Memory hacking library for windows.

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Security tools radon


Memory hacking library for windows.


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Opening processes

use radon::types::access_rights::PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS;
use radon::process as ps;

let process = ps::Processes::new()?
    .find(|p| p.sz_exe_file == "Process name.exe")
    .open(false, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS)?;

Modules iterating

let process = get_process();
    .for_each(|m| dbg!(m));

Reading / Writing memory

let process = get_process();
let mut value = process.read_process_memory::<u32>(0xFF)?;
value += 100;

process.write_process_memory(0xFF, value)?;

Allocating / Freeing / Protecting / Querying memory

use radon::types::protection_flags::{PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, PAGE_READONLY};
use radon::types::allocation_types::{MEM_COMMIT, MEM_RESERVE};
use radon::types::free_types::MEM_RELEASE;

let process = get_process();
let mut chunk = process.virtual_allocate(
let info = process.virtual_query(chunk)?;

process.virtual_protect(chunk, 1000, PAGE_READONLY)?;
process.virtual_free(chunk, 0, MEM_RELEASE)?;

Searching for patterns

use radon::pattern::Pattern;

let process = get_process();
let address = process.find_pattern(
    // Available styles: IDA, Code, PiDB
    Pattern::from_ida_style("48 89 85 F0 00 00 00 4C 8B ? ? ? ? ? 48 8D")


use radon::{interface, xstruct};

struct CEntity;

// Creates a trait that will emulate behavior of virtual functions in C++.
interface! {
    trait IEntity {
        0 @ fn get_health() -> u32;
        1 @ fn set_health(new_value: u32);
    impl for CEntity;
    class IEntity {
        virtual int get_health() = 0;
        virtual void set_health(int new_value) = 0;

// Creates struct with explicitly defined offsets.
xstruct! {
    struct CPlayer {
        // health will be availble at offset 0x100
        0x100 @ health: u32,
        // stamina will be availble at offset 0x100
        0x250 @ stamina: f32
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