A library for working with alpaca.markets APIs, including the Broker API.


alpaca-rs, an unofficial Rust SDK for the Alpaca API (WIP)


  • Easy to use - Minimal setup and no boilerplate.
  • Cross-platform - can run on most platforms that Rust can run on, including WebAssembly.
  • Interoperable - does not depend on any async runtime, so you can use whatever executor you want, like Tokio, actix-rt, or async-std's own executor.
  • Supports all Alpaca APIs - Broker, Trading and Market Data APIs.



Crates.io (not released yet)

Use this command:

cargo add alpaca-rs

Or add this to Cargo.toml:

alpaca-rs = "<latest crates.io version>"

Latest commit (git)

Use this command:

cargo add alpaca-rs --git https://github.com/PassivityTrading/alpaca-rs

Or add this to Cargo.toml:

# ... other dependencies ...
alpaca-rs.git = "https://github.com/PassivityTrading/alpaca-rs"

Beware that if you use the git version, it may break, it may not even compile, etc. We do not recommend you use this, but if you want the latest changes or there is no suitable crates.io version, this would work.


Broker API

Create a client:

use alpaca_rs::prelude::*;

let auth: BrokerAuth = BrokerAuth { key: std::env::var("ALPACA_BROKER_KEY").unwrap().into() };
let client = BrokerClient::new_sandbox(auth);

Make an account:

use alpaca_rs::prelude::*;

fn get_contact() -> Contact { todo!() }
fn get_identity() -> Identity { todo!() }

async fn run() -> Result<(), AlpacaError> {
    let client = BrokerClient::new_sandbox(BrokerAuth { key: std::env::var("ALPACA_BROKER_KEY").unwrap().into() });
    let account = client.create_account(get_contact(), get_identity()).execute().await?;
    println!("Created account: {account:#?}");
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    • [x] 6494b6a Historical auctions
    • [x] 6494b6a...c1c8580 Historical/latest bars
    • [x] 5b66273 Condition/exchange codes
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  • Sandbox market data is broken

    Sandbox market data is broken

    This is the error log with MarketDataClient::new_sandbox:

    2023-12-13T18:05:58.467792Z  INFO mean_reversion: Waiting for 20 bars...
    2023-12-13T18:05:58.467864Z TRACE alpaca_rs::api::trading: Request { method: Get, url: Url { scheme: "https", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("data.sandbox.alpaca.markets")), port: None, path: "/v2/stocks/bars", query: Some("symbols=AAPL&timeframe=1T&start=2023-12-13&limit=20&adjustment=all&feed=iex"), fragment: None }, headers: {"apca-api-secret-key": "Le8yjRdfklocrv5Tuk6kiMJpKGpRIX94eFcl6zIS", "apca-api-key-id": "PKD62K9DUY7TAMLLMAT6"}, version: None, body: Body { reader: "<hidden>", length: Some(0), bytes_read: 0 }, local_addr: None, peer_addr: None, ext: Extensions, trailers_sender: Some(Sender { .. }), trailers_receiver: Some(Receiver { .. }), has_trailers: false }    
    Error: Http(status was not successful: Response { status: Forbidden, headers: {"access-control-max-age": "1728000", "content-length": "146", "connection": "keep-alive", "x-request-id": "20beb13af654911471519d1f731865fc", "access-control-allow-credentials": "true", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains", "access-control-allow-methods": "GET, OPTIONS", "access-control-allow-headers": "Apca-Api-Key-Id, Apca-Api-Secret-Key, Authorization", "access-control-allow-origin": "*", "date": "Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:05:59 GMT", "content-type": "text/html"}, version: None, has_trailers: false, trailers_sender: Some(Sender { .. }), trailers_receiver: Some(Receiver { .. }), upgrade_sender: Some(Sender { .. }), upgrade_receiver: Some(Receiver { .. }), has_upgrade: false, body: Body { reader: "<hidden>", length: Some(0), bytes_read: 0 }, ext: Extensions, local_addr: None, peer_addr: None }, <html>
    <head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
    <center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
    • [ ] Root cause? Is the library not doing something right? Unlikely, as using new_live works like a charm.
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      • [x] #1 (Historical)
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