTEN Address the web service listens.
TEMPLATE_PAGE The path of the template page
PAGE_LIST The path of the page list file
ASSETS_DIR The path of the assets directory
HEARTBEAT The duration of each heartbeat for keeping WebSocket alive. 1s
TIMEOUT The duration of the timeout for waiting heartbeat response. 10s
PREV_CODE The scancode of the key that switches to the previous page. 26 (the [ key)
NEXT_CODE The scancode of the key that switches to the next page. 27 (the ] key)

It uses humantime to parse the duration like HEARTBEAT and TIMEOUT .

Template Page

The template page is the skeleton of the pages. It should contains an element with id mainHtml, whose innerHtml will be set to the current page.

Template page doesn't support reloading. The change of the template page file won't take effect until you start a new service.

Page List File

This file contains a list of the pathes of the html files of the pages, absolute or relative to this list file, line by line.

Note that the html file should contain a partial inner html, which will be put in the element mainHtml of the template page.

Pages listed in the file support reloading. The change of a page will take effect when refreshing or switch away and switch back to this page.

Assets Directory

Optionally you can set a assets directory path, which will map to the /assets path in the web service.


Go to the / of the listening address, you can see the first page. Pressing the corresponding keys of PREV_CODE and NEXT_CODE, you can move back and forth. You can unhook by a DELETE request of /hook, in which case the page will be frozen. You should unhook before quiting the program as it releases some OS resources.


  • Remove unwrap or expect as much as possible.
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