audioviz is a libary to transform raw audiodata to be visually pleasing.



A modular and simple libary to make raw and realtime audiodata captured for example from cpal visually more appealing.

It is not intended for scientifically usecases.


simple implementation


  • Fast Fourier transform via RustFFT with space and volume normalisation
  • configuration that can be live modified at runtime
  • buffering for smoothing over time
  • smoothing
  • resolution control
  • configurable refresh rate
  • scalable custom frequencies
  • very simple interface
  • only about 350 lines of code
  • multithreaded event based approach
  • should be able to be implemented in any project

Example with cpal

) { // sends the raw data to audio_stream via the event_sender sender.send(audioviz::Event::SendData(data.to_vec())).unwrap(); } fn err_fn(err: cpal::StreamError) { eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {}", err); } ">
use audioviz::*;
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};

fn main() {
    // creates the AudioStream object, which handles the interface
    let audio_stream = AudioStream::init(
        // using the default configuration
        Config {

    // getting the event_sender of audio_stream for easy implementation
    let event_sender = audio_stream.get_event_sender();

    // initiating the audio sending thread, that captures audio using cpal and then sends it to audio_stream via the event_sender
    // I actually dont fully know how to use cpal so it could be partially wrong but it works at least a bit
    let event_sender_clone = event_sender.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let host = cpal::default_host();

        let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap();

        let device_config =  device.default_output_config().unwrap();

        let stream = match device_config.sample_format() {
            cpal::SampleFormat::F32 => device.build_input_stream(
                move |data, _: &_| handle_input_data_f32(data, event_sender_clone.clone()),
            other => {
                panic!("Unsupported sample format {:?}", other);

        // parks the thread so does not get dropped and stops

    // receives calculated and converted data from audio_stream
    loop {
        // Method 1:
        let data = audio_stream.get_audio_data();
        // Method 2:
        let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
        let data = rx.recv().unwrap();

        // Do something with data...


// functions for cpal
fn handle_input_data_f32(data: &[f32], sender: mpsc::Sender
   ) {
   // sends the raw data to audio_stream via the event_sender

   err_fn(err: cpal::StreamError) {
   "an error occurred on stream: {}", err);

The received data is stored via Vec

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