4 Repositories
Rust spicy-lobster Libraries
A spicy little heatmap tile server.
hotpot Render customizable activity heatmap images from GPS tracks extracted from GPX, TCX, and FIT files. There's also a built-in web server to serve
Work-in-Progress, opinionated game framework built on Bevy.
Bones A work-in-progress, opinionated game meta-engine built on Bevy. Under development for future use in the Jumpy game, and possibly other FishFolk
A hoptastic game. Joint project with Spicy Lobster.
Hoppy A Gamercade game. A WIP Game based on Jump 'n Bump and Super Mario War. The game rom .gcrom can be played using the Gamercade console The editor
Sled - the champagne of beta embedded databases
key value buy a coffee for us to convert into databases documentation chat about databases with us sled - it's all downhill from here!!! An embedded d