An iterator following a space-filling pattern over a given range




rlp-iter (Resolving Lattice Point Iterator) is an iterator that returns a space-filling permutation of integers in a given range. Specifically, it emits integers roughly in order of the most distant integer from any other previously emitted integer.

  • Iterates over all values in a range (e.g. 0..=100)
  • Follows a space filling pattern
  • No duplicate values


Say you need an iterator over the range 0..=100. This will emit integers in roughly the following order:

[ 0, 100, 50, 25, 75, 13, 38, 63, 88, ... ]


This iterator works on inclusive and exclusive ranges of usize. You can access it via:

use rlp_iter::RlpIterator;

for i in (0..=100).rlp_iter() {
    println!("{}", i);


This requires a small constant amount of memory, plus one bit of memory per value in the sampled space (required to ensure there are no duplicate values emitted).


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