6152 Repositories
Rust rust-libraries Libraries
A Gameboy Emulator in Rust
RBoy A Gameboy Color Emulator written in Rust Implemented CPU All instructions correct All timings correct Double speed mode GPU Normal mode Color mod
A Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust
Mooneye GB Mooneye GB is a Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust. The main goals of this project are accuracy and documentation. Some
A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
website | demo | nightly builds | wiki Ruffle Ruffle is an Adobe Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language. Ruffle targets both t
Commodore 64 emulator written in Rust
Rust64 - a C64 emulator written in Rust This is my attempt to study the Rust programming language and have fun at the same time. The goal is to presen
Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
Website | Documentation | Community Chat TiKV is an open-source, distributed, and transactional key-value database. Unlike other traditional NoSQL sys
Skybase is an extremely fast, secure and reliable real-time NoSQL database with automated snapshots and SSL
Skybase The next-generation NoSQL database What is Skybase? Skybase (or SkybaseDB/SDB) is an effort to provide the best of key/value stores, document
Redis re-implemented in Rust.
rsedis Redis re-implemented in Rust. Why? To learn Rust. Use Cases rsedis does not rely on UNIX-specific features. Windows users can run it as a repla
Immutable Ordered Key-Value Database Engine
PumpkinDB Build status (Linux) Build status (Windows) Project status Usable, between alpha and beta Production-readiness Depends on your risk toleranc
High performance and distributed KV store w/ REST API. 🦀
About Lucid KV High performance and distributed KV store w/ REST API. 🦀 Introduction Lucid is an high performance, secure and distributed key-value s
Materialize simplifies application development with streaming data. Incrementally-updated materialized views - in PostgreSQL and in real time. Materialize is powered by Timely Dataflow.
Materialize is a streaming database for real-time applications. Get started Check out our getting started guide. About Materialize lets you ask questi
A Rust library for generating cryptocurrency wallets
Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Build Guide 2.1 Install Rust 2.2a Build from Homebrew 2.2b Build from Crates.io 2.2c Build from Source Code 3. Usage
Tendermint in Rust!
tendermint.rs Tendermint in Rust with TLA+ specifications. Tendermint is a high-performance blockchain consensus engine for Byzantine fault tolerant a
rust client libraries to deal with the current cardano mainnet (byron / cardano-sl)
Rust implementation of Cardano primitives, helpers, and related applications Cardano Rust is a modular toolbox of Cardano’s cryptographic primitives,
Polkadot Node Implementation
Polkadot Implementation of a https://polkadot.network node in Rust based on the Substrate framework. NOTE: In 2018, we split our implementation of "Po
Rust implementation of Zcash protocol
The Parity Zcash client. Gitter Blog: Parity teams up with Zcash Foundation for Parity Zcash client Installing from source Installing the snap Running
The Parity Bitcoin client
The Parity Bitcoin client. Gitter Installing from source Installing the snap Running tests Going online Importing bitcoind database Command line inter
Official Rust implementation of the Nimiq protocol
Nimiq Core implementation in Rust (core-rs) Rust implementation of the Nimiq Blockchain Core Nimiq is a frictionless payment protocol for the web. Thi
The Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain, and the layer 1 of Nervos network.
Nervos CKB - The Common Knowledge Base master develop About CKB CKB is the layer 1 of Nervos Network, a public/permissionless blockchain. CKB uses Pro
Reference client for NEAR Protocol
Reference implementation of NEAR Protocol About NEAR NEAR's purpose is to enable community-driven innovation to benefit people around the world. To ac
Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client
Lighthouse: Ethereum 2.0 An open-source Ethereum 2.0 client, written in Rust and maintained by Sigma Prime. Documentation Overview Lighthouse is: Read
Joystream Monorepo
Joystream This is the main code repository for all Joystream software. In this mono-repo you will find all the software required to run a Joystream ne
A Rust implementation of BIP-0039
bip39-rs A Rust implementation of BIP0039 Changes See the changelog file, or the Github releases for specific tags. Documentation Add bip39 to your Ca
IBC modules and relayer - Formal specifications and Rust implementation
ibc-rs Rust implementation of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. This project comprises primarily four crates: The ibc crate defines t
The new, performant, and simplified version of Holochain on Rust (sometimes called Holochain RSM for Refactored State Model)
Holochain License: This repository contains the core Holochain libraries and binaries. This is the most recent and well maintained version of Holochai
HD wallet BIP-32 related key derivation utilities.
HDWallet Docs HD wallet(BIP-32) key derivation utilities. This crate is build upon secp256k1 crate, this crate only provides BIP-32 related features,
Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
Grin Grin is an in-progress implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol. Many characteristics are still undefined but the following constitutes a firs
Custom Ethereum vanity address generator made in Rust
ethaddrgen Custom Ethereum address generator Get a shiny ethereum address and stand out from the crowd! Disclaimer: Do not use the private key shown i
Coinbase pro client for Rust
Coinbase pro client for Rust Supports SYNC/ASYNC/Websocket-feed data support Features private and public API sync and async support websocket-feed sup
A high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users.
English | 简体中文 What is CITA CITA is a fast and scalable blockchain kernel for enterprises. CITA supports both native contract and EVM contract, by whi
A Rust library for working with Bitcoin SV
Rust-SV A library to build Bitcoin SV applications in Rust. Documentation Features P2P protocol messages (construction and serialization) Address enco
Spotify for the terminal written in Rust 🚀
Spotify TUI A Spotify client for the terminal written in Rust. The terminal in the demo above is using the Rigel theme. Spotify TUI Installation Homeb
A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
Wez's Terminal A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust User facing docs and guide a
Full fake REST API generator written with Rust
Weld Full fake REST API generator. This project is heavily inspired by json-server, written with rust. Synopsis Our first aim is to generate a fake ap
A terminal IRC client
tiny - Yet another terminal IRC client tiny is an IRC client written in Rust. Features Clean UI: consecutive join/part/quit messages are shown in a si
The Servo Browser Engine
The Servo Parallel Browser Engine Project Servo is a prototype web browser engine written in the Rust language. It is currently developed on 64-bit ma
👾 Modern and minimalist pixel editor
██ ████ ██ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ `rx` is a modern and minimalist pixel editor. Designed with g
Provides a single TUI-based registry for drm-free, wine and steam games on linux, accessed through a rofi launch menu.
eidolon A conversion of steam_suite to rust with additional features. Provides a single TUI-based registry for drm-free, wine and steam games on linux
A purpose-built proxy for the Linkerd service mesh. Written in Rust.
This repo contains the transparent proxy component of Linkerd2. While the Linkerd2 proxy is heavily influenced by the Linkerd 1.X proxy, it comprises
kytan: High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN in Rust
kytan: High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN kytan is a high performance peer to peer VPN written in Rust. The goal is to to minimize the hassle of config
A fast data collector in Rust
Flowgger is a fast, simple and lightweight data collector written in Rust. It reads log entries over a given protocol, extracts them, decodes them usi
An API for managing your servers
Intecture APIs Intecture is an API for managing your servers. Visit intecture.io. API docs can be found here: intecture.io/api/intecture_api/. Intectu
An experimental HTTP load testing application written in Rust.
Herd Herd was a small side project in building a HTTP load testing application in Rust with a main focus on being easy to use and low on OS level depe
Reusable Reproducible Composable Software
Reusable Reproducible Composable Software Welcome What is this? Fractalide is a free and open source service programming platform using dataflow graph
Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
Drill Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust. The main goal for this project is to build a really lightweight tool as alternative to
A system to programmatically run data pipelines
Factotum A dag running tool designed for efficiently running complex jobs with non-trivial dependency trees. The zen of Factotum A Turing-complete job
A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
Deno Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust. Features Secure by default. No file,
Userspace WireGuard® Implementation in Rust
BoringTun BoringTun is an implementation of the WireGuard® protocol designed for portability and speed. BoringTun is successfully deployed on millions
Distributed compute platform implemented in Rust, and powered by Apache Arrow.
Ballista: Distributed Compute Platform Overview Ballista is a distributed compute platform primarily implemented in Rust, powered by Apache Arrow. It
interative assembly shell written in rust
Overview this project is inspired by https://github.com/poppycompass/asmshell Preview Build from source git clone https://github.com/keystone-engine/k
A genetic algorithm for bechmark problems, written to learn Rust.
Genetic Algorithm A genetic algorithm in Rust for the following benchmark problems: Ackley Griewangk Rastrigin Rosenbrock Schwefel Sphere Usage: Insta
Walk an Amazon s3 path hierarchy
s3find A command line utility to walk an Amazon S3 hierarchy. An analog of find for Amazon S3. Distribution Release page distributions Github Release
A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
Alacritty - A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator About Alacritty is a modern terminal emulator that comes with sensible defaults, but allo