AI-Boosted Solidity REPL


ChiselGPT: AI-Boosted Solidity REPL

Chisel-GPT is an extension for Chisel allowing natural language requests. The natural language requests are converted into Chisel/Solidity commands and they are executed within the Chisel environment.

Still a work in progress, responses may not always be accurate.


Commands can be requested by prefixing your request with !chat, for example:

!chat create a contract that uses assembly to bit shift numbers

!chat create a simple poc for a liquidity pool

!chat deal me 100 ETH


First clone the repository

Then in order to send requests to OpenAI for natural language to Solidity/Chisel commands, it requires an api key.

To set this on a MAC or Linux do:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=...

Now run the tool with:

cargo run


Feel free to submit PR's or issues

  • Include previous messages and responses in the openai request
  • Modify !help, to include the custom command; !chat
  • If '##START##' is found but '##END##' isn't, query for the remaining code
  • Remove .unwrap() calls, update error handling to be more coherent
  • Update parsing logic to not require a command delineator (to reduce the chance of ChatGPT sending bad responses)
  • Improve the prompt
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