Time-manager of delayed tasks. Like crontab, but synchronous asynchronous tasks are possible, and dynamic add/cancel/remove is supported.



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Time-manager of delayed tasks. Like crontab, but synchronous asynchronous tasks are possible, and dynamic add/cancel/remove is supported.

delay-timer is a task manager based on a time wheel algorithm, which makes it easy to manage timed tasks, or to periodically execute arbitrary tasks such as closures.

The underlying runtime is based on the optional smol and tokio, and you can build your application with either one.

The minimum-supported version of rustc is 1.49.

Except for the simple execution in a few seconds, you can also specify a specific date, such as Sunday at 4am to execute a backup task.

Supports configuration of the maximum number of parallelism of tasks.



use delay_timer::prelude::*;

use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::atomic::{
    Ordering::{Acquire, Release},
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicI32, Arc};
use std::thread::{self, park_timeout};
use std::time::Duration;
use smol::Timer;
use hyper::{Client, Uri};

fn main() {
    let delay_timer = DelayTimerBuilder::default().build();

    // Add an asynchronous task to delay_timer.

    // Since the tasks are executed in 8-second cycles,
    // we deal with something else.
    // Do someting about 8s.
    thread::sleep(Duration::new(8, 1_000_000));

fn build_task(mut task_builder: TaskBuilder) -> Task {
    let body = create_async_fn_body!({
        let mut res = surf::get("https://httpbin.org/get").await.unwrap();


enum AuspiciousTime {

impl Into<CandyCronStr> for AuspiciousTime {
    fn into(self) -> CandyCronStr {
        match self {
            Self::PerSevenSeconds => CandyCronStr("0/7 * * * * * *".to_string()),
            Self::PerEightSeconds => CandyCronStr("0/8 * * * * * *".to_string()),
            Self::LoveTime => CandyCronStr("0,10,15,25,50 0/1 * * Jan-Dec * 2020-2100".to_string()),

Capture the specified environment information and build the closure & task:

use delay_timer::prelude::*;

use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::atomic::{
    Ordering::{Acquire, Release},
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicI32, Arc};
use std::thread::{self, park_timeout};
use std::time::Duration;
use smol::Timer;
use hyper::{Client, Uri};

let delay_timer = DelayTimer::new();

let share_num = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let share_num_bunshin = share_num.clone();

let body = create_async_fn_body!((share_num_bunshin){
    share_num_bunshin_ref.fetch_add(1, Release);
    share_num_bunshin_ref.fetch_sub(1, Release);

let task = TaskBuilder::default()
    .set_frequency_by_candy(CandyFrequency::CountDown(9, CandyCron::Secondly))


Building dynamic future tasks:

use delay_timer::prelude::*;

use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::atomic::{
    Ordering::{Acquire, Release},
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicI32, Arc};
use std::thread::{self, park_timeout};
use std::time::Duration;
use smol::Timer;
use hyper::{Client, Uri};

fn build_task(mut task_builder: TaskBuilder) -> Task {
    let body = generate_closure_template(String::from("dynamic"));


pub fn generate_closure_template(
    name: String,
) -> impl Fn(TaskContext) -> Box<dyn DelayTaskHandler> + 'static + Send + Sync {
    move |context| {
        let future_inner = async_template(get_timestamp() as i32, name.clone());

        let future = async move {


pub async fn async_template(id: i32, name: String) {
    let client = Client::new();

    let url = format!("http://httpbin.org/get?id={}&name={}", id, name);
     let uri: Uri = url.parse().unwrap();
     let res = client.get(uri).await.unwrap();
     println!("Response: {}", res.status());
     // Concatenate the body stream into a single buffer...
     let buf = hyper::body::to_bytes(res).await.unwrap();
     println!("body: {:?}", buf);
 enum AuspiciousTime {

 impl Into<CandyCronStr> for AuspiciousTime {
     fn into(self) -> CandyCronStr {
         match self {
             Self::PerSevenSeconds => CandyCronStr("0/7 * * * * * *".to_string()),
             Self::PerEightSeconds => CandyCronStr("0/8 * * * * * *".to_string()),
             Self::LoveTime => CandyCronStr("0,10,15,25,50 0/1 * * Jan-Dec * 2020-2100".to_string()),

There's a lot more in the [examples] directory.


Licensed under either of

To Do List

  • Support tokio Ecology.
  • Disable unwrap related methods that will panic.
  • Thread and running task quit when delayTimer drop.
  • neaten todo in code, replenish tests and benchmark.
  • batch-opration.
  • report-for-server.
  • Future upgrade of delay_timer to multi-wheel mode, different excutor handling different wheels e.g. subtract laps for one wheel, run task for one wheel.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

The author comments:

Make an upgrade plan for smooth updates in the future, Such as stop serve back-up unfinished task then up new version serve load task.bak, Runing.

  • Run task delay for an hour in UTC mode

    Run task delay for an hour in UTC mode

    Describe the bug Run task delay for an hour in UTC mode

    To Reproduce There are three task in a DelayTimerBuilder, two tasks run in time, but the first one task run delay for an hour.


            let delay_timer = DelayTimerBuilder::default()
            //Task1: renew symbols
            let body_renew_sym = create_async_fn_tokio_body!({
                if let Err(err) = base::init_symbol_list().await {
                    error!("Initial symbols list error: {}", err);
            let task_builder_renew_sym = TaskBuilder::default()
                .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str(&dotenv::var("50 00 22 * * * *").unwrap())
            //Task2: calculate D1 data and save to D1.csv file
            let body_d1 = create_async_fn_tokio_body!({
            let task_builder_d1 = TaskBuilder::default()
                .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str(&dotenv::var("0 10 22 * * Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday *").unwrap())
            //Task4: calculate historical ohlc
            let body_ohlc = create_async_fn_tokio_body!((db_pool){
                if let Err(err) = csv::cron_sync_ohlc_to_db(&db_pool_ref).await {
                    error!("Cron sync ohlc to database error: {}", err);
            let task_builder_ohlc = TaskBuilder::default()
                .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str(&dotenv::var("0 20 22 * * Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday *").unwrap())

    Info logs:

    2022-02-08T01:00:51.690533645+02:00 INFO sync::base::base - Get active symbol from http api, len= 870
    2022-02-08T00:20:00.484920457+02:00 INFO sync::csv::csv_file - Begin to sync cron calculate ohlc data and send to database...
    2022-02-08T00:10:00.484385080+02:00 INFO sync::csv::csv_file - Calculate D1 file from tick data file
    opened by rts-gordon 6
  • task parameter error

    task parameter error

    Describe the bug add parameters to task function will get error of lifetime.

    run example s demo.r,

    error[E0621]: explicit lifetime required in the type of `url`
      --> examples/demo.rs:81:10
    81 |         .spawn(body)
       |          ^^^^^ lifetime `'static` required
    error[E0621]: explicit lifetime required in the type of `url`
      --> examples/demo.rs:68:16
    68 |       let body = create_async_fn_body!({
       |  ________________^
    69 | |         if let Ok(mut res) = surf::get(url).await {
    70 | |             dbg!(res.body_string().await.unwrap_or_default());
    71 | |
    ...  |
    74 | |         }
    75 | |     });
       | |______^ lifetime `'static` required
       = note: this error originates in the macro `create_async_fn_body` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    documentation invalid 
    opened by bingryan 6
  • Set a daily 00:00:00 trigger task, from April 2 every day trigger time into 01::00:00

    Set a daily 00:00:00 trigger task, from April 2 every day trigger time into 01::00:00

    Describe the bug 设置了一个每天00:00:00触发的任务,从4月2号开始每天触发时间变成01::00:00了,不知道是否和时令有关.

    To Reproduce 程序从3月份开始运行,4月2号前都是正常触发的. 计时器设置: let task = TaskBuilder::default() .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str("0 0 0 * * * *") .set_task_id(1) .spawn_async_routine(body) .unwrap();

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    • delay-timer :0.11.1
    • timezone: Asia/Shanghai
    • rustflags: ["--cfg", "unsound_local_offset"]
    opened by yuyidegit 5
  • 无法编译通过


    error[E0554]: #![feature] may not be used on the stable release channel --> /Users/lr/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.2.1/src/lib.rs:205:1 | 205 | #![feature(linked_list_cursors)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    error[E0554]: #![feature] may not be used on the stable release channel --> /Users/lr/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.2.1/src/lib.rs:206:1 | 206 | #![feature(doc_cfg)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'split_inclusive' --> /Users/lr/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.2.1/src/utils/parse.rs:149:52 | 149 | let mut sub_command_inner = command.trim().split_inclusive(angle_bracket).rev(); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: see issue #72360 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/72360 for more information

    error: aborting due to 3 previous errors

    Some errors have detailed explanations: E0554, E0658. For more information about an error, try rustc --explain E0554. error: could not compile delay_timer.

    opened by Ruilkyu 3
  • "set_frequency_once" always execute immediately.

    Describe the bug set_frequency_once_by_seconds(5) The function is executed immediately instead of being delayed for some time

    To Reproduce

    use std::time::Duration;
    use delay_timer::prelude::{DelayTimerBuilder, ScheduleIteratorTimeZone, TaskBuilder};
    async fn main() {
        let body = || async {
            println!("running: {}", chrono::Local::now());
        println!("start: {}", chrono::Local::now());
        let new_task = TaskBuilder::default()
        let delay_timer = DelayTimerBuilder::default().build();
        println!("end: {}", chrono::Local::now());
    delay_timer = { version = "0.11.0", features = ["status-report"] }
    chrono = "0.4.19"
    tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }


    start: 2022-04-22 10:56:01.732017356 +08:00
    running: 2022-04-22 10:56:02.793417770 +08:00
    end: 2022-04-22 10:56:16.796830865 +08:00

    Expected behavior Expect a five-second delay.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Linux version 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36) (GCC) )
    • Rust: rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23)
    opened by gamife 2
  • Scheduler running is not correct run in UTC/Local mode

    Scheduler running is not correct run in UTC/Local mode

    Hi @BinChengZhao There are some errors in UTC mode, would you like to have a look at this, thank you.

    Describe the bug Scheduler running is not correct in UTC mode

    To Reproduce define a task scheduler like this, run in UTC mode:

            let task_builder = TaskBuilder::default()
                .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str(&dotenv::var("0 15 06 * * * *“)

    The task will be run one hour in advance(UTC: 05:15), also run in Local mode.

    Environment: Ubuntu Linux 20, delay_timer: main branch and feature/for_le_rust_156 branch.

    opened by rts-gordon 2
  • How to complete this demo with  delay-timer?

    How to complete this demo with delay-timer?

    Code is as follow, questions are in the code.


    delay_timer = "0.10.1"


    use delay_timer::prelude::*;
    use anyhow::Result;
    use smol::Timer;
    use std::time::Duration;
    fn main() {
         //1、a timer start from 1 to 50000 millisecond.
                //let mut current_time= 1;
         //2、if the current_time equals some numbers, do somethings.
                if current_time =2000 {
                    //do something 1
                if current_time =39999 {
                    //do something 2
    opened by zwl1619 2
  • build error

    build error

    error when build version 0.10.0

    cargo clean
    cargo update
    cargo build

    error message

    error[E0308]: mismatched types
       --> src/utils/parse.rs:308:9
    308 |         Ok(process_linked_list)
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected enum `error::CommandChildError`, found struct `anyhow::Error`
        = note: expected enum `std::result::Result<_, error::CommandChildError>`
                   found enum `std::result::Result<_, anyhow::Error>`
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
    error: could not compile `delay_timer` due to previous error
    opened by elderbig 2
  • Can not transmit args to shell

    Can not transmit args to shell

    Can not transmit args to shell I run a shell script for test,follow samples,like this:

    let body = unblock_process_task_fn("sh test_vars.sh>>try_spawn.txt".into());

    it can run well.

    I want put some arg into shell, then I rewrite like bellow:

    let body = unblock_process_task_fn("sh test_vars.sh>>try_spawn.txt  xxx".into());

    this is test_vars.sh

    echo $t -- "I run [ $1 ]"

    The shell can run correct manualy,but nothing appeared,no message write into try_spawn.txt. I try another way use environment variable,like:

    let body = unblock_process_task_fn("TASK_ID=1 sh test_vars.sh>>try_spawn.txt".into());

    and script modify like this:

    echo $t -- "I run [ $TASK_ID ]"
    opened by elderbig 2
  • examples/demo_async_std.rs  run error when duration 30s

    examples/demo_async_std.rs run error when duration 30s

    examples/demo_async_std.rs run error

    To Reproduce add a time to continue,like bellow


    edit function build_task_async_execute_process() ,when shedule like "*/1 * * * * * *",it is run well.

    fn build_task_async_execute_process() -> Result<Task, TaskError> {
        let mut task_builder = TaskBuilder::default();
        let body = unblock_process_task_fn("ls -l >> ./try_spawn.txt".into());
            .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str("*/1 * * * * * *")

    when use schedule like "*/3 * * * * * *",that run task every 3 second, I got a error

    fn build_task_async_execute_process() -> Result<Task, TaskError> {
        let mut task_builder = TaskBuilder::default();
        let body = unblock_process_task_fn("ls -l >> ./try_spawn.txt".into());
            .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str("*/3 * * * * * *")

    error like this:

    Error: TaskInstance event get failed.
    Caused by:
        receiving from an empty channel

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: linux

    other Can you help me get more ditails for error?

    opened by elderbig 2
  • delay_timer rebuilds every time.

    delay_timer rebuilds every time.

    Describe the bug When cargo build is run on a project that depends on delay-timer, it will always rebuild, even if no changes have been made.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create a new project with cargo new --bin test_proj
    2. Add delay_timer = "0.9.0" to the dependencies section of Cargo.toml
    3. Run cargo build multiple times in succession

    Every time cargo build is run, both delay_timer and the test_proj itself are recompiled.

    Expected behavior cargo build should not recompile anything if there have been no changes since the last compile.

    Screenshots N/A

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: ubuntu 20
    • delay_timer version: 0.9.0
    opened by chaaz 2
  • set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str cannot work

    set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str cannot work

    set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str cannot work, v0.11.3


    only execute once, but set_frequency_repeated_by_seconds(1) works correctly

    opened by yulidai 1
  • Feature request: `DelayTimer` check if ID is in use

    Feature request: `DelayTimer` check if ID is in use

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'd like to be able to check if a task with a specific ID is already being handled by DelayTimer, so I can avoid overwriting accidentally by inserting a new task with the same ID

    Describe the solution you'd like

    impl DelayTimer {
        pub fn has_task(&self, id: u64) -> bool {

    Describe alternatives you've considered A workaround I considered was trying to remove a task then re-adding it if it existed, however DelayTimer::remove_task doesn't return the task being removed

    Additional context For use in my upcoming project

    opened by alpha-tango-kilo 4
  • How to set a microsecond interval for task

    How to set a microsecond interval for task

    Hi delay-timer guys, how to set a microsecond intervals for a task. From source-code, I can only find seconds-related function, and I can't use a cron string to generate a microsecond task, right?

    opened by KaitaoQiu 3
  • an error occurls when use delay-timer 0.10.0

    an error occurls when use delay-timer 0.10.0

    report an error when use delay-timer 0.10.0 I try run 1000 jobs in my program,ceveral minitue later,when process running, some error appeard

    2021-11-22T08:56:18.222587252+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>29 - dt_test - ==== All job is be init! ====
    2021-11-22T08:56:30.354993232+08:00 - ERROR - /home/test/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.10.0/src/timer/event_handle.rs -line=>199 - delay_timer::timer::event_handle - Fn : `quit_one_task_handler`, No task-handle-index found (task-id: 453 , record-id: 6868351392860475493)
    2021-11-22T08:56:30.375546872+08:00 - ERROR - /home/test/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.10.0/src/timer/event_handle.rs -line=>199 - delay_timer::timer::event_handle - Fn : `quit_one_task_handler`, No task-handle-index found (task-id: 78 , record-id: 6868351392860475444)
    2021-11-22T08:56:30.380463067+08:00 - ERROR - /home/test/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.10.0/src/timer/event_handle.rs -line=>199 - delay_timer::timer::event_handle - Fn : `quit_one_task_handler`, No task-handle-index found (task-id: 561 , record-id: 6868351392860475452)
    2021-11-22T08:56:30.386620506+08:00 - ERROR - /home/test/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.10.0/src/timer/event_handle.rs -line=>199 - delay_timer::timer::event_handle - Fn : `quit_one_task_handler`, No task-handle-index found (task-id: 502 , record-id: 6868351392860475446)
    2021-11-22T08:56:30.394059243+08:00 - ERROR - /home/test/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.10.0/src/timer/event_handle.rs -line=>199 - delay_timer::timer::event_handle - Fn : `quit_one_task_handler`, No task-handle-index found (task-id: 37 , record-id: 6868351392860475469)
    2021-11-22T08:56:30.417319172+08:00 - ERROR - /home/test/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn-61ef6e0cd06fb9b8/delay_timer-0.10.0/src/timer/event_handle.rs -line=>199 - delay_timer::timer::event_handle - Fn : `quit_one_task_handler`, No task-handle-index found (task-id: 164 , record-id: 6868351392860475457)

    After this error,the program is still running,I can not know if there is some effection. my program

    async fn main() -> Result<()>{
        log4rs::init_file("conf/log4rs.yaml", Default::default()).unwrap();
        let delay_timer = DelayTimerBuilder::default().build();
        for i in 0..1000{
            let r = build_task_async_execute_process(i);
            match r {
                Ok(task) => {
                    let r = delay_timer.add_task(task);
                    match r {
                        Ok(_) => info!("init task id = [{}]", i),
                        Err(e) => info!("{}", e)
                Err(e)=> info!("{}", e)
        info!("==== All job is be init! ====");
    fn build_task_async_execute_process(task_id:u64) -> Result<Task, TaskError> {
        let mut task_builder = TaskBuilder::default();
        let cmd_string = String::from("sh tester/test_script.sh");
        info!("cmd_string = [{}]", &cmd_string);
        let body = dt_functions::unblock_process_task_fn(cmd_string);
            .set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str("* * * * * *".into())

    also can see at my test project https://github.com/elderbig/delay_timer-test

    relevant issue #28

    opened by elderbig 3
  • Many jobs sometimes

    Many jobs sometimes

    Describe the bug

    async fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let conf = reader::read_config::read("conf/config.toml");
        log4rs::init_file("conf/log4rs.yaml", Default::default()).unwrap();
        let delay_timer = DelayTimerBuilder::default().build();
        let mut i:u64 = 0;
        for s in conf.service.unwrap() {
            i = i + 1;
            //If a task_id is used,new task will be ignore by insert_task fn.
            let begin_time = Local::now().naive_local();
            let shell_task_instance_chain = delay_timer.
            let _ = shell_task_instance_chain
            let end_time = Local::now().naive_local();
            info!("use [{0}] by task [{1}] init", (end_time - begin_time).num_seconds(), i);
        info!("All job inited");
        for _ in 0..180 {
        // No new tasks are accepted; running tasks are not affected.

    I config 100 jobs in a configuration file conf/config.toml,and init them in a loop,sometimes,it is remaining some jobs can not be init.output like:

    2021-11-17T19:06:56.221273177+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [1] init
    2021-11-17T19:06:58.221268818+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [2] init
    2021-11-17T19:06:56.221273177+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [3] init
    2021-11-17T19:06:58.221268818+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [4] init
    2021-11-17T19:07:00.221238386+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [59] init
    2021-11-17T19:07:02.221417702+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [2] by task [60] init
    2021-11-17T19:07:04.221640690+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [2] by task [61] init
    2021-11-17T19:07:06.221278580+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [62] init
    2021-11-17T19:07:08.221419039+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [2] by task [63] init
    2021-11-17T19:07:10.221318266+08:00 - INFO - src/main.rs -line=>39 - testcron - use [1] by task [64] init

    then,it do nothing for a long time,some remainding jobs not appeared any more.I try tokio, there is the same problem.

    opened by elderbig 18
  • Add more details when error

    Add more details when error

    No more detail informations when error LIke issue #25 I ment, I can not recive more information for debug. Trace information should be print when error appeared

    opened by elderbig 1
  • V0.11.2(May 9, 2022)

  • V0.11.1(Mar 6, 2022)

  • V0.11.0(Feb 11, 2022)

    Version 0.11.0


    • Optimized the entire delay-timer usage by removing macros for creating asynchronous tasks and now allowing users to use a closure that returns a Future.

    • The default internal runtime currently used by 'Tokio', 'smol' can also be manually enabled by the user.

    • Updated lots of utility cases, lots of documentation, and dependency updates.

    • Fixed a bug where tasks were executed ahead of time.(#33)


    Major refactoring of 'task execution'.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • V0.10.0(Nov 19, 2021)

    Version 0.10.0


    Optimized the use of internal time-wheel memory. (#28), thanks elderbig !


    There is a time-wheel in delay-timer, which is the carrier of all tasks.

    The time wheel uses slots (time scales) as units, each slot corresponds to a hash table, when a slot is rotated to it will execute the task that is already ready internally, when the task is executed it will move from one slot to another. In order to have enough capacity to store the tasks, there may be a memory allocation here, so that by the time the whole time wheel is traversed, each internal time wheel-slot will have rich memory capacity, and when there are many tasks the memory occupied by the whole time wheel will be very large. So it will be necessary to shrink the memory in time.

    This change is to shrink the memory in time after each round of training slots and executing tasks to ensure that the slots have a basic and compact capacity.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • V0.9.1(Oct 6, 2021)

  • V0.9.0(Oct 5, 2021)

    Version 0.9.0

    v0.9.0 New features:

    1. Add more user-friendly api for better experience!
      1.1. Gradually deprecating TaskBuilder api `set_frequency` & `set_frequency_by_candy`.
      1.2. Add more user-friendly api such as `set_frequency_once_by_timestamp_seconds` | `set_frequency_count_down_by_days` | `set_frequency_repeated_by_cron_str` these having better experience.

    Update dependency :

    Update cron_clock .

    Update examples:

    Change, async-std & tokio & demo & generic & increase use cases.

    Enriched Unit tests & documentation.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • V0.8.2(Sep 12, 2021)

    v0.8.2 New features:

    1. Optimization logic: After task removal, the surviving task instance resources can be cancelled normally.
    2. FIXED:
         When the `TimeoutTask` event fails to remove the handle, Ok(()) is returned by default.
         This causes the `TimeoutTask` event to be sent to the outside world by `status_report_sender`,Which is a buggy behavior.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • V0.8.0(Aug 25, 2021)

    v0.8.0 New features:

    1. Optimized the api for custom tokio runtime, better api definition, better experience.
      Api changes.
        1.  Added: `tokio_runtime_by_default` & `tokio_runtime_by_custom` & `tokio_runtime_shared_by_custom` .
        2. Private: `tokio_runtime`.
    2. Optimized the method of canceling task instances, no error log is recorded when canceling a task failure after timeout.
    3. Fix the compile error about `quit_one_task_handler` under nightly version.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • V0.7.1(Jul 16, 2021)

    Version 0.7.1

    v0.7.1 New features:

    1. Fix the bugs before V0.6.1, When receive a timeout event from the `sweeper`, it is possible that the task has been completed.
    So can't just call cancel.
      Two options fix it.
        1. `sweeper` Remove the recycling unit when the task is finished or cancelled.(Because rust's `BinaryHeap` does not support removing specific elements, this scheme is not used.)
        2. The public event is sent only after the internal event has been processed and succeeded. (Adopted.)
    2. Adjust api names (runnable -> runnable, maximun -> maximum).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • V0.6.1(Jun 12, 2021)

  • V0.6.0(Jun 9, 2021)

    v0.6.0 New features:

    1. Grouping errors associated with Task and TaskInstance and implementing the standard Error-Trait.
    2. Add `advance_task`-api to support users to manually trigger the execution of tasks..
    3. Add `get_*` api to `PublicFinishTaskBody` to support getting task_id or record_id or finish_time.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(May 18, 2021)

    v0.5.0 New features:

    1. Remove all unwrap() calls.

    2. Redefined the errors exposed to the outside (encapsulated by thiserror) as libs to never expose anyhow::Error to the outside.

    2.1. Set separate TaskError. for Task-related operations. 2.2. Set separate HandleInstanceError. for Task-Instance-related operations.

    1. Optimized shell command parsing function, set exclusive pipeline for derived subprocesses -stderr.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Apr 26, 2021)

    Release v0.4.0 .

    v0.4.0 New features:

    1. Support dynamic modification of running tasks.
    2. Support get handle `TaskInstancesChain` after insert task, and get running task instance `TaskInstance` dynamically.
      2.1. The task instance of a running task can be dynamically cancelled.
      2.2. There are three types of cancellation: synchronous blocking cancellation, time-out-limited cancellation, and asynchronous cancellation.
      2.3. Support reading the running status of running tasks.
    3. Support to get the output of internal asynchronous subtask process.

    Update dependency :

    Replace waitmap -> dashmap .
    Update cron_clock .

    Update examples:

    Add, async-std & tokio use cases.
    Add, dynamically cancel running task example case.

    Enriched documentation.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.1(Feb 27, 2021)

  • v0.3.0(Feb 5, 2021)

    1.Compilable at stable by conditional compilation.

    2.Balancing performance and user experience (ajust CandyCronStr inner-type and add free-api for TaskBuilder).

    3.Support custom setting of time zone.

    4.Fix the clock too fast issue.

    5.Use next_second_hand to solve a schedule problem.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jan 23, 2021)

    1.Enriched a large number of documents, more easy to use. 2.tokio-Runtime is supported. 3.Custom syntactic sugar for Cron expressions is supported, and the API is more friendly. 4.Optimize the internal logic, more secure execution. 5.task supports new features, you can set the maximum number of parallelism, and the task can automatically recycle the handle after completion. 6.Support status reporting, you can get the internal time by DelayTImer, and you can use the Cancel running task API now. 7.Generate more powerful macros for asynchronous task Body, more details you can find in the documentation and examples.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Nov 11, 2020)

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