Open your operating system's file browser from Garry's Mod.



Open your operating system's file browser from Garry's Mod.


Opening a file:


-- prompts the user to open a lua file
	path = "lua",
	filters = {
		["scripts"] = "lua" -- 'scripts' is the name of the filter, "lua" is the extension that it allows
	on_completed = function(path, err)
		if not path then error(err) end

		print("User picked file: " .. path)

Opening multiple files:


-- prompts the user to open his pac3 files in the data folder
	path = "data/pac3/",
	filters = {
		["pac3"] = "txt"
	on_completed = function(paths)
		print("User selected the following files:")

Opening a folder:


-- prompts the user to open a lua file
	path = "data",
	is_folder = true,
	on_completed = function(path, err)
		if not path then error(err) end

		print("User selected folder: " .. path)

Saving a file:


	path = "lua",
	is_save = true,
	default_save_name = "my_script.lua",
	filters = {
		["scripts"] = "lua"
	on_completed = function(path, err)
		if not path then error(err) end

		print("User wants to save the file at: " .. path)

Building / Compiling

  • Open a terminal
  • Install cargo if you dont have it (on Windows => (on Linux/Macos => curl -sSf | sh)
  • Get git or download the archive for the repository directly
  • git clone (ignore this if you've downloaded the archive)
  • Run cd gm_fsdialog
  • cargo build
  • Go in target/debug and rename the binary according to your branch and realm (gmsv_fsdialog_win64.dll, gmcl_fsdialog_win64.dll, gmsv_fsdialog_linux.dll, gmcl_fsdialog_linux.dll, gmcl_fsdialog_osx64.dll)
  • Put the binary in your gmod lua/bin directory

Note: Even on other platforms than Windows the extension of your modules need to be .dll

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