This project depends on this blog serie Philipp Oppermann's blog
Required Knowlege
I don't know what you really need to know to learn efficiently from making a kernel, but here is what I think:
These skills are required:
- Rust essentials
- Patient to read every char in an article
These skills are not required whatsoever but might have huge impact on your learning proccess
- C
- Assembly
- Basic knowledge of booting proccess
- Basic knowledgw of how hardware interact with each other
- Linux nerd
This table contains all main resources that I depend until now.
The Goal | Source | State |
Create bare Metal 'Hello world' Program | Philipp Oppermann's blog | DONE |
Write my own bootloader | From the bootloader to the kernel | next step |
This project named after Grisha Yeager(Aot) cuz why not.